// Map the settings in the dictionaries for the SubtitleList array to match title->list_subtitle
BOOL one_burned = NO;
- int i = 0;
for (NSDictionary *subtitleDict in self.subtitles.tracks)
+ int subtitle = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackIndex] intValue];
+ BOOL force = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackForced] boolValue];
+ BOOL burned = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackBurned] boolValue];
+ BOOL def = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackDefault] boolValue];
// Skip the "None" track.
- if (i == self.subtitles.tracks.count - 1)
+ if (subtitle == -2)
- int subtitle = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackIndex] intValue];
- int force = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackForced] intValue];
- int burned = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackBurned] intValue];
- int def = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackDefault] intValue];
- // if i is 0, then we are in the first item of the subtitles which we need to
- // check for the "Foreign Audio Search" which would be keySubTrackIndex of -1
- // if we are on the first track and using "Foreign Audio Search"
- if (i == 0 && subtitle == -1)
+ // we need to check for the "Foreign Audio Search" which would be keySubTrackIndex of -1
+ if (subtitle == -1)
job->indepth_scan = 1;
sub_config.offset = [subtitleDict[keySubTrackSrtOffset] intValue];
- // we need to srncpy file name and codeset
+ // we need to strncpy file name and codeset
strncpy(sub_config.src_filename, [subtitleDict[keySubTrackSrtFilePath] UTF8String], 255);
sub_config.src_filename[255] = 0;
strncpy(sub_config.src_codeset, [subtitleDict[keySubTrackSrtCharCode] UTF8String], 39);
// Only allow one subtitle to be burned into the video
if (one_burned)
- one_burned = TRUE;
+ one_burned = YES;
sub_config.dest = RENDERSUB;
// Only allow one subtitle to be burned into the video
if (one_burned)
- one_burned = TRUE;
+ one_burned = YES;
sub_config.dest = RENDERSUB;
hb_subtitle_add(job, &sub_config, subtitle);
- i++;
if (one_burned)
- (NSMutableDictionary *)createSubtitleTrack
NSMutableDictionary *newSubtitleTrack = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
- newSubtitleTrack[keySubTrackIndex] = @0;
+ newSubtitleTrack[keySubTrackIndex] = @(-2);
newSubtitleTrack[keySubTrackSelectionIndex] = @0;
newSubtitleTrack[keySubTrackName] = @"None";
newSubtitleTrack[keySubTrackForced] = @0;