- /* Autocommands may be executed when saving lines for undo, which may make
- * y_array invalid. Start undo now to avoid that. */
- u_save(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, curwin->w_cursor.lnum + 1);
+ /* Autocommands may be executed when saving lines for undo. This might
+ * make "y_array" invalid, so we start undo now to avoid that. */
+ if (u_save(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, curwin->w_cursor.lnum + 1) == FAIL)
+ goto end;
if (insert_string != NULL)
-" Patch 7.4.1696 defined the "clearmode()" command for clearing the mode
+" Patch 7.4.1696 defined the "clearmode()" function for clearing the mode
" indicator (e.g., "-- INSERT --") when ":stopinsert" is invoked. Message
" output could then be disturbed when 'cmdheight' was greater than one.
" This test ensures that the bugfix for this issue remains in place.
+" Tests for put commands, e.g. ":put", "p", "gp", "P", "gP", etc.
func Test_put_block()
if !has('multi_byte')
call assert_equal(['A1','A2','A3','4A','5A','6A'], getline(1,'$'))
+func Test_put_fails_when_nomodifiable()
+ new
+ set nomodifiable
+ normal! yy
+ call assert_fails(':put', 'E21')
+ call assert_fails(':put!', 'E21')
+ call assert_fails(':normal! p', 'E21')
+ call assert_fails(':normal! gp', 'E21')
+ call assert_fails(':normal! P', 'E21')
+ call assert_fails(':normal! gP', 'E21')
+ if has('mouse')
+ set mouse=n
+ call assert_fails('execute "normal! \<MiddleMouse>"', 'E21')
+ set mouse&
+ endif
+ bwipeout!
+" A bug was discovered where the Normal mode put commands (e.g., "p") would
+" output duplicate error messages when invoked in a non-modifiable buffer.
+func Test_put_p_errmsg_nodup()
+ new
+ set nomodifiable
+ normal! yy
+ func Capture_p_error()
+ redir => s:p_err
+ normal! p
+ redir END
+ endfunc
+ silent! call Capture_p_error()
+ " Error message output within a function should be three lines (the function
+ " name, the line number, and the error message).
+ call assert_equal(3, count(s:p_err, "\n"))
+ delfunction Capture_p_error
+ bwipeout!