:issue:`8685`). The :meth:`array.repeat` method has a faster implementation
(:issue:`1569291` by Alexander Belopolsky). The :class:`BaseHTTPRequestHandler`
has more efficient buffering (:issue:`3709` by Andrew Schaaf). The
-multi-argument form of :func:`operator.attrgetter` function now runs slightly
-faster (:issue:`10160` by Christos Georgiou). And :class:`ConfigParser` loads
-multi-line arguments a bit faster (:issue:`7113` by Łukasz Langa).
+:func:`operator.attrgetter` function has been sped-up (:issue:`10160` by
+Christos Georgiou). And :class:`ConfigParser` loads multi-line arguments a bit
+faster (:issue:`7113` by Łukasz Langa).