hb_job_t * job;
hb_audio_t * audio;
- int64_t pts_last;
static int Work( hb_work_object_t * w, hb_buffer_t ** buf_in,
- count = ( in->size - 6 ) / 2;
- out = hb_buffer_init( count * sizeof( float ) );
- duration = count * 90000 / samplerate / 2;
- if( w->pts_last > 0 &&
- in->start < w->pts_last + duration / 6 &&
- in->start > w->pts_last - duration / 6 )
- {
- /* Workaround for DVDs where dates aren't exact */
- out->start = w->pts_last;
- }
- else
- {
- out->start = in->start;
- }
+ count = ( in->size - 6 ) / 2;
+ out = hb_buffer_init( count * sizeof( float ) );
+ duration = count * 90000 / samplerate / 2;
+ out->start = in->start;
out->stop = out->start + duration;
- w->pts_last = out->stop;
samples_u8 = in->data + 6;
samples_fl32 = (float *) out->data;
w->job = job;
w->audio = audio;
- w->pts_last = -1;
return w;
start = pts_expected - w->pts_offset;
- if( ( buf->start + buf->stop ) / 2 < pts_expected )
+ /* Tolerance: 100 ms */
+ if( buf->start < pts_expected - 9000 )
/* Late audio, trash it */
+ hb_log( "sync: trashing late audio" );
buf = hb_fifo_get( audio->fifo_raw );
hb_buffer_close( &buf );
- if( buf->start > pts_expected + ( buf->stop - buf->start ) / 2 )
+ else if( buf->start > pts_expected + 9000 )
- /* Audio push, send a frame of silence */
+ /* Missing audio, send a frame of silence */
InsertSilence( w, i );
int count_in, count_out;
count_in = buf_raw->size / 2 / sizeof( float );
- count_out = ( buf->stop - pts_expected ) * job->arate / 90000;
+ count_out = ( buf_raw->stop - buf_raw->start ) * job->arate / 90000;
+ if( buf->start < pts_expected - 1500 )
+ count_out--;
+ else if( buf->start > pts_expected + 1500 )
+ count_out++;
sync->data.data_in = (float *) buf_raw->data;
sync->data.input_frames = count_in;
- if( buf->start < pts_expected - ( buf->stop - buf->start ) / 5 )
- {
- /* Avoid too heavy downsampling, trash the beginning of
- the buffer instead */
- int drop;
- drop = count_in * ( pts_expected - buf->start ) /
- ( buf->stop - buf->start );
- sync->data.data_in += 2 * drop;
- sync->data.input_frames -= drop;
- hb_log( "dropping %d of %d samples", drop, count_in );
- }
sync->data.output_frames = count_out;
sync->data.src_ratio = (double) sync->data.output_frames /
(double) sync->data.input_frames;