listed in the BUGS section of the man page had been fixed!)
It would be nice to simplify file considerably. For example,
reimplement the apprentice and non-pattern magic methods in Python,
and compile the magic patterns to a giant regex (or something similar;
required for soft magic, not the more detailed information given by
hard-wired routines). In this regard, note that hplip, which is
BSD-licensed, has a magic reimplementation in Python.
Read the kerberos magic entry for more ideas.
Write a string merger to make magic entry sizes dynamic.
Strings will be converted to offsets from the string table.
+Programming language support, we can introduce the concept of a group
+of rules where n rules need to match before the rule is positive. This
+could require structural changes to the matching code :-(
+0 group 2 # require 2 matches
+# rule 1
+>0 ....
+# rule 2
+>0 ....