case ConvolveMorphology:
case DilateMorphology:
case DilateIntensityMorphology:
- /*case DistanceMorphology:*/
+ case IterativeDistanceMorphology:
/* kernel needs to used with reflection about origin */
offx = (ssize_t) kernel->width-offx-1;
offy = (ssize_t) kernel->height-offy-1;
if ( IsNan(*k) || (*k) < 0.5 ) continue;
Minimize(, (double)
- Minimize(, (double)
+ Minimize(, (double)
Minimize(, (double)
+ Minimize(min.alpha, (double)
+ GetPixelAlpha(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- Minimize(,(double)
+ Minimize(, (double)
- Minimize(min.alpha,(double)
- GetPixelAlpha(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
k_pixels += virt_width*GetPixelChannels(image);
if ( IsNan(*k) || (*k) < 0.5 ) continue;
Maximize(, (double)
- Maximize(, (double)
+ Maximize(, (double)
- Maximize(, (double)
+ Maximize(, (double)
+ Maximize(max.alpha, (double)
+ GetPixelAlpha(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
Maximize(, (double)
- Maximize(max.alpha,(double)
- GetPixelAlpha(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
k_pixels += virt_width*GetPixelChannels(image);
Minimize(, (double)
+ Minimize(min.alpha,(double)
+ GetPixelAlpha(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
if ( image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- Minimize(min.alpha,(double)
- GetPixelAlpha(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
else if ( (*k) < 0.3 )
{ /* maximum of background pixels */
Maximize(, (double)
+ Maximize(max.alpha,(double)
+ GetPixelAlpha(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
Maximize(, (double)
- Maximize(max.alpha,(double)
- GetPixelAlpha(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
k_pixels += virt_width*GetPixelChannels(image);
k_pixels += virt_width*GetPixelChannels(image);
-#if 0
- This code has been obsoleted by the MorphologyPrimitiveDirect() function.
- However it is still (almost) correct coding for Grayscale Morphology.
- That is...
- GrayErode is equivalent but with kernel values subtracted from pixels
- without the kernel rotation
- GreyDilate is equivalent but using Maximum() instead of Minimum()
- using kernel rotation
- It has thus been preserved for future implementation of those methods.
- case DistanceMorphology:
- /* Add kernel Value and select the minimum value found.
- ** The result is a iterative distance from edge of image shape.
+ case IterativeDistanceMorphology:
+ /* Work out an iterative distance from black edge of a white image
+ ** shape. Essentually white values are decreased to the smallest
+ ** 'distance from edge' it can find.
+ **
+ ** It works by adding kernel values to the neighbourhood, and and
+ ** select the minimum value found. The kernel is rotated before
+ ** use, so kernel distances match resulting distances, when a user
+ ** provided asymmetric kernel is applied.
+ **
+ **
+ ** This code is almost identical to True GrayScale Morphology But
+ ** not quite.
- ** All Distance Kernels are symetrical, but that may not always
- ** be the case. For example how about a distance from left edges?
- ** To work correctly with asymetrical kernels the reflected kernel
- ** needs to be applied.
+ ** GreyDilate Kernel values added, maximum value found Kernel is
+ ** rotated before use.
+ **
+ ** GrayErode: Kernel values subtracted and minimum value found No
+ ** kernel rotation used.
+ **
+ ** Note the the Iterative Distance method is essentially a
+ ** GrayErode, but with negative kernel values, and kernel
+ ** rotation applied.
k = &kernel->values[ kernel->width*kernel->height-1 ];
k_pixels = p;
for (v=0; v < (ssize_t) kernel->height; v++) {
for (u=0; u < (ssize_t) kernel->width; u++, k--) {
if ( IsNan(*k) ) continue;
- Minimize(, (*k)+k_pixels[u].red);
- Minimize(, (*k)+k_pixels[u].green);
- Minimize(, (*k)+k_pixels[u].blue);
- Minimize(result.alpha, (*k)+k_pixels[u].alpha);
+ Minimize(, (*k)+(double)
+ GetPixelRed(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
+ Minimize(, (*k)+(double)
+ GetPixelGreen(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
+ Minimize(, (*k)+(double)
+ GetPixelBlue(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
+ Minimize(result.alpha, (*k)+(double)
+ GetPixelAlpha(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
if ( image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- Minimize(,(*k)+GetPixelBlack(p_image,k_indexes+u));
+ Maximize(, (*k)+(double)
+ GetPixelBlack(image,k_pixels+u*GetPixelChannels(image)));
k_pixels += virt_width*GetPixelChannels(image);
case UndefinedMorphology:
break; /* Do nothing */ -=; -=; -=;
- result.alpha -= min.alpha;
+ result.alpha -= min.alpha;
case ThickenMorphology:
/* Add the pattern matchs to the original */ +=; +=; +=;
- result.alpha += min.alpha;
+ result.alpha += min.alpha;
/* result directly calculated or assigned */
/* This is almost identical to the MorphologyPrimative() function above,
-** but will apply the primitive directly to the image in two passes.
+** but will apply the primitive directly to the actual image using two
+** passes, once in each direction, with the results of the previous (and
+** current) row being re-used.
** That is after each row is 'Sync'ed' into the image, the next row will
** make use of those values as part of the calculation of the next row.
** It then repeats, but going in the oppisite (bottom-up) direction.
-** Because of this 'iterative' handling this function can not make use
+** Because of this 're-use of results' this function can not make use
** of multi-threaded, parellel processing.
static ssize_t MorphologyPrimitiveDirect(Image *image,
/* Apply Distance to 'Matte' channel, coping the closest color.
** This is experimental, and realy the 'alpha' component should
- ** be completely separate 'masking' channel.
+ ** be completely separate 'masking' channel so that alpha can
+ ** also be used as part of the results.
k = &kernel->values[ kernel->width*kernel->height-1 ];
k_pixels = p;
return(status ? (ssize_t) changed : -1);
-/* Apply a Morphology by calling theabove low level primitive application
-** functions. This function handles any iteration loops, composition or
-** re-iteration of results, and compound morphology methods that is based
-** on multiple low-level (staged) morphology methods.
+/* Apply a Morphology by calling one of the above low level primitive
+** application functions. This function handles any iteration loops,
+** composition or re-iteration of results, and compound morphology methods
+** that is based on multiple low-level (staged) morphology methods.
** Basically this provides the complex grue between the requested morphology
** method and raw low-level implementation (above).
case DistanceMorphology:
case VoronoiMorphology:
- special = MagickTrue;
+ special = MagickTrue; /* use special direct primative */
/* Convolve / Correlate weighted sums */
- ConvolveMorphology, /* Weighted Sum with reflected kernel */
- CorrelateMorphology, /* Weighted Sum using a sliding window */
+ ConvolveMorphology, /* Weighted Sum with reflected kernel */
+ CorrelateMorphology, /* Weighted Sum using a sliding window */
/* Low-level Morphology methods */
- ErodeMorphology, /* Minimum Value in Neighbourhood */
- DilateMorphology, /* Maximum Value in Neighbourhood */
- ErodeIntensityMorphology, /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Erode */
- DilateIntensityMorphology, /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Dialate */
- DistanceMorphology, /* Add Kernel Value, take Minimum */
+ ErodeMorphology, /* Minimum Value in Neighbourhood */
+ DilateMorphology, /* Maximum Value in Neighbourhood */
+ ErodeIntensityMorphology, /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Erode */
+ DilateIntensityMorphology, /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Dialate */
+ IterativeDistanceMorphology, /* Add Kernel Value, take Minimum */
/* Second-level Morphology methods */
- OpenMorphology, /* Dilate then Erode */
- CloseMorphology, /* Erode then Dilate */
- OpenIntensityMorphology, /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Open */
- CloseIntensityMorphology, /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Close */
- SmoothMorphology, /* Open then Close */
+ OpenMorphology, /* Dilate then Erode */
+ CloseMorphology, /* Erode then Dilate */
+ OpenIntensityMorphology, /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Open */
+ CloseIntensityMorphology, /* Pixel Pick using GreyScale Close */
+ SmoothMorphology, /* Open then Close */
/* Difference Morphology methods */
- EdgeInMorphology, /* Dilate difference from Original */
- EdgeOutMorphology, /* Erode difference from Original */
- EdgeMorphology, /* Dilate difference with Erode */
- TopHatMorphology, /* Close difference from Original */
- BottomHatMorphology, /* Open difference from Original */
+ EdgeInMorphology, /* Dilate difference from Original */
+ EdgeOutMorphology, /* Erode difference from Original */
+ EdgeMorphology, /* Dilate difference with Erode */
+ TopHatMorphology, /* Close difference from Original */
+ BottomHatMorphology, /* Open difference from Original */
/* Recursive Morphology methods */
- HitAndMissMorphology, /* Foreground/Background pattern matching */
- ThinningMorphology, /* Remove matching pixels from image */
- ThickenMorphology, /* Add matching pixels from image */
-/* Experimental Morphology methods */
- VoronoiMorphology
+ HitAndMissMorphology, /* Foreground/Background pattern matching */
+ ThinningMorphology, /* Remove matching pixels from image */
+ ThickenMorphology, /* Add matching pixels from image */
+/* Directly Applied Morphology methods */
+ DistanceMorphology, /* Add Kernel Value, take Minimum */
+ VoronoiMorphology /* Distance matte channel copy nearest color */
} MorphologyMethod;
typedef struct _KernelInfo