Where in the world is www.python.org located?
-It's currently in Amsterdam, graciously hosted by `XS4ALL
-<http://www.xs4all.nl>`_. Thanks to Thomas Wouters for his work in arranging
-python.org's hosting.
+The Python project's infrastructure is located all over the world.
+www.python.org is currently in Amsterdam, graciously hosted by `XS4ALL
+<http://www.xs4all.nl>`_. `Upfront Systems <http://www.upfrontsystems.co.za>`_
+hosts bugs.python.org. Most other Python services like `PyPI
+<https://pypi.python.org>`_ and hg.python.org are hosted by `Oregon State
+University Open Source Lab <https://osuosl.org>`_.
Why is it called Python?