--- /dev/null
+Test strnatcasecmp() function : basic functionality
+Felix De Vliegher <felix.devliegher@gmail.com>
+/* Prototype : int strnatcasecmp(string s1, string s2)
+ * Description: Returns the result of case-insensitive string comparison using 'natural' algorithm
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * Alias to functions:
+ */
+function str_dump($one, $two) {
+ var_dump(strnatcasecmp($one, $two));
+echo "*** Testing strnatcasecmp() : basic functionality ***\n";
+// Calling strnatcasecmp() with all possible arguments
+str_dump('A', 'a');
+str_dump('a10', 'A20');
+str_dump('A1b', 'a');
+str_dump('x2-y7', 'x8-y8');
+str_dump('1.010', '1.001');
+str_dump(' ab', ' aB');
+str_dump('acc ', 'acc');
+str_dump(11.5, 10.5);
+str_dump(10.5, 10.5E1);
+str_dump('Rfc822.txt', 'rfc2086.txt');
+str_dump('Rfc822.txt', 'rfc822.TXT');
+str_dump('pIc 6', 'pic 7');
+str_dump(0xFFF, 0Xfff);
+*** Testing strnatcasecmp() : basic functionality ***
--- /dev/null
+Test strnatcasecmp() function : variation
+Felix De Vliegher <felix.devliegher@gmail.com>
+/* Prototype : int strnatcasecmp(string s1, string s2)
+ * Description: Returns the result of case-insensitive string comparison using 'natural' algorithm
+ * Source code: ext/standard/string.c
+ * Alias to functions:
+ */
+/* Preparation */
+class a
+ function __toString()
+ {
+ return "Hello WORLD";
+ }
+class b
+ function __toString()
+ {
+ return "HELLO world";
+ }
+$a = new a();
+$b = new b();
+function str_dump($a, $b) {
+ var_dump(strnatcasecmp($a, $b));
+echo "*** Testing strnatcasecmp() : variation ***\n";
+str_dump(chr(128), chr(255));
+str_dump('0', false);
+str_dump('fooBar', '');
+str_dump('', -1);
+str_dump("Hello\0world", "Helloworld");
+str_dump("\x0", "\0");
+str_dump($a, $b);
+*** Testing strnatcasecmp() : variation ***