%% @type macro_value() = term().
start() ->
- mnesia_init(),
ConfigFile = get_ejabberd_config_path(),
+ ?INFO_MSG("Loading configuration from ~s", [ConfigFile]),
+ mnesia_init(),
State1 = load_file(ConfigFile),
UnixTime = p1_time_compat:system_time(seconds),
SharedKey = case erlang:get_cookie() of
State2 = set_option({node_start, global}, UnixTime, State1),
State3 = set_option({shared_key, global}, SharedKey, State2),
- set_opts(State3),
- ?INFO_MSG("Loaded configuration from ~s", [ConfigFile]).
+ set_opts(State3).
%% When starting ejabberd for testing, we sometimes want to start a
%% subset of hosts from the one define in the config file.