+?? ??? 2012, PHP 5.4.6
+- Core:
+ . Fixed bug #62565 (Crashes due non-initialized internal properties_table).
+ (Felipe)
+- CURL:
+ . Fixed bug #62499 (curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "") returns false).
+ (, Laruence)
+- DateTime:
+ . Fixed Bug #62500 (Segfault in DateInterval class when extended). (Laruence)
+- Fileinfo:
+ . Fixed bug #61964 (finfo_open with directory causes invalid free).
+ (
+- Intl:
+ . Fixed bug #62564 (Extending MessageFormatter and adding property causes
+ crash). (Felipe)
++- Reflection:
++ . Implemented FR ##61602 (Allow access to name of constant used as default
++ value). (
+- SimpleXML:
+ . Implemented FR #55218 Get namespaces from current node. (Lonny)
+- SPL:
+ . Fixed bug #61527 (ArrayIterator gives misleading notice on next() when
+ moved to the end). (
?? ??? 2012, PHP 5.4.5
- Core: