-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Changes with Apache 2.5.0
- *) event MPM: Fix possible crashes (third party modules accessing c->sbh)
- or occasional missed mod_status updates under load.
- PR 56639.[Edward Lu <Chaosed0 gmail.com>]
*) mod_deflate: Don't fail when flushing inflated data to the user-agent
and that coincides with the end of stream ("Zlib error flushing inflate
buffer"). PR 56196. [Christoph Fausak <christoph fausak glueckkanja.com>]
- *) mod_deflate: Fix inflation of files larger than 4GB. PR 56062.
- [Lukas Bezdicka <social v3.sk>]
- *) mod_deflate: Handle Zlib header and validation bytes received in multiple
- chunks. PR 46146. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy: Don't limit the size of the connectable Unix Domain Socket
paths. [Christophe Jaillet, Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_ssl: dump SSL IO/state for the write side of the connection(s),
like reads (level TRACE4). [Yann Ylavic]
- *) ab: support custom HTTP method with -m argument. PR 56604.
- [Roman Jurkov <winfinit gmail.com>]
*) mod_proxy: Shutdown (eg. close notify) the backend connection before
closing. [Yann Ylavic]
*) mod_proxy_wstunnel: Honor ProxyWebsocketIdleTimeout in asynchronous
processing mode. [Eric Covener]
- *) mod_proxy_fcgi: Fix occasional high CPU when handling request bodies.
- [Jeff Trawick]
*) mod_authnz_ldap: Fail explicitly when the filter is too long. Remove
unnecessary apr_pstrdup() and strlen(). [Graham Leggett]