BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(queriesCount, 4);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_dnssec_validation_from_negcache_secure_ds) {
+ /*
+ Validation is optional, and the first query does not ask for it,
+ so the answer is negatively cached as Indeterminate.
+ The second query asks for validation, answer should be marked as
+ Secure.
+ The difference with test_dnssec_validation_from_negcache_secure is
+ that have one more level here, so we are going to look for the proof
+ that the DS does not exist for the last level. Since there is no cut,
+ we should accept the fact that the NSEC denies DS and NS both.
+ */
+ std::unique_ptr<SyncRes> sr;
+ initSR(sr, true);
+ setDNSSECValidation(sr, DNSSECMode::Process);
+ primeHints();
+ const DNSName target("");
+ testkeysset_t keys;
+ auto luaconfsCopy = g_luaconfs.getCopy();
+ luaconfsCopy.dsAnchors.clear();
+ generateKeyMaterial(g_rootdnsname, DNSSECKeeper::ECDSA256, DNSSECKeeper::SHA256, keys, luaconfsCopy.dsAnchors);
+ generateKeyMaterial(DNSName("com."), DNSSECKeeper::ECDSA256, DNSSECKeeper::SHA256, keys);
+ g_luaconfs.setState(luaconfsCopy);
+ size_t queriesCount = 0;
+ sr->setAsyncCallback([target,&queriesCount,keys](const ComboAddress& ip, const DNSName& domain, int type, bool doTCP, bool sendRDQuery, int EDNS0Level, struct timeval* now, boost::optional<Netmask>& srcmask, boost::optional<const ResolveContext&> context, std::shared_ptr<RemoteLogger> outgoingLogger, LWResult* res) {
+ queriesCount++;
+ if (type == QType::DS || type == QType::DNSKEY) {
+ if (domain == target) {
+ /* there is no cut */
+ return genericDSAndDNSKEYHandler(res, domain, domain, type, keys, false);
+ }
+ return genericDSAndDNSKEYHandler(res, domain, domain, type, keys);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ });
+ vector<DNSRecord> ret;
+ /* first query does not require validation */
+ sr->setDNSSECValidationRequested(false);
+ int res = sr->beginResolve(target, QType(QType::DS), QClass::IN, ret);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res, RCode::NoError);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sr->getValidationState(), Indeterminate);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(ret.size(), 4);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(queriesCount, 1);
+ ret.clear();
+ /* second one _does_ require validation */
+ sr->setDNSSECValidationRequested(true);
+ res = sr->beginResolve(target, QType(QType::DS), QClass::IN, ret);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res, RCode::NoError);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sr->getValidationState(), Secure);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(ret.size(), 4);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(queriesCount, 4);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_dnssec_validation_from_negcache_insecure) {
Validation is optional, and the first query does not ask for it,