Like above, but append/add/subtract the value for each
|List| item.
+ *:let=<<* *:let-heredoc* *E990* *E991*
+:let {var-name} =<< [trim] {marker}
+ Set internal variable {var-name} to a List containing
+ the lines of text bounded by the string {marker}.
+ {marker} must not contain white space.
+ The last line should end only with the {marker} string
+ without any other character. Watch out for white
+ space after {marker}!
+ If {marker} is not supplied, then "." is used as the
+ default marker.
+ Any white space characters in the lines of text are
+ preserved. If "trim" is specified before {marker},
+ then all the leading indentation exactly matching the
+ leading indentation before `let` is stripped from the
+ input lines and the line containing {marker}. Note
+ that the difference between space and tab matters
+ here.
+ If {var-name} didn't exist yet, it is created.
+ Cannot be followed by another command, but can be
+ followed by a comment.
+ Examples: >
+ let var1 =<< END
+ Sample text 1
+ Sample text 2
+ Sample text 3
+ let data =<< trim DATA
+ 1 2 3 4
+ 5 6 7 8
:let {var-name} .. List the value of variable {var-name}. Multiple
variable names may be given. Special names recognized
+ * Get a list of lines from a HERE document. The here document is a list of
+ * lines surrounded by a marker.
+ * cmd << {marker}
+ * {line1}
+ * {line2}
+ * ....
+ * {marker}
+ *
+ * The {marker} is a string. If the optional 'trim' word is supplied before the
+ * marker, then the leading indentation before the lines (matching the
+ * indentation in the 'cmd' line) is stripped.
+ * Returns a List with {lines} or NULL.
+ */
+ static list_T *
+heredoc_get(exarg_T *eap, char_u *cmd)
+ char_u *theline;
+ char_u *marker;
+ list_T *l;
+ char_u *p;
+ int indent_len = 0;
+ if (eap->getline == NULL)
+ {
+ emsg(_("E991: cannot use =<< here"));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Check for the optional 'trim' word before the marker
+ cmd = skipwhite(cmd);
+ if (STRNCMP(cmd, "trim", 4) == 0 && (cmd[4] == NUL || VIM_ISWHITE(cmd[4])))
+ {
+ cmd = skipwhite(cmd + 4);
+ // Trim the indentation from all the lines in the here document
+ // The amount of indentation trimmed is the same as the indentation of
+ // the :let command line.
+ p = *eap->cmdlinep;
+ while (VIM_ISWHITE(*p))
+ {
+ p++;
+ indent_len++;
+ }
+ }
+ // The marker is the next word. Default marker is "."
+ if (*cmd != NUL && *cmd != '"')
+ {
+ marker = skipwhite(cmd);
+ p = skiptowhite(marker);
+ if (*skipwhite(p) != NUL && *skipwhite(p) != '"')
+ {
+ emsg(_(e_trailing));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ *p = NUL;
+ }
+ else
+ marker = (char_u *)".";
+ l = list_alloc();
+ if (l == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+ theline = eap->getline(NUL, eap->cookie, 0);
+ if (theline != NULL && indent_len > 0)
+ {
+ // trim the indent matching the first line
+ if (STRNCMP(theline, *eap->cmdlinep, indent_len) == 0)
+ i = indent_len;
+ }
+ if (theline == NULL)
+ {
+ semsg(_("E990: Missing end marker '%s'"), marker);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (STRCMP(marker, theline + i) == 0)
+ {
+ vim_free(theline);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (list_append_string(l, theline + i, -1) == FAIL)
+ break;
+ vim_free(theline);
+ }
+ return l;
* ":let" list all variable values
* ":let var1 var2" list variable values
eap->nextcmd = check_nextcmd(arg);
+ else if (expr[0] == '=' && expr[1] == '<' && expr[2] == '<')
+ {
+ list_T *l;
+ // HERE document
+ l = heredoc_get(eap, expr + 3);
+ if (l != NULL)
+ {
+ rettv_list_set(&rettv, l);
+ op[0] = '=';
+ op[1] = NUL;
+ (void)ex_let_vars(eap->arg, &rettv, FALSE, semicolon, var_count,
+ op);
+ clear_tv(&rettv);
+ }
+ }
op[0] = '=';
let $a = 'ĀĒĪŌŪあいうえお'
call assert_equal('ĀĒĪŌŪあいうえお', $a)
+" Test for the setting a variable using the heredoc syntax
+func Test_let_heredoc()
+ let var1 =<< END
+Some sample text
+ Text with indent
+ !@#$%^&*()-+_={}|[]\~`:";'<>?,./
+ call assert_equal(["Some sample text", "\tText with indent", " !@#$%^&*()-+_={}|[]\\~`:\";'<>?,./"], var1)
+ let var2 =<<
+ call assert_equal(['Editor'], var2)
+ let var3 =<<END
+ call assert_equal([], var3)
+ let var3 =<<END
+ call assert_equal(['vim', '', 'end', ' END', 'END '], var3)
+ let var1 =<< trim END
+ Line1
+ Line2
+ Line3
+ call assert_equal(['Line1', ' Line2', "\tLine3", ' END'], var1)
+ let var1 =<< trim
+ Line1
+ .
+ call assert_equal([' Line1'], var1)
+ call assert_fails('let v =<< marker', 'E991:')
+ call assert_fails('call WrongSyntax()', 'E488:')
+ call assert_fails('call MissingEnd()', 'E990:')
+func WrongSyntax()
+ let fail =<< that there
+func MissingEnd()
+ let fail =<< END