// CHECK-NOT: @_ZTVN5test118stdio_sync_filebufIwEE = constant
// CHECK: @_ZTVN5test018stdio_sync_filebufIwEE = constant
+// CHECK: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN5test21CIiEC1Ev(
+// CHECK: define linkonce_odr void @_ZN5test21CIiE6foobarIdEEvT_(
+// CHECK: define available_externally void @_ZN5test21CIiE6zedbarEd(
namespace test0 {
struct basic_streambuf {
virtual ~basic_streambuf();
// Just a declaration should not force the vtable to be emitted.
template<> void stdio_sync_filebuf<wchar_t>::xsgetn();
+namespace test2 {
+ template<typename T1>
+ class C {
+ virtual ~C();
+ void zedbar(double) {
+ }
+ template<typename T2>
+ void foobar(T2 foo) {
+ }
+ };
+ extern template class C<int>;
+ void g() {
+ // The extern template declaration should not prevent us from producing
+ // the implicit constructor (test at the top).
+ C<int> a;
+ // or foobar(test at the top).
+ a.foobar(0.0);
+ // But it should prevent zebbar
+ // (test at the top).
+ a.zedbar(0.0);
+ }