. Added FilesystemIterator. (Marcus)
. Added GlobIterator. (Marcus)
- Add the ReflectionProperty::setAccessible() method that allows non-public
- property's values to be read through ::getValue().
+ property's values to be read through ::getValue(). (Derick)
- Added ability to use Traversable objects instead of plain arrays in ext/soap.
(Joshua Reese, Dmitry)
- Added stream_supports_lock() function. (Benjamin Schulz)
. Added support for OpenSSL digest functions
. Added support for OpenSSL cipher functions
. Added access to internal values of DSA, RSA and DH keys
-- Imoroved md5() implementation (Solar Designer, Dmitry)
+- Improved md5() implementation (Solar Designer, Dmitry)
- Fixed html_entity_decode() incorrectly converting numeric html entities
to different characters with cp1251 and cp866. (Scott)