Problem: Internal error when using :popup.
Solution: When a menu only exists in Terminal mode give an error. (Naruhiko
Nishino, closes #3765)
-*gui.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2018 Mar 06
+*gui.txt* For Vim version 8.1. Last change: 2019 Jan 06
To remove all menus use: *:unmenu-all* >
:unmenu * " remove all menus in Normal and visual mode
:unmenu! * " remove all menus in Insert and Command-line mode
- :aunmenu * " remove all menus in all modes
+ :aunmenu * " remove all menus in all modes, except for Terminal
+ " mode
+ :tlunmenu * " remove all menus in Terminal mode
If you want to get rid of the menu bar: >
:set guioptions-=m
EXTERN char_u e_dirnotf[] INIT(= N_("E919: Directory not found in '%s': \"%s\""));
EXTERN char_u e_au_recursive[] INIT(= N_("E952: Autocommand caused recursive behavior"));
+#ifdef FEAT_MENU
+EXTERN char_u e_menuothermode[] INIT(= N_("E328: Menu only exists in another mode"));
EXTERN short disallow_gui INIT(= FALSE);
static char *menu_mode_chars[] = {"n", "v", "s", "o", "i", "c", "tl", "t"};
static char_u e_notsubmenu[] = N_("E327: Part of menu-item path is not sub-menu");
-static char_u e_othermode[] = N_("E328: Menu only exists in another mode");
static char_u e_nomenu[] = N_("E329: No menu \"%s\"");
else if (*name != NUL)
if (!silent)
- EMSG(_(e_othermode));
+ EMSG(_(e_menuothermode));
return FAIL;
else if ((menu->modes & modes) == 0x0)
- EMSG(_(e_othermode));
+ EMSG(_(e_menuothermode));
return FAIL;
|| (mp->modes & mp->enabled & mode))
+ // When there are only Terminal mode menus, using "popup Edit" results in
+ // pum_size being zero.
+ if (pum_size <= 0)
+ {
+ EMSG(e_menuothermode);
+ return;
+ }
array = (pumitem_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(pumitem_T) * pum_size);
if (array == NULL)
delfunc s:act_on_text_changed
+func Test_menu_only_exists_in_terminal()
+ if !exists(':tlmenu') || has('gui_running')
+ return
+ endif
+ tlnoremenu &Edit.&Paste<Tab>"+gP <C-W>"+
+ aunmenu *
+ try
+ popup Edit
+ call assert_false(1, 'command should have failed')
+ catch
+ call assert_exception('E328:')
+ endtry
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 695,