void DecimalFormat::setParseAllInput(UNumberFormatAttributeValue value) {
+ if (value == fProperties->parseAllInput) { return; }
fProperties->parseAllInput = value;
void DecimalFormat::setGroupingUsed(UBool enabled) {
+ if (enabled == fProperties->groupingUsed) { return; }
NumberFormat::setGroupingUsed(enabled); // to set field for compatibility
fProperties->groupingUsed = enabled;
void DecimalFormat::setParseIntegerOnly(UBool value) {
+ if (value == fProperties->parseIntegerOnly) { return; }
NumberFormat::setParseIntegerOnly(value); // to set field for compatibility
fProperties->parseIntegerOnly = value;
void DecimalFormat::setLenient(UBool enable) {
+ ParseMode mode = enable ? PARSE_MODE_LENIENT : PARSE_MODE_STRICT;
+ if (!fProperties->parseMode.isNull() && mode == fProperties->parseMode.getNoError()) { return; }
NumberFormat::setLenient(enable); // to set field for compatibility
- fProperties->parseMode = enable ? PARSE_MODE_LENIENT : PARSE_MODE_STRICT;
+ fProperties->parseMode = mode;
DecimalFormat::DecimalFormat(const DecimalFormat& source) : NumberFormat(source) {
+ // Note: it is not safe to copy fFormatter or fWarehouse directly because fFormatter might have
+ // dangling pointers to fields inside fWarehouse. The safe thing is to re-construct fFormatter from
+ // the property bag, despite being somewhat slower.
fProperties.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormatProperties(*source.fProperties));
+ fSymbols.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormatSymbols(*source.fSymbols));
fExportedProperties.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormatProperties());
fWarehouse.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormatWarehouse());
- fSymbols.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormatSymbols(*source.fSymbols));
- if (fProperties == nullptr || fExportedProperties == nullptr || fWarehouse == nullptr ||
- fSymbols == nullptr) {
+ if (fProperties == nullptr || fSymbols == nullptr || fExportedProperties == nullptr ||
+ fWarehouse == nullptr) {
// Note: if this is a currency instance, currencies will be matched despite the fact that we are not in the
// parseCurrency method (backwards compatibility)
int32_t startIndex = parsePosition.getIndex();
- const NumberParserImpl& parser = getParser(status);
+ const NumberParserImpl* parser = getParser(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return; }
- parser.parse(text, startIndex, true, result, status);
+ parser->parse(text, startIndex, true, result, status);
// TODO: Do we need to check for fProperties->parseAllInput (UCONFIG_HAVE_PARSEALLINPUT) here?
if (result.success()) {
- result.populateFormattable(output, parser.getParseFlags());
+ result.populateFormattable(output, parser->getParseFlags());
} else {
parsePosition.setErrorIndex(startIndex + result.charEnd);
// Note: if this is a currency instance, currencies will be matched despite the fact that we are not in the
// parseCurrency method (backwards compatibility)
int32_t startIndex = parsePosition.getIndex();
- const NumberParserImpl& parser = getCurrencyParser(status);
+ const NumberParserImpl* parser = getCurrencyParser(status);
if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return nullptr; }
- parser.parse(text, startIndex, true, result, status);
+ parser->parse(text, startIndex, true, result, status);
// TODO: Do we need to check for fProperties->parseAllInput (UCONFIG_HAVE_PARSEALLINPUT) here?
if (result.success()) {
Formattable formattable;
- result.populateFormattable(formattable, parser.getParseFlags());
+ result.populateFormattable(formattable, parser->getParseFlags());
return new CurrencyAmount(formattable, result.currencyCode, status);
} else {
parsePosition.setErrorIndex(startIndex + result.charEnd);
void DecimalFormat::setPositivePrefix(const UnicodeString& newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->positivePrefix) { return; }
fProperties->positivePrefix = newValue;
void DecimalFormat::setNegativePrefix(const UnicodeString& newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->negativePrefix) { return; }
fProperties->negativePrefix = newValue;
void DecimalFormat::setPositiveSuffix(const UnicodeString& newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->positiveSuffix) { return; }
fProperties->positiveSuffix = newValue;
void DecimalFormat::setNegativeSuffix(const UnicodeString& newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->negativeSuffix) { return; }
fProperties->negativeSuffix = newValue;
void DecimalFormat::setSignAlwaysShown(UBool value) {
+ if (value == fProperties->signAlwaysShown) { return; }
fProperties->signAlwaysShown = value;
void DecimalFormat::setMultiplierScale(int32_t newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->multiplierScale) { return; }
fProperties->multiplierScale = newValue;
void DecimalFormat::setRoundingIncrement(double newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->roundingIncrement) { return; }
fProperties->roundingIncrement = newValue;
void DecimalFormat::setRoundingMode(ERoundingMode roundingMode) {
+ auto uRoundingMode = static_cast<UNumberFormatRoundingMode>(roundingMode);
+ if (!fProperties->roundingMode.isNull() && uRoundingMode == fProperties->roundingMode.getNoError()) {
+ return;
+ }
NumberFormat::setMaximumIntegerDigits(roundingMode); // to set field for compatibility
- fProperties->roundingMode = static_cast<UNumberFormatRoundingMode>(roundingMode);
+ fProperties->roundingMode = uRoundingMode;
void DecimalFormat::setFormatWidth(int32_t width) {
+ if (width == fProperties->formatWidth) { return; }
fProperties->formatWidth = width;
void DecimalFormat::setPadCharacter(const UnicodeString& padChar) {
+ if (padChar == fProperties->padString) { return; }
if (padChar.length() > 0) {
fProperties->padString = UnicodeString(padChar.char32At(0));
} else {
void DecimalFormat::setPadPosition(EPadPosition padPos) {
- fProperties->padPosition = static_cast<UNumberFormatPadPosition>(padPos);
+ auto uPadPos = static_cast<UNumberFormatPadPosition>(padPos);
+ if (!fProperties->padPosition.isNull() && uPadPos == fProperties->padPosition.getNoError()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fProperties->padPosition = uPadPos;
void DecimalFormat::setScientificNotation(UBool useScientific) {
+ int32_t minExp = useScientific ? 1 : -1;
+ if (fProperties->minimumExponentDigits == minExp) { return; }
if (useScientific) {
fProperties->minimumExponentDigits = 1;
} else {
void DecimalFormat::setMinimumExponentDigits(int8_t minExpDig) {
+ if (minExpDig == fProperties->minimumExponentDigits) { return; }
fProperties->minimumExponentDigits = minExpDig;
void DecimalFormat::setExponentSignAlwaysShown(UBool expSignAlways) {
+ if (expSignAlways == fProperties->exponentSignAlwaysShown) { return; }
fProperties->exponentSignAlwaysShown = expSignAlways;
void DecimalFormat::setGroupingSize(int32_t newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->groupingSize) { return; }
fProperties->groupingSize = newValue;
void DecimalFormat::setSecondaryGroupingSize(int32_t newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->secondaryGroupingSize) { return; }
fProperties->secondaryGroupingSize = newValue;
void DecimalFormat::setMinimumGroupingDigits(int32_t newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->minimumGroupingDigits) { return; }
fProperties->minimumGroupingDigits = newValue;
void DecimalFormat::setDecimalSeparatorAlwaysShown(UBool newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown) { return; }
fProperties->decimalSeparatorAlwaysShown = newValue;
void DecimalFormat::setDecimalPatternMatchRequired(UBool newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->decimalPatternMatchRequired) { return; }
fProperties->decimalPatternMatchRequired = newValue;
void DecimalFormat::setParseNoExponent(UBool value) {
+ if (value == fProperties->parseNoExponent) { return; }
fProperties->parseNoExponent = value;
void DecimalFormat::setParseCaseSensitive(UBool value) {
+ if (value == fProperties->parseCaseSensitive) { return; }
fProperties->parseCaseSensitive = value;
void DecimalFormat::setFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits(UBool value) {
+ if (value == fProperties->formatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits) { return; }
fProperties->formatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits = value;
void DecimalFormat::setMaximumIntegerDigits(int32_t newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->maximumIntegerDigits) { return; }
// For backwards compatibility, conflicting min/max need to keep the most recent setting.
int32_t min = fProperties->minimumIntegerDigits;
if (min >= 0 && min > newValue) {
void DecimalFormat::setMinimumIntegerDigits(int32_t newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->minimumIntegerDigits) { return; }
// For backwards compatibility, conflicting min/max need to keep the most recent setting.
int32_t max = fProperties->maximumIntegerDigits;
if (max >= 0 && max < newValue) {
void DecimalFormat::setMaximumFractionDigits(int32_t newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->maximumFractionDigits) { return; }
// For backwards compatibility, conflicting min/max need to keep the most recent setting.
int32_t min = fProperties->minimumFractionDigits;
if (min >= 0 && min > newValue) {
void DecimalFormat::setMinimumFractionDigits(int32_t newValue) {
+ if (newValue == fProperties->minimumFractionDigits) { return; }
// For backwards compatibility, conflicting min/max need to keep the most recent setting.
int32_t max = fProperties->maximumFractionDigits;
if (max >= 0 && max < newValue) {
void DecimalFormat::setMinimumSignificantDigits(int32_t value) {
+ if (value == fProperties->minimumSignificantDigits) { return; }
int32_t max = fProperties->maximumSignificantDigits;
if (max >= 0 && max < value) {
fProperties->maximumSignificantDigits = value;
void DecimalFormat::setMaximumSignificantDigits(int32_t value) {
+ if (value == fProperties->maximumSignificantDigits) { return; }
int32_t min = fProperties->minimumSignificantDigits;
if (min >= 0 && min > value) {
fProperties->minimumSignificantDigits = value;
void DecimalFormat::setSignificantDigitsUsed(UBool useSignificantDigits) {
- if (useSignificantDigits) {
- // These are the default values from the old implementation.
- fProperties->minimumSignificantDigits = 1;
- fProperties->maximumSignificantDigits = 6;
- } else {
- fProperties->minimumSignificantDigits = -1;
- fProperties->maximumSignificantDigits = -1;
+ // These are the default values from the old implementation.
+ int32_t minSig = useSignificantDigits ? 1 : -1;
+ int32_t maxSig = useSignificantDigits ? 6 : -1;
+ if (fProperties->minimumSignificantDigits == minSig &&
+ fProperties->maximumSignificantDigits == maxSig) {
+ return;
+ fProperties->minimumSignificantDigits = minSig;
+ fProperties->maximumSignificantDigits = maxSig;
void DecimalFormat::setCurrency(const char16_t* theCurrency, UErrorCode& ec) {
+ CurrencyUnit currencyUnit(theCurrency, ec);
+ if (U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
+ if (!fProperties->currency.isNull() && fProperties->currency.getNoError() == currencyUnit) {
+ return;
+ }
NumberFormat::setCurrency(theCurrency, ec); // to set field for compatibility
- fProperties->currency = CurrencyUnit(theCurrency, ec);
+ fProperties->currency = currencyUnit;
// TODO: Set values in fSymbols, too?
void DecimalFormat::setCurrencyUsage(UCurrencyUsage newUsage, UErrorCode* ec) {
+ if (!fProperties->currencyUsage.isNull() && newUsage == fProperties->currencyUsage.getNoError()) {
+ return;
+ }
fProperties->currencyUsage = newUsage;
- setupFastFormat();
// In C++, fSymbols is the source of truth for the locale.
Locale locale = fSymbols->getLocale();
// Note: The formatter is relatively cheap to create, and we need it to populate fExportedProperties,
// so automatically compute it here. The parser is a bit more expensive and is not needed until the
// parse method is called, so defer that until needed.
+ // TODO: Only update the pieces that changed instead of re-computing the whole formatter?
new LocalizedNumberFormatter(
*fProperties, *fSymbols, *fWarehouse, *fExportedProperties, status).locale(
+ // Do this after fExportedProperties are set up
+ setupFastFormat();
// Delete the parsers if they were made previously
delete fAtomicParser.exchange(nullptr);
delete fAtomicCurrencyParser.exchange(nullptr);
PatternParser::parseToExistingProperties(pattern, *fProperties, actualIgnoreRounding, status);
-const numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl& DecimalFormat::getParser(UErrorCode& status) const {
+const numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl* DecimalFormat::getParser(UErrorCode& status) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return nullptr; }
// First try to get the pre-computed parser
auto* ptr = fAtomicParser.load();
if (ptr != nullptr) {
- return *ptr;
+ return ptr;
// Try computing the parser on our own
// Note: ptr starts as nullptr; during compare_exchange, it is set to what is actually stored in the
- // atomic, which may me temp or may be another object computed by a different thread.
+ // atomic if another thread beat us to computing the parser object.
auto* nonConstThis = const_cast<DecimalFormat*>(this);
if (!nonConstThis->fAtomicParser.compare_exchange_strong(ptr, temp)) {
// Another thread beat us to computing the parser
delete temp;
- return *ptr;
+ return ptr;
} else {
// Our copy of the parser got stored in the atomic
- return *temp;
+ return temp;
-const numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl& DecimalFormat::getCurrencyParser(UErrorCode& status) const {
+const numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl* DecimalFormat::getCurrencyParser(UErrorCode& status) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) { return nullptr; }
// First try to get the pre-computed parser
auto* ptr = fAtomicCurrencyParser.load();
if (ptr != nullptr) {
- return *ptr;
+ return ptr;
// Try computing the parser on our own
// Note: ptr starts as nullptr; during compare_exchange, it is set to what is actually stored in the
- // atomic, which may me temp or may be another object computed by a different thread.
+ // atomic if another thread beat us to computing the parser object.
auto* nonConstThis = const_cast<DecimalFormat*>(this);
if (!nonConstThis->fAtomicCurrencyParser.compare_exchange_strong(ptr, temp)) {
// Another thread beat us to computing the parser
delete temp;
- return *ptr;
+ return ptr;
} else {
// Our copy of the parser got stored in the atomic
- return *temp;
+ return temp;
+// To debug fast-format, change void(x) to printf(x)
+#define trace(x) void(x)
void DecimalFormat::setupFastFormat() {
// Check the majority of properties:
if (!fProperties->equalsDefaultExceptFastFormat()) {
+ trace("no fast format: equality\n");
fCanUseFastFormat = false;
fProperties->negativePrefixPattern.charAt(0) == u'-');
UBool trivialNS = fProperties->negativeSuffixPattern.isEmpty();
if (!trivialPP || !trivialPS || !trivialNP || !trivialNS) {
+ trace("no fast format: affixes\n");
fCanUseFastFormat = false;
bool unusualGroupingSize = fProperties->groupingSize > 0 && fProperties->groupingSize != 3;
const UnicodeString& groupingString = fSymbols->getConstSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kGroupingSeparatorSymbol);
if (groupingUsed && (unusualGroupingSize || groupingString.length() != 1)) {
+ trace("no fast format: grouping\n");
fCanUseFastFormat = false;
// Integer length:
- int32_t minInt = fProperties->minimumIntegerDigits;
- int32_t maxInt = fProperties->maximumIntegerDigits;
+ int32_t minInt = fExportedProperties->minimumIntegerDigits;
+ int32_t maxInt = fExportedProperties->maximumIntegerDigits;
// Fastpath supports up to only 10 digits (length of INT32_MIN)
if (minInt > 10) {
+ trace("no fast format: integer\n");
+ fCanUseFastFormat = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Fraction length (no fraction part allowed in fast path):
+ int32_t minFrac = fExportedProperties->minimumFractionDigits;
+ if (minFrac > 0) {
+ trace("no fast format: fraction\n");
fCanUseFastFormat = false;
const UnicodeString& minusSignString = fSymbols->getConstSymbol(DecimalFormatSymbols::kMinusSignSymbol);
UChar32 codePointZero = fSymbols->getCodePointZero();
if (minusSignString.length() != 1 || U16_LENGTH(codePointZero) != 1) {
+ trace("no fast format: symbols\n");
fCanUseFastFormat = false;
// Good to go!
+ trace("can use fast format!\n");
fCanUseFastFormat = true;
fFastData.cpZero = static_cast<char16_t>(codePointZero);
fFastData.cpGroupingSeparator = groupingUsed ? groupingString.charAt(0) : 0;
fFastData.cpMinusSign = minusSignString.charAt(0);
- fFastData.minInt = static_cast<int8_t>(minInt);
- fFastData.maxInt = static_cast<int8_t>(maxInt < 0 ? 127 : maxInt);
+ fFastData.minInt = (minInt < 0 || minInt > 127) ? 0 : static_cast<int8_t>(minInt);
+ fFastData.maxInt = (maxInt < 0 || maxInt > 127) ? 127 : static_cast<int8_t>(maxInt);
bool DecimalFormat::fastFormatDouble(double input, UnicodeString& output) const {
if (i32 != input || i32 == INT32_MIN) {
return false;
- doFastFormatInt32(i32, output);
+ doFastFormatInt32(i32, std::signbit(input), output);
return true;
if (i32 != input || i32 == INT32_MIN) {
return false;
- doFastFormatInt32(i32, output);
+ doFastFormatInt32(i32, std::signbit(input), output);
return true;
-void DecimalFormat::doFastFormatInt32(int32_t input, UnicodeString& output) const {
+void DecimalFormat::doFastFormatInt32(int32_t input, bool isNegative, UnicodeString& output) const {
- if (input < 0) {
+ if (isNegative) {
U_ASSERT(input != INT32_MIN); // handled by callers
input = -input;
char16_t* ptr = localBuffer + localCapacity;
int8_t group = 0;
for (int8_t i = 0; i < fFastData.maxInt && (input != 0 || i < fFastData.minInt); i++) {
+ if (group++ == 3 && fFastData.cpGroupingSeparator != 0) {
+ *(--ptr) = fFastData.cpGroupingSeparator;
+ group = 1;
+ }
std::div_t res = std::div(input, 10);
*(--ptr) = static_cast<char16_t>(fFastData.cpZero + res.rem);
input = res.quot;
- if (++group == 3 && fFastData.cpGroupingSeparator != 0) {
- *(--ptr) = fFastData.cpGroupingSeparator;
- group = 0;
- }
int32_t len = localCapacity - static_cast<int32_t>(ptr - localBuffer);
output.append(ptr, len);