rparenLoc = ConsumeParen();
// Next, we need to check for any protocol references.
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::less) {
- if (ParseObjCProtocolReferences())
+ llvm::SmallVector<IdentifierInfo *, 8> ProtocolRefs;
+ if (ParseObjCProtocolReferences(ProtocolRefs))
return 0;
if (attrList) // categories don't support attributes.
Diag(Tok, diag::err_objc_no_attributes_on_category);
- ParseObjCInterfaceDeclList(0/*FIXME*/);
+ llvm::SmallVector<DeclTy*, 64> MethodDecls;
+ ParseObjCInterfaceDeclList(0/*FIXME*/, MethodDecls);
// The @ sign was already consumed by ParseObjCInterfaceDeclList().
if (Tok.isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_end)) {
superClassLoc = ConsumeToken();
// Next, we need to check for any protocol references.
+ llvm::SmallVector<IdentifierInfo *, 8> ProtocolRefs;
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::less) {
- if (ParseObjCProtocolReferences())
+ if (ParseObjCProtocolReferences(ProtocolRefs))
return 0;
- // FIXME: add Actions.StartObjCClassInterface(nameId, superClassId, ...)
+ DeclTy *ClsType = Actions.ObjcStartClassInterface(atLoc, nameId, nameLoc,
+ superClassId, superClassLoc, &ProtocolRefs[0],
+ ProtocolRefs.size(), attrList);
+ llvm::SmallVector<DeclTy*, 32> IvarDecls;
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::l_brace)
- ParseObjCClassInstanceVariables(0/*FIXME*/);
+ ParseObjCClassInstanceVariables(ClsType, IvarDecls);
- ParseObjCInterfaceDeclList(0/*FIXME*/);
+ llvm::SmallVector<DeclTy*, 64> MethodDecls;
+ ParseObjCInterfaceDeclList(ClsType, MethodDecls);
// The @ sign was already consumed by ParseObjCInterfaceDeclList().
if (Tok.isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_end)) {
/// @required
/// @optional
-void Parser::ParseObjCInterfaceDeclList(DeclTy *interfaceDecl) {
+void Parser::ParseObjCInterfaceDeclList(
+ DeclTy *interfaceDecl, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<DeclTy*> &MethodDecls) {
+ DeclTy *IDecl = 0;
while (1) {
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::at) {
SourceLocation AtLoc = ConsumeToken(); // the "@"
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::minus || Tok.getKind() == tok::plus) {
- ParseObjCMethodPrototype(true);
+ IDecl = ParseObjCMethodPrototype(true);
+ MethodDecls.push_back(IDecl);
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::semi)
else if (Tok.getKind() == tok::eof)
- else
+ else {
// FIXME: as the name implies, this rule allows function definitions.
// We could pass a flag or check for functions during semantic analysis.
- ParseDeclarationOrFunctionDefinition();
+ IDecl = ParseDeclarationOrFunctionDefinition();
+ MethodDecls.push_back(IDecl);
+ }
/// objc-method-attributes: [OBJC2]
/// __attribute__((deprecated))
-void Parser::ParseObjCMethodPrototype(bool decl) {
+Parser::DeclTy *Parser::ParseObjCMethodPrototype(bool decl) {
assert((Tok.getKind() == tok::minus || Tok.getKind() == tok::plus) &&
"expected +/-");
SourceLocation methodLoc = ConsumeToken();
// FIXME: deal with "context sensitive" protocol qualifiers in prototypes
- ParseObjCMethodDecl(methodType, methodLoc);
+ DeclTy *MDecl = ParseObjCMethodDecl(methodType, methodLoc);
- // If attributes exist after the method, parse them.
- if (getLang().ObjC2 && Tok.getKind() == tok::kw___attribute)
- ParseAttributes();
if (decl)
// Consume the ';'.
ExpectAndConsume(tok::semi, diag::err_expected_semi_after, "method proto");
+ return MDecl;
/// objc-selector:
/// objc-type-qualifier
/// objc-type-qualifiers objc-type-qualifier
-void Parser::ParseObjCTypeName() {
+Parser::TypeTy *Parser::ParseObjCTypeName() {
assert(Tok.getKind() == tok::l_paren && "expected (");
SourceLocation LParenLoc = ConsumeParen(), RParenLoc;
+ TypeTy *Ty;
while (isObjCTypeQualifier())
if (isTypeSpecifierQualifier()) {
- //TypeTy *Ty = ParseTypeName();
- //assert(Ty && "Parser::ParseObjCTypeName(): missing type");
- ParseTypeName(); // FIXME: when sema support is added.
+ Ty = ParseTypeName();
+ // FIXME: back when Sema support is in place...
+ // assert(Ty && "Parser::ParseObjCTypeName(): missing type");
if (Tok.getKind() != tok::r_paren) {
MatchRHSPunctuation(tok::r_paren, LParenLoc);
- return;
+ return 0; // FIXME: decide how we want to handle this error...
RParenLoc = ConsumeParen();
+ return Ty;
/// objc-method-decl:
/// objc-keyword-attributes: [OBJC2]
/// __attribute__((unused))
-void Parser::ParseObjCMethodDecl(tok::TokenKind mType, SourceLocation mLoc) {
+Parser::DeclTy *Parser::ParseObjCMethodDecl(tok::TokenKind mType, SourceLocation mLoc) {
+ TypeTy *ReturnType = 0;
// Parse the return type.
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::l_paren)
- ParseObjCTypeName();
+ ReturnType = ParseObjCTypeName();
IdentifierInfo *selIdent = ParseObjCSelector();
+ llvm::SmallVector<ObjcKeywordInfo, 12> KeyInfo;
+ int KeySlot = 0;
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::colon) {
- IdentifierInfo *keywordSelector = selIdent;
while (1) {
+ KeyInfo[KeySlot].SelectorName = selIdent;
// Each iteration parses a single keyword argument.
if (Tok.getKind() != tok::colon) {
Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_colon);
- ConsumeToken(); // Eat the ':'.
+ KeyInfo[KeySlot].ColonLoc = ConsumeToken(); // Eat the ':'.
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::l_paren) // Parse the argument type.
- ParseObjCTypeName();
+ KeyInfo[KeySlot].TypeInfo = ParseObjCTypeName();
// If attributes exist before the argument name, parse them.
if (getLang().ObjC2 && Tok.getKind() == tok::kw___attribute)
- ParseAttributes();
+ KeyInfo[KeySlot].AttrList = ParseAttributes();
if (Tok.getKind() != tok::identifier) {
Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_ident); // missing argument name.
+ KeyInfo[KeySlot].ArgumentName = Tok.getIdentifierInfo();
ConsumeToken(); // Eat the identifier.
+ // Rather than call out to the actions, try packaging up the info
+ // locally, like we do for Declarator.
// FIXME: add Actions.BuildObjCKeyword()
- keywordSelector = ParseObjCSelector();
- if (!keywordSelector && Tok.getKind() != tok::colon)
+ selIdent = ParseObjCSelector();
+ if (!selIdent && Tok.getKind() != tok::colon)
// We have a selector or a colon, continue parsing.
+ KeySlot++;
// Parse the (optional) parameter list.
while (Tok.getKind() == tok::comma) {
Declarator ParmDecl(DS, Declarator::PrototypeContext);
+ AttributeList *methodAttrs = 0;
+ // If attributes exist after the method, parse them.
+ if (getLang().ObjC2 && Tok.getKind() == tok::kw___attribute)
+ methodAttrs = ParseAttributes();
+ // FIXME: Add support for optional parmameter list...
+ return Actions.ObjcBuildMethodDeclaration(mLoc, mType, ReturnType,
+ &KeyInfo[0], KeyInfo.size(),
+ methodAttrs);
} else if (!selIdent) {
Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected_ident); // missing selector name.
- // FIXME: add Actions.BuildMethodSignature().
+ AttributeList *methodAttrs = 0;
+ // If attributes exist after the method, parse them.
+ if (getLang().ObjC2 && Tok.getKind() == tok::kw___attribute)
+ methodAttrs = ParseAttributes();
+ return Actions.ObjcBuildMethodDeclaration(mLoc, mType, ReturnType, selIdent,
+ methodAttrs);
/// objc-protocol-refs:
/// '<' identifier-list '>'
-bool Parser::ParseObjCProtocolReferences() {
+bool Parser::ParseObjCProtocolReferences(
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<IdentifierInfo*> &ProtocolRefs) {
assert(Tok.getKind() == tok::less && "expected <");
ConsumeToken(); // the "<"
- llvm::SmallVector<IdentifierInfo *, 8> ProtocolRefs;
while (1) {
if (Tok.getKind() != tok::identifier) {
/// objc-instance-variable-decl:
/// struct-declaration
-void Parser::ParseObjCClassInstanceVariables(DeclTy *interfaceDecl) {
+void Parser::ParseObjCClassInstanceVariables(DeclTy *interfaceDecl,
+ llvm::SmallVectorImpl<DeclTy*> &IvarDecls) {
assert(Tok.getKind() == tok::l_brace && "expected {");
SourceLocation LBraceLoc = ConsumeBrace(); // the "{"
- llvm::SmallVector<DeclTy*, 32> IvarDecls;
// While we still have something to read, read the instance variables.
while (Tok.getKind() != tok::r_brace &&
// Last, and definitely not least, parse a protocol declaration.
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::less) {
- if (ParseObjCProtocolReferences())
+ llvm::SmallVector<IdentifierInfo *, 8> ProtocolRefs;
+ if (ParseObjCProtocolReferences(ProtocolRefs))
return 0;
- ParseObjCInterfaceDeclList(0/*FIXME*/);
+ llvm::SmallVector<DeclTy*, 64> MethodDecls;
+ ParseObjCInterfaceDeclList(0/*FIXME*/, MethodDecls);
// The @ sign was already consumed by ParseObjCInterfaceDeclList().
if (Tok.isObjCAtKeyword(tok::objc_end)) {
ConsumeToken(); // Consume super class name
+ llvm::SmallVector<DeclTy*, 32> IvarDecls;
if (Tok.getKind() == tok::l_brace)
- ParseObjCClassInstanceVariables(0/*FIXME*/); // we have ivars
+ ParseObjCClassInstanceVariables(0/*FIXME*/, IvarDecls); // we have ivars
return 0;