--- /dev/null
+Bug #26133 (ocifreedesc() segfault)
+ require 'skipif.inc';
+ require 'connect.inc';
+ require 'create_table.inc';
+ if ($connection) {
+ $ora_sql = "INSERT INTO
+ ".$schema."php_test_table (id, value)
+ VALUES ('1','1')
+ INTO :v_rowid ";
+ $statement = OCIParse($connection,$ora_sql);
+ $rowid = OCINewDescriptor($connection,OCI_D_ROWID);
+ OCIBindByName($statement,":v_rowid", $rowid,-1,OCI_B_ROWID);
+ if (OCIExecute($statement)) {
+ OCICommit($connection);
+ }
+ OCIFreeStatement($statement);
+ $rowid->free();
+ }
+ require 'drop_table.inc';
+ echo "Done\n";
--- /dev/null
+ * Please, change user, password and dbase to match your configuration.
+ *
+ * */
+$user = "user";
+$password = "pass";
+$dbase = "base";
+ * You should have privileges to create tables in this schema
+ *
+ * */
+$schema = "system";
+ * Remove the last line in skipif.inc to run tests
+ *
+ * */
+ if (!empty($dbase)) {
+ $connection = ocilogon($user,$password,$dbase);
+ }
+ else {
+ $connection = ocilogon($user,$password);
+ }
+ if (!empty($schema)) {
+ $schema = $schema.".";
+ }
+ else {
+ $schema = '';
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ if ($connection) {
+ $ora_sql = "CREATE TABLE
+ ".$schema."php_test_table (id NUMBER, value NUMBER)
+ ";
+ $statement = OCIParse($connection,$ora_sql);
+ OCIExecute($statement);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ if ($connection) {
+ $ora_sql = "DROP TABLE
+ ".$schema."php_test_table
+ ";
+ $statement = OCIParse($connection,$ora_sql);
+ OCIExecute($statement);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) die("skip oci8 extension is not available\n");
+ * Remove or comment this line to run tests
+ *
+ * */
+die("skip change default login/password\n");