all:: defguide.rng defguide.rnc defguide.dtd
-clean:: ; rm -f $(_MODULE)/defguide.rnc
-$(_MODULE)/defguide.rnc: src/docbook.rnc
- cat $< | sed "s/include \"/include \"..\/src\//" > $@
- echo 'include "../dbforms/htmlform.rnc"' >> $@
+clean:: ; rm -f defguide.rng defguide.rnc defguide.dtd
$(_OUTTOP)/defguide/defguide.rng: src/annotations.rnc src/bibliography.rnc \
src/callouts.rnc src/calstbl.rnc dbforms/htmlform.rnc \
--- /dev/null
+# This file is part of DocBook NG: The "Mezcal" Release.
+# This schema is a "work-in-progress". It validates a DocBook-like grammar that
+# may, in some incarnation, form the basis for DocBook Or it may not.
+# At the moment, it's just an exploration by Norm. It has utterly no normative
+# value at all.
+# Author: Norman Walsh, <>
+# Source: Derived from DocBook XML V4.3
+# Release: $Id$
+# ======================================================================
+namespace ctrl = ""
+namespace rng = ""
+namespace s = ""
+namespace db = ""
+default namespace = ""
+include "../src/docbook.rnc"
+include "../dbforms/htmlform.rnc"