--- /dev/null
+Test current() function : usage variations - reference & normal parameters
+/* Prototype : mixed current(array $array_arg)
+ * Description: Return the element currently pointed to by the internal array pointer
+ * Source code: ext/standard/array.c
+ * Alias to functions: pos
+ */
+echo "*** Testing current() : usage variations ***\n";
+echo "\n-- Function: reference parameter --\n";
+function current_variation5_ref(&$a)
+ var_dump(current($a));
+ var_dump(next($a));
+$a = array('yes', 'maybe', 'no');
+echo "\n-- Function: normal parameter --\n";
+function current_variation5($a)
+ var_dump(current($a));
+ var_dump(next($a));
+$a = array('yes', 'maybe', 'no');
+<?php exit(0); ?>
+*** Testing current() : usage variations ***
+-- Function: reference parameter --
+string(3) "yes"
+string(5) "maybe"
+string(5) "maybe"
+string(2) "no"
+-- Function: normal parameter --
+string(3) "yes"
+string(5) "maybe"
+string(5) "maybe"
+string(2) "no"