%%% File : ejabberd_ctl.erl
%%% Author : Alexey Shchepin <alexey@process-one.net>
-%%% Purpose : Ejabberd admin tool
+%%% Purpose : ejabberd command line admin tool
%%% Created : 11 Jan 2004 by Alexey Shchepin <alexey@process-one.net>
+%%% @headerfile "ejabberd_ctl.hrl"
+%%% @doc Management of ejabberdctl commands and frontend to ejabberd commands.
+%%% An ejabberdctl command is an abstract function identified by a
+%%% name, with a defined number of calling arguments, that can be
+%%% defined in any Erlang module and executed using ejabberdctl
+%%% administration script.
+%%% Note: strings cannot have blankspaces
+%%% Does not support commands that have arguments with ctypes: list, tuple
+%%% TODO: Update the guide
+%%% TODO: Mention this in the release notes
+%%% Note: the commands with several words use now the underline: _
+%%% It is still possible to call the commands with dash: -
+%%% but this is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version.
- dump_to_textfile/1,
+ process2/1,
- register_commands/4,
- unregister_commands/3,
- unregister_commands/4]).
+ unregister_commands/3]).
+%% Module
start() ->
case init:get_plain_arguments() of
[SNode | Args] ->
SNode1 = case string:tokens(SNode, "@") of
- [_Node, _Server] ->
- SNode;
- _ ->
- case net_kernel:longnames() of
- true ->
- SNode ++ "@" ++ inet_db:gethostname() ++
- "." ++ inet_db:res_option(domain);
- false ->
- SNode ++ "@" ++ inet_db:gethostname();
+ [_Node, _Server] ->
+ SNode;
_ ->
- SNode
- end
- end,
+ case net_kernel:longnames() of
+ true ->
+ SNode ++ "@" ++ inet_db:gethostname() ++
+ "." ++ inet_db:res_option(domain);
+ false ->
+ SNode ++ "@" ++ inet_db:gethostname();
+ _ ->
+ SNode
+ end
+ end,
Node = list_to_atom(SNode1),
Status = case rpc:call(Node, ?MODULE, process, [Args]) of
{badrpc, Reason} ->
- ?PRINT("RPC failed on the node ~p: ~p~n",
- [Node, Reason]),
+ ?PRINT("Failed RPC connection to the node ~p: ~p~n",
+ [Node, Reason]),
+ %% TODO: show minimal start help
S ->
ets:new(ejabberd_ctl_host_cmds, [named_table, set, public]).
+%% ejabberdctl Command managment
+register_commands(CmdDescs, Module, Function) ->
+ ets:insert(ejabberd_ctl_cmds, CmdDescs),
+ ejabberd_hooks:add(ejabberd_ctl_process,
+ Module, Function, 50),
+ ok.
+unregister_commands(CmdDescs, Module, Function) ->
+ lists:foreach(fun(CmdDesc) ->
+ ets:delete_object(ejabberd_ctl_cmds, CmdDesc)
+ end, CmdDescs),
+ ejabberd_hooks:delete(ejabberd_ctl_process,
+ Module, Function, 50),
+ ok.
+%% Process
+%% The commands status, stop and restart are defined here to ensure
+%% they are usable even if ejabberd is completely stopped.
process(["status"]) ->
{InternalStatus, ProvidedStatus} = init:get_status(),
- ?PRINT("Node ~p is ~p. Status: ~p~n",
- [node(), InternalStatus, ProvidedStatus]),
+ ?PRINT("The node ~p is ~p with status: ~p~n",
+ [node(), InternalStatus, ProvidedStatus]),
case lists:keysearch(ejabberd, 1, application:which_applications()) of
false ->
- ?PRINT("ejabberd is not running~n", []),
+ ?PRINT("ejabberd is not running in that node~n", []),
- {value,_Version} ->
- ?PRINT("ejabberd is running~n", []),
+ {value, {_, _, Version}} ->
+ ?PRINT("ejabberd ~s is running in that node~n", [Version]),
-process(["reopen-log"]) ->
- ejabberd_hooks:run(reopen_log_hook, []),
- lists:foreach(fun(Host) ->
- ejabberd_hooks:run(reopen_log_hook, Host, [Host])
- end, ?MYHOSTS),
- %% TODO: Use the Reopen log API for logger_h ?
- ejabberd_logger_h:reopen_log(),
-process(["register", User, Server, Password]) ->
- case ejabberd_auth:try_register(User, Server, Password) of
- {atomic, ok} ->
- {atomic, exists} ->
- ?PRINT("User ~p already registered at node ~p~n",
- [User ++ "@" ++ Server, node()]),
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't register user ~p at node ~p: ~p~n",
- [User ++ "@" ++ Server, node(), Reason]),
- end;
-process(["unregister", User, Server]) ->
- case ejabberd_auth:remove_user(User, Server) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't unregister user ~p at node ~p: ~p~n",
- [User ++ "@" ++ Server, node(), Reason]),
- _ ->
- end;
-process(["backup", Path]) ->
- case mnesia:backup(Path) of
- ok ->
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't store backup in ~p at node ~p: ~p~n",
- [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
- end;
-process(["dump", Path]) ->
- case dump_to_textfile(Path) of
- ok ->
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't store dump in ~p at node ~p: ~p~n",
- [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
- end;
-process(["load", Path]) ->
- case mnesia:load_textfile(Path) of
- {atomic, ok} ->
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't load dump in ~p at node ~p: ~p~n",
- [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
- end;
-process(["restore", Path]) ->
- case ejabberd_admin:restore(Path) of
- {atomic, _} ->
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't restore backup from ~p at node ~p: ~p~n",
- [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
- {aborted,{no_exists,Table}} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't restore backup from ~p at node ~p: Table ~p does not exist.~n",
- [filename:absname(Path), node(), Table]),
- {aborted,enoent} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't restore backup from ~p at node ~p: File not found.~n",
- [filename:absname(Path), node()]),
- end;
-process(["install-fallback", Path]) ->
- case mnesia:install_fallback(Path) of
- ok ->
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't install fallback from ~p at node ~p: ~p~n",
- [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
- end;
-process(["import-file", Path]) ->
- case jd2ejd:import_file(Path) of
- ok ->
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't import jabberd 1.4 spool file ~p at node ~p: ~p~n",
- [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
- end;
-process(["import-dir", Path]) ->
- case jd2ejd:import_dir(Path) of
- ok ->
- {error, Reason} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't import jabberd 1.4 spool dir ~p at node ~p: ~p~n",
- [filename:absname(Path), node(), Reason]),
- end;
-process(["delete-expired-messages"]) ->
- mod_offline:remove_expired_messages(),
process(["mnesia"]) ->
?PRINT("~p~n", [mnesia:system_info(all)]),
-process(["delete-old-messages", Days]) ->
- case catch list_to_integer(Days) of
- {'EXIT',{Reason, _Stack}} ->
- ?PRINT("Can't delete old messages (~p). Please pass an integer as parameter.~n",
- [Reason]),
- Integer when Integer >= 0 ->
- {atomic, _} = mod_offline:remove_old_messages(Integer),
- ?PRINT("Removed messages older than ~s days~n", [Days]),
+%% The arguments --long and --dual are not documented because they are
+%% automatically selected depending in the number of columns of the shell
+process(["help" | Mode]) ->
+ {MaxC, ShCode} = get_shell_info(),
+ case Mode of
+ [] ->
+ print_usage(dual, MaxC, ShCode),
+ ["--dual"] ->
+ print_usage(dual, MaxC, ShCode),
+ ["--long"] ->
+ print_usage(long, MaxC, ShCode),
+ ["--tags"] ->
+ print_usage_tags(MaxC, ShCode),
- _Integer ->
- ?PRINT("Can't delete old messages. Please pass a positive integer as parameter.~n", []),
- end;
-process(["vhost", H | Args]) ->
- case jlib:nameprep(H) of
- false ->
- ?PRINT("Bad hostname: ~p~n", [H]),
- Host ->
- case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(
- ejabberd_ctl_process, Host, false, [Host, Args]) of
- false ->
- print_vhost_usage(Host),
- Status ->
- Status
- end
+ ["--tags", Tag] ->
+ print_usage_tags(Tag, MaxC, ShCode),
+ ["help"] ->
+ print_usage_help(MaxC, ShCode),
+ [CommandString | _] ->
+ print_usage_commands(CommandString, MaxC, ShCode),
process(Args) ->
- case ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(ejabberd_ctl_process, false, [Args]) of
+ {String, Code} = process2(Args),
+ io:format(String),
+ io:format("\n"),
+ Code.
+%% @spec (Args::[string()]) -> {String::string(), Code::integer()}
+process2(Args) ->
+ case try_run_ctp(Args) of
+ {String, wrong_command_arguments}
+ when is_list(String) ->
+ io:format(lists:flatten(["\n" | String]++["\n"])),
+ [CommandString | _] = Args,
+ process(["help" | [CommandString]]),
+ {lists:flatten(String), ?STATUS_ERROR};
+ {String, Code}
+ when is_list(String) and is_integer(Code) ->
+ {lists:flatten(String), Code};
+ String
+ when is_list(String) ->
+ {lists:flatten(String), ?STATUS_SUCCESS};
+ Code
+ when is_integer(Code) ->
+ {"", Code};
+ Other ->
+ {"Erroneous result: " ++ io_lib:format("~p", [Other]), ?STATUS_ERROR}
+ end.
+%% Command calling
+%% @spec (Args::[string()]) ->
+%% String::string() | Code::integer() | {String::string(), Code::integer()}
+try_run_ctp(Args) ->
+ try ejabberd_hooks:run_fold(ejabberd_ctl_process, false, [Args]) of
+ false when Args /= [] ->
+ try_call_command(Args);
false ->
+ {"", ?STATUS_USAGE};
Status ->
- Status
+ {"", Status}
+ catch
+ exit:Why ->
+ print_usage(),
+ {io_lib:format("Error in ejabberd ctl process: ~p", [Why]), ?STATUS_USAGE}
+%% @spec (Args::[string()]) ->
+%% String::string() | Code::integer() | {String::string(), Code::integer()}
+try_call_command(Args) ->
+ try call_command(Args) of
+ {error, command_unknown} ->
+ {io_lib:format("Error: command ~p not known.", [hd(Args)]), ?STATUS_ERROR};
+ {error, wrong_number_parameters} ->
+ {"Error: wrong number of parameters", ?STATUS_ERROR};
+ Res ->
+ Res
+ catch
+ A:Why ->
+ Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
+ {io_lib:format("Problem '~p ~p' occurred executing the command.~nStacktrace: ~p", [A, Why, Stack]), ?STATUS_ERROR}
+ end.
+%% @spec (Args::[string()]) ->
+%% String::string() | Code::integer() | {String::string(), Code::integer()} | {error, ErrorType}
+call_command([CmdString | Args]) ->
+ {ok, CmdStringU, _} = regexp:gsub(CmdString, "-", "_"),
+ Command = list_to_atom(CmdStringU),
+ case ejabberd_commands:get_command_format(Command) of
+ {error, command_unknown} ->
+ {error, command_unknown};
+ {ArgsFormat, ResultFormat} ->
+ case (catch format_args(Args, ArgsFormat)) of
+ ArgsFormatted when is_list(ArgsFormatted) ->
+ Result = ejabberd_commands:execute_command(Command,
+ ArgsFormatted),
+ format_result(Result, ResultFormat);
+ {'EXIT', {function_clause,[{lists,zip,[A1, A2]} | _]}} ->
+ {NumCompa, TextCompa} =
+ case {length(A1), length(A2)} of
+ {L1, L2} when L1 < L2 -> {L2-L1, "less argument"};
+ {L1, L2} when L1 > L2 -> {L1-L2, "more argument"}
+ end,
+ {io_lib:format("Error: the command ~p requires ~p ~s.",
+ [CmdString, NumCompa, TextCompa]),
+ wrong_command_arguments}
+ end
+ end.
+%% Format arguments
+format_args(Args, ArgsFormat) ->
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun({{_ArgName, ArgFormat}, Arg}, Res) ->
+ Formatted = format_arg(Arg, ArgFormat),
+ Res ++ [Formatted]
+ end,
+ [],
+ lists:zip(ArgsFormat, Args)).
+format_arg(Arg, Format) ->
+ Parse = case Format of
+ integer ->
+ "~d";
+ string ->
+ NumChars = integer_to_list(string:len(Arg)),
+ "~" ++ NumChars ++ "c"
+ end,
+ {ok, [Arg2], _RemainingArguments} = io_lib:fread(Parse, Arg),
+ Arg2.
+%% Format result
+format_result(Atom, {_Name, atom}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p", [Atom]);
+format_result(Int, {_Name, integer}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~p", [Int]);
+format_result(String, {_Name, string}) ->
+ io_lib:format("~s", [String]);
+format_result(Code, {_Name, rescode}) ->
+ make_status(Code);
+format_result({Code, Text}, {_Name, restuple}) ->
+ {io_lib:format("~s", [Text]), make_status(Code)};
+%% The result is a list of something: [something()]
+format_result([], {_Name, {list, _ElementsDef}}) ->
+ "";
+format_result([FirstElement | Elements], {_Name, {list, ElementsDef}}) ->
+ %% Start formatting the first element
+ [format_result(FirstElement, ElementsDef) |
+ %% If there are more elements, put always first a newline character
+ lists:map(
+ fun(Element) ->
+ ["\n" | format_result(Element, ElementsDef)]
+ end,
+ Elements)];
+%% The result is a tuple with several elements: {something1(), something2(),...}
+%% NOTE: the elements in the tuple are separated with tabular characters,
+%% if a string is empty, it will be difficult to notice in the shell,
+%% maybe a different separation character should be used, like ;;?
+format_result(ElementsTuple, {_Name, {tuple, ElementsDef}}) ->
+ ElementsList = tuple_to_list(ElementsTuple),
+ [{FirstE, FirstD} | ElementsAndDef] = lists:zip(ElementsList, ElementsDef),
+ [format_result(FirstE, FirstD) |
+ lists:map(
+ fun({Element, ElementDef}) ->
+ ["\t" | format_result(Element, ElementDef)]
+ end,
+ ElementsAndDef)].
+make_status(ok) -> ?STATUS_SUCCESS;
+make_status(true) -> ?STATUS_SUCCESS;
+make_status(_Error) -> ?STATUS_ERROR.
+get_list_commands() ->
+ try ejabberd_commands:list_commands() of
+ Commands ->
+ [tuple_command_help(Command)
+ || {N,_,_}=Command <- Commands,
+ %% Don't show again those commands, because they are already
+ %% announced by ejabberd_ctl itself
+ N /= status, N /= stop, N /= restart]
+ catch
+ exit:_ ->
+ []
+ end.
+%% Return: {string(), [string()], string()}
+tuple_command_help({Name, Args, Desc}) ->
+ Arguments = [atom_to_list(ArgN) || {ArgN, _ArgF} <- Args],
+ Prepend = case is_supported_args(Args) of
+ true -> "";
+ false -> "*"
+ end,
+ CallString = atom_to_list(Name),
+ {CallString, Arguments, Prepend ++ Desc}.
+is_supported_args(Args) ->
+ lists:all(
+ fun({_Name, Format}) ->
+ (Format == integer)
+ or (Format == string)
+ end,
+ Args).
+get_list_ctls() ->
+ case catch ets:tab2list(ejabberd_ctl_cmds) of
+ {'EXIT', _} -> [];
+ Cs -> [{NameArgs, [], Desc} || {NameArgs, Desc} <- Cs]
+ end.
+%% Print help
+%% Bold
+-define(B1, "\e[1m").
+-define(B2, "\e[22m").
+-define(B(S), case ShCode of true -> [?B1, S, ?B2]; false -> S end).
+%% Underline
+-define(U1, "\e[4m").
+-define(U2, "\e[24m").
+-define(U(S), case ShCode of true -> [?U1, S, ?U2]; false -> S end).
print_usage() ->
- CmdDescs =
- [{"status", "get ejabberd status"},
- {"stop", "stop ejabberd"},
- {"restart", "restart ejabberd"},
- {"reopen-log", "reopen log file"},
- {"register user server password", "register a user"},
- {"unregister user server", "unregister a user"},
- {"backup file", "store a database backup to file"},
- {"restore file", "restore a database backup from file"},
- {"install-fallback file", "install a database fallback from file"},
- {"dump file", "dump a database to a text file"},
- {"load file", "restore a database from a text file"},
- {"import-file file", "import user data from jabberd 1.4 spool file"},
- {"import-dir dir", "import user data from jabberd 1.4 spool directory"},
- {"delete-expired-messages", "delete expired offline messages from database"},
- {"delete-old-messages n", "delete offline messages older than n days from database"},
- {"mnesia [info]", "show information of Mnesia system"},
- {"vhost host ...", "execute host-specific commands"}] ++
- ets:tab2list(ejabberd_ctl_cmds),
- MaxCmdLen =
- lists:max(lists:map(
- fun({Cmd, _Desc}) ->
- length(Cmd)
- end, CmdDescs)),
- NewLine = io_lib:format("~n", []),
- FmtCmdDescs =
- lists:map(
- fun({Cmd, Desc}) ->
- [" ", Cmd, string:chars($\s, MaxCmdLen - length(Cmd) + 2),
- Desc, NewLine]
- end, CmdDescs),
+ {MaxC, ShCode} = get_shell_info(),
+ print_usage(dual, MaxC, ShCode).
+print_usage(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode) ->
+ AllCommands =
+ [
+ {"status", [], "Get ejabberd status"},
+ {"stop", [], "Stop ejabberd"},
+ {"restart", [], "Restart ejabberd"},
+ {"help", ["[--tags [tag] | com?*]"], "Show help (try: ejabberdctl help help)"},
+ {"mnesia", ["[info]"], "show information of Mnesia system"}] ++
+ get_list_commands() ++
+ get_list_ctls(),
- "Usage: ejabberdctl [--node nodename] command [options]~n"
- "~n"
- "Available commands in this ejabberd node:~n"
- ++ FmtCmdDescs ++
- "~n"
- "Examples:~n"
- " ejabberdctl restart~n"
- " ejabberdctl --node ejabberd@host restart~n"
- " ejabberdctl vhost jabber.example.org ...~n",
- []).
-print_vhost_usage(Host) ->
- CmdDescs =
- ets:select(ejabberd_ctl_host_cmds,
- [{{{Host, '$1'}, '$2'}, [], [{{'$1', '$2'}}]}]),
- MaxCmdLen =
- if
- CmdDescs == [] ->
- 0;
- true ->
- lists:max(lists:map(
- fun({Cmd, _Desc}) ->
- length(Cmd)
- end, CmdDescs))
- end,
- NewLine = io_lib:format("~n", []),
- FmtCmdDescs =
- lists:map(
- fun({Cmd, Desc}) ->
- [" ", Cmd, string:chars($\s, MaxCmdLen - length(Cmd) + 2),
- Desc, NewLine]
- end, CmdDescs),
+ ["Usage: ", ?B("ejabberdctl"), " [--node ", ?U("nodename"), "] ", ?U("command"), " [options]\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Available commands in this ejabberd node:\n"], []),
+ print_usage_commands(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode, AllCommands),
- "Usage: ejabberdctl [--node nodename] vhost hostname command [options]~n"
- "~n"
- "Available commands in this ejabberd node and this vhost:~n"
- ++ FmtCmdDescs ++
- "~n"
- "Examples:~n"
- " ejabberdctl vhost "++Host++" registered-users~n",
- []).
+ ["\n"
+ "Examples:\n"
+ " ejabberdctl restart\n"
+ " ejabberdctl --node ejabberd@host restart\n"],
+ []).
+print_usage_commands(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode, Commands) ->
+ CmdDescsSorted = lists:keysort(1, Commands),
+ %% What is the length of the largest command?
+ {CmdArgsLenDescsSorted, Lens} =
+ lists:mapfoldl(
+ fun({Cmd, Args, Desc}, Lengths) ->
+ Len =
+ length(Cmd) +
+ lists:foldl(fun(Arg, R) ->
+ R + 1 + length(Arg)
+ end,
+ 0,
+ Args),
+ {{Cmd, Args, Len, Desc}, [Len | Lengths]}
+ end,
+ [],
+ CmdDescsSorted),
+ MaxCmdLen = case Lens of
+ [] -> 80;
+ _ -> lists:max(Lens)
+ end,
+ %% For each command in the list of commands
+ %% Convert its definition to a line
+ FmtCmdDescs = format_command_lines(CmdArgsLenDescsSorted, MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, HelpMode),
+ ?PRINT([FmtCmdDescs], []).
+%% Get some info about the shell:
+%% how many columns of width
+%% and guess if it supports text formatting codes.
+get_shell_info() ->
+ %% This function was introduced in OTP R12B-0
+ try io:columns() of
+ {ok, C} -> {C-2, true};
+ {error, enotsup} -> {78, false}
+ catch
+ _:_ -> {78, false}
+ end.
-register_commands(CmdDescs, Module, Function) ->
- ets:insert(ejabberd_ctl_cmds, CmdDescs),
- ejabberd_hooks:add(ejabberd_ctl_process,
- Module, Function, 50),
- ok.
+%% Split this command description in several lines of proper length
+prepare_description(DescInit, MaxC, Desc) ->
+ Words = string:tokens(Desc, " "),
+ prepare_long_line(DescInit, MaxC, Words).
+prepare_long_line(DescInit, MaxC, Words) ->
+ MaxSegmentLen = MaxC - DescInit,
+ MarginString = lists:duplicate(DescInit, $\s), % Put spaces
+ [FirstSegment | MoreSegments] = split_desc_segments(MaxSegmentLen, Words),
+ MoreSegmentsMixed = mix_desc_segments(MarginString, MoreSegments),
+ [FirstSegment | MoreSegmentsMixed].
+mix_desc_segments(MarginString, Segments) ->
+ [["\n", MarginString, Segment] || Segment <- Segments].
+split_desc_segments(MaxL, Words) ->
+ join(MaxL, Words).
+%% Join words in a segment,
+%% but stop adding to a segment if adding this word would pass L
+join(L, Words) ->
+ join(L, Words, 0, [], []).
+join(_L, [], _LenLastSeg, LastSeg, ResSeg) ->
+ ResSeg2 = [lists:reverse(LastSeg) | ResSeg],
+ lists:reverse(ResSeg2);
+join(L, [Word | Words], LenLastSeg, LastSeg, ResSeg) ->
+ LWord = length(Word),
+ case LWord + LenLastSeg < L of
+ true ->
+ %% This word fits in the last segment
+ %% If this word ends with "\n", reset column counter
+ case string:str(Word, "\n") of
+ 0 ->
+ join(L, Words, LenLastSeg+LWord+1, [" ", Word | LastSeg], ResSeg);
+ _ ->
+ join(L, Words, LWord+1, [" ", Word | LastSeg], ResSeg)
+ end;
+ false ->
+ join(L, Words, LWord, [" ", Word], [lists:reverse(LastSeg) | ResSeg])
+ end.
-register_commands(Host, CmdDescs, Module, Function) ->
- ets:insert(ejabberd_ctl_host_cmds,
- [{{Host, Cmd}, Desc} || {Cmd, Desc} <- CmdDescs]),
- ejabberd_hooks:add(ejabberd_ctl_process, Host,
- Module, Function, 50),
- ok.
+format_command_lines(CALD, MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, dual)
+ when MaxC - MaxCmdLen < 40 ->
+ %% If the space available for descriptions is too narrow, enforce long help mode
+ format_command_lines(CALD, MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, long);
+format_command_lines(CALD, MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, dual) ->
+ lists:map(
+ fun({Cmd, Args, CmdArgsL, Desc}) ->
+ DescFmt = prepare_description(MaxCmdLen+4, MaxC, Desc),
+ [" ", ?B(Cmd), " ", [[?U(Arg), " "] || Arg <- Args], string:chars($\s, MaxCmdLen - CmdArgsL + 1),
+ DescFmt, "\n"]
+ end, CALD);
+format_command_lines(CALD, _MaxCmdLen, MaxC, ShCode, long) ->
+ lists:map(
+ fun({Cmd, Args, _CmdArgsL, Desc}) ->
+ DescFmt = prepare_description(8, MaxC, Desc),
+ ["\n ", ?B(Cmd), " ", [[?U(Arg), " "] || Arg <- Args], "\n", " ",
+ DescFmt, "\n"]
+ end, CALD).
+%% Print Tags
+print_usage_tags(MaxC, ShCode) ->
+ ?PRINT("Available tags and commands:", []),
+ TagsCommands = ejabberd_commands:get_tags_commands(),
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun({Tag, Commands} = _TagCommands) ->
+ ?PRINT(["\n\n ", ?B(Tag), "\n "], []),
+ Words = lists:sort(Commands),
+ Desc = prepare_long_line(5, MaxC, Words),
+ ?PRINT(Desc, [])
+ end,
+ TagsCommands),
+ ?PRINT("\n\n", []).
+print_usage_tags(Tag, MaxC, ShCode) ->
+ ?PRINT(["Available commands with tag ", ?B(Tag), ":", "\n"], []),
+ HelpMode = long,
+ TagsCommands = ejabberd_commands:get_tags_commands(),
+ CommandsNames = case lists:keysearch(Tag, 1, TagsCommands) of
+ {value, {Tag, CNs}} -> CNs;
+ false -> []
+ end,
+ CommandsList = lists:map(
+ fun(NameString) ->
+ C = ejabberd_commands:get_command_definition(list_to_atom(NameString)),
+ #ejabberd_commands{name = Name,
+ args = Args,
+ desc = Desc} = C,
+ tuple_command_help({Name, Args, Desc})
+ end,
+ CommandsNames),
+ print_usage_commands(HelpMode, MaxC, ShCode, CommandsList),
+ ?PRINT("\n", []).
+%% Print usage of 'help' command
+print_usage_help(MaxC, ShCode) ->
+ LongDesc =
+ ["The special 'help' ejabberdctl command provides help of ejabberd commands.\n\n"
+ "The format is:\n ", ?B("ejabberdctl"), " ", ?B("help"), " [", ?B("--tags"), " ", ?U("[tag]"), " | ", ?U("com?*"), "]\n\n"
+ "The optional arguments:\n"
+ " ",?B("--tags")," Show all tags and the names of commands in each tag\n"
+ " ",?B("--tags"), " ", ?U("tag")," Show description of commands in this tag\n"
+ " ",?U("command")," Show detailed description of the command\n"
+ " ",?U("com?*")," Show detailed description of commands that match this glob.\n"
+ " You can use ? to match a simple character,\n"
+ " and * to match several characters.\n"
+ "\n",
+ "Some example usages:\n",
+ " ejabberdctl help\n",
+ " ejabberdctl help --tags\n",
+ " ejabberdctl help --tags accounts\n",
+ " ejabberdctl help register\n",
+ " ejabberdctl help regist*\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Please note that 'ejabberdctl help' shows all ejabberd commands,\n",
+ "even those that cannot be used in the shell with ejabberdctl.\n",
+ "Those commands can be identified because the description starts with: *"],
+ ArgsDef = [],
+ C = #ejabberd_commands{
+ desc = "Show help of ejabberd commands",
+ longdesc = LongDesc,
+ args = ArgsDef,
+ result = {help, string}},
+ print_usage_command("help", C, MaxC, ShCode).
+%% Print usage command
+%% @spec (CmdSubString::string(), MaxC::integer(), ShCode::boolean()) -> ok
+print_usage_commands(CmdSubString, MaxC, ShCode) ->
+ %% Get which command names match this substring
+ AllCommandsNames = [atom_to_list(Name) || {Name, _, _} <- ejabberd_commands:list_commands()],
+ Cmds = filter_commands(AllCommandsNames, CmdSubString),
+ case Cmds of
+ [] -> io:format("Error: not command found that match: ~p~n", [CmdSubString]);
+ _ -> print_usage_commands2(lists:sort(Cmds), MaxC, ShCode)
+ end.
-unregister_commands(CmdDescs, Module, Function) ->
- lists:foreach(fun(CmdDesc) ->
- ets:delete_object(ejabberd_ctl_cmds, CmdDesc)
- end, CmdDescs),
- ejabberd_hooks:delete(ejabberd_ctl_process,
- Module, Function, 50),
- ok.
+print_usage_commands2(Cmds, MaxC, ShCode) ->
+ %% Then for each one print it
+ lists:mapfoldl(
+ fun(Cmd, Remaining) ->
+ print_usage_command(Cmd, MaxC, ShCode),
+ case Remaining > 1 of
+ true -> ?PRINT([" ", lists:duplicate(MaxC, 126), " \n"], []);
+ false -> ok
+ end,
+ {ok, Remaining-1}
+ end,
+ length(Cmds),
+ Cmds).
+filter_commands(All, SubString) ->
+ case lists:member(SubString, All) of
+ true -> [SubString];
+ false -> filter_commands_regexp(All, SubString)
+ end.
-unregister_commands(Host, CmdDescs, Module, Function) ->
- lists:foreach(fun({Cmd, Desc}) ->
- ets:delete_object(ejabberd_ctl_host_cmds,
- {{Host, Cmd}, Desc})
- end, CmdDescs),
- ejabberd_hooks:delete(ejabberd_ctl_process,
- Module, Function, 50),
- ok.
+filter_commands_regexp(All, Glob) ->
+ RegExp = regexp:sh_to_awk(Glob),
+ lists:filter(
+ fun(Command) ->
+ case regexp:first_match(Command, RegExp) of
+ {match, _, _} ->
+ true;
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end
+ end,
+ All).
+%% @spec (Cmd::string(), MaxC::integer(), ShCode::boolean()) -> ok
+print_usage_command(Cmd, MaxC, ShCode) ->
+ Name = list_to_atom(Cmd),
+ case ejabberd_commands:get_command_definition(Name) of
+ command_not_found ->
+ io:format("Error: command ~p not known.~n", [Cmd]);
+ C ->
+ print_usage_command(Cmd, C, MaxC, ShCode)
+ end.
+print_usage_command(Cmd, C, MaxC, ShCode) ->
+ #ejabberd_commands{
+ tags = TagsAtoms,
+ desc = Desc,
+ longdesc = LongDesc,
+ args = ArgsDef,
+ result = ResultDef} = C,
+ NameFmt = [" ", ?B("Command Name"), ": ", Cmd, "\n"],
+ %% Initial indentation of result is 13 = length(" Arguments: ")
+ Args = [format_usage_ctype(ArgDef, 13) || ArgDef <- ArgsDef],
+ ArgsMargin = lists:duplicate(13, $\s),
+ ArgsListFmt = case Args of
+ [] -> "\n";
+ _ -> [ [Arg, "\n", ArgsMargin] || Arg <- Args]
+ end,
+ ArgsFmt = [" ", ?B("Arguments"), ": ", ArgsListFmt],
+ %% Initial indentation of result is 11 = length(" Returns: ")
+ ResultFmt = format_usage_ctype(ResultDef, 11),
+ ReturnsFmt = [" ",?B("Returns"),": ", ResultFmt],
+ XmlrpcFmt = "", %%+++ [" ",?B("XML-RPC"),": ", format_usage_xmlrpc(ArgsDef, ResultDef), "\n\n"],
+ TagsFmt = [" ",?B("Tags"),": ", prepare_long_line(8, MaxC, [atom_to_list(TagA) || TagA <- TagsAtoms])],
+ DescFmt = [" ",?B("Description"),": ", prepare_description(15, MaxC, Desc)],
+ LongDescFmt = case LongDesc of
+ "" -> "";
+ _ -> ["", prepare_description(0, MaxC, LongDesc), "\n\n"]
+ end,
+ NoteEjabberdctl = case is_supported_args(ArgsDef) of
+ true -> "";
+ false -> [" ", ?B("Note:"), " This command cannot be executed using ejabberdctl. Try mod_xmlrpc.\n\n"]
+ end,
+ ?PRINT(["\n", NameFmt, "\n", ArgsFmt, "\n", ReturnsFmt, "\n\n", XmlrpcFmt, TagsFmt, "\n\n", DescFmt, "\n\n", LongDescFmt, NoteEjabberdctl], []).
+format_usage_ctype({Name, Type}, _Indentation)
+ when (Type==atom) or (Type==integer) or (Type==string) or (Type==rescode) or (Type==restuple)->
+ io_lib:format("~p::~p", [Name, Type]);
+format_usage_ctype({Name, {list, ElementDef}}, Indentation) ->
+ NameFmt = atom_to_list(Name),
+ Indentation2 = Indentation + length(NameFmt) + 4,
+ ElementFmt = format_usage_ctype(ElementDef, Indentation2),
+ [NameFmt, "::[ ", ElementFmt, " ]"];
+format_usage_ctype({Name, {tuple, ElementsDef}}, Indentation) ->
+ NameFmt = atom_to_list(Name),
+ Indentation2 = Indentation + length(NameFmt) + 4,
+ ElementsFmt = format_usage_tuple(ElementsDef, Indentation2),
+ [NameFmt, "::{ " | ElementsFmt].
+format_usage_tuple([], _Indentation) ->
+ [];
+format_usage_tuple([ElementDef], Indentation) ->
+ [format_usage_ctype(ElementDef, Indentation) , " }"];
+format_usage_tuple([ElementDef | ElementsDef], Indentation) ->
+ ElementFmt = format_usage_ctype(ElementDef, Indentation),
+ MarginString = lists:duplicate(Indentation, $\s), % Put spaces
+ [ElementFmt, ",\n", MarginString, format_usage_tuple(ElementsDef, Indentation)].
+%% Command managment
+%% Struct(Integer res) create_account(Struct(String user, String server, String password))
+%%format_usage_xmlrpc(ArgsDef, ResultDef) ->
+%% ["aaaa bbb ccc"].
-dump_to_textfile(File) ->
- dump_to_textfile(mnesia:system_info(is_running), file:open(File, write)).
-dump_to_textfile(yes, {ok, F}) ->
- Tabs1 = lists:delete(schema, mnesia:system_info(local_tables)),
- Tabs = lists:filter(
- fun(T) ->
- case mnesia:table_info(T, storage_type) of
- disc_copies -> true;
- disc_only_copies -> true;
- _ -> false
- end
- end, Tabs1),
- Defs = lists:map(
- fun(T) -> {T, [{record_name, mnesia:table_info(T, record_name)},
- {attributes, mnesia:table_info(T, attributes)}]}
- end,
- Tabs),
- io:format(F, "~p.~n", [{tables, Defs}]),
- lists:foreach(fun(T) -> dump_tab(F, T) end, Tabs),
- file:close(F);
-dump_to_textfile(_, {ok, F}) ->
- file:close(F),
- {error, mnesia_not_running};
-dump_to_textfile(_, {error, Reason}) ->
- {error, Reason}.
-dump_tab(F, T) ->
- W = mnesia:table_info(T, wild_pattern),
- {atomic,All} = mnesia:transaction(
- fun() -> mnesia:match_object(T, W, read) end),
- lists:foreach(
- fun(Term) -> io:format(F,"~p.~n", [setelement(1, Term, T)]) end, All).