/* n-raster MapAlgebra */
+Datum RASTER_nMapAlgebraExpr(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
/* raster union aggregate */
Datum RASTER_union_transfn(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
int distance[2]; /* distance in X and Y axis */
- rt_extenttype extenttype; /* oupt raster's extent type */
+ rt_extenttype extenttype; /* ouput raster's extent type */
rt_pgraster *pgcextent; /* custom extent of type rt_pgraster */
rt_raster cextent; /* custom extent of type rt_raster */
if (arg->hasband[i])
+ if (i >= arg->numraster)
+ i = arg->numraster - 1;
band = rt_raster_get_band(arg->raster[i], arg->nband[i]);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* expression ST_MapAlgebra for n rasters */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
+typedef struct {
+ int exprcount;
+ struct {
+ SPIPlanPtr spi_plan;
+ uint32_t spi_argcount;
+ uint8_t *spi_argpos;
+ int hasval;
+ double val;
+ } expr[3];
+ struct {
+ int hasval;
+ double val;
+ } nodatanodata;
+ struct {
+ int count;
+ char **val;
+ } kw;
+} rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_callback_arg;
+typedef struct rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_t *rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg;
+struct rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_t {
+ rtpg_nmapalgebra_arg bandarg;
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_callback_arg callback;
+static rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_init(int cnt, char **kw) {
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg arg = NULL;
+ int i = 0;
+ arg = palloc(sizeof(struct rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_t));
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ elog(ERROR, "rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_init: Unable to allocate memory for arguments");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ arg->bandarg = rtpg_nmapalgebra_arg_init();
+ if (arg->bandarg == NULL) {
+ elog(ERROR, "rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_init: Unable to allocate memory for arg->bandarg");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ arg->callback.kw.count = cnt;
+ arg->callback.kw.val = kw;
+ arg->callback.exprcount = 3;
+ for (i = 0; i < arg->callback.exprcount; i++) {
+ arg->callback.expr[i].spi_plan = NULL;
+ arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argcount = 0;
+ arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argpos = palloc(cnt * sizeof(uint8_t));
+ if (arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argpos == NULL) {
+ elog(ERROR, "rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_init: Unable to allocate memory for spi_argpos");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memset(arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argpos, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * cnt);
+ arg->callback.expr[i].hasval = 0;
+ arg->callback.expr[i].val = 0;
+ }
+ arg->callback.nodatanodata.hasval = 0;
+ arg->callback.nodatanodata.val = 0;
+ return arg;
+static void rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg arg) {
+ int i = 0;
+ rtpg_nmapalgebra_arg_destroy(arg->bandarg);
+ for (i = 0; i < arg->callback.exprcount; i++) {
+ if (arg->callback.expr[i].spi_plan)
+ SPI_freeplan(arg->callback.expr[i].spi_plan);
+ if (arg->callback.kw.count)
+ pfree(arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argpos);
+ }
+ pfree(arg);
+static int rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_callback(
+ rt_iterator_arg arg, void *userarg,
+ double *value, int *nodata
+) {
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_callback_arg *callback = (rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_callback_arg *) userarg;
+ SPIPlanPtr plan = NULL;
+ int i = 0;
+ int id = -1;
+ if (arg == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ *value = 0;
+ *nodata = 0;
+ /* 2 raster */
+ if (arg->rasters > 1) {
+ /* nodata1 = 1 AND nodata2 = 1, nodatanodataval */
+ if (arg->nodata[0][0][0] && arg->nodata[1][0][0]) {
+ if (callback->nodatanodata.hasval)
+ *value = callback->nodatanodata.val;
+ else
+ *nodata = 1;
+ }
+ /* nodata1 = 1 AND nodata2 != 1, nodata1expr */
+ else if (arg->nodata[0][0][0] && !arg->nodata[1][0][0]) {
+ id = 1;
+ if (callback->expr[id].hasval)
+ *value = callback->expr[id].val;
+ else if (callback->expr[id].spi_plan)
+ plan = callback->expr[id].spi_plan;
+ else
+ *nodata = 1;
+ }
+ /* nodata1 != 1 AND nodata2 = 1, nodata2expr */
+ else if (!arg->nodata[0][0][0] && arg->nodata[1][0][0]) {
+ id = 2;
+ if (callback->expr[id].hasval)
+ *value = callback->expr[id].val;
+ else if (callback->expr[id].spi_plan)
+ plan = callback->expr[id].spi_plan;
+ else
+ *nodata = 1;
+ }
+ /* expression */
+ else {
+ id = 0;
+ if (callback->expr[id].hasval)
+ *value = callback->expr[id].val;
+ else if (callback->expr[id].spi_plan)
+ plan = callback->expr[id].spi_plan;
+ else {
+ if (callback->nodatanodata.hasval)
+ *value = callback->nodatanodata.val;
+ else
+ *nodata = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* 1 raster */
+ else {
+ /* nodata = 1, nodata1expr */
+ if (arg->nodata[0][0][0]) {
+ id = 1;
+ if (callback->expr[id].hasval)
+ *value = callback->expr[id].val;
+ else if (callback->expr[id].spi_plan)
+ plan = callback->expr[id].spi_plan;
+ else
+ *nodata = 1;
+ }
+ /* expression */
+ else {
+ id = 0;
+ if (callback->expr[id].hasval)
+ *value = callback->expr[id].val;
+ else if (callback->expr[id].spi_plan)
+ plan = callback->expr[id].spi_plan;
+ else {
+ /* see if nodata1expr is available */
+ id = 1;
+ if (callback->expr[id].hasval)
+ *value = callback->expr[id].val;
+ else if (callback->expr[id].spi_plan)
+ plan = callback->expr[id].spi_plan;
+ else
+ *nodata = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* run prepared plan */
+ if (plan != NULL) {
+ Datum values[12];
+ bool nulls[12];
+ int err = 0;
+ TupleDesc tupdesc;
+ SPITupleTable *tuptable = NULL;
+ HeapTuple tuple;
+ Datum datum;
+ double v = 0;
+ bool isnull = FALSE;
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(4, "Running plan %d", id);
+ /* init values and nulls */
+ memset(values, (Datum) NULL, sizeof(Datum) * callback->kw.count);
+ memset(nulls, FALSE, sizeof(bool) * callback->kw.count);
+ if (callback->expr[id].spi_argcount) {
+ int idx = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < callback->kw.count; i++) {
+ idx = callback->expr[id].spi_argpos[i];
+ if (idx < 1) continue;
+ idx--; /* 1-based now 0-based */
+ switch (i) {
+ /* [rast.x] */
+ case 0:
+ values[idx] = Int32GetDatum(arg->src_pixel[0][0] + 1);
+ v = arg->src_pixel[0][0] + 1;
+ break;
+ /* [rast.y] */
+ case 1:
+ values[idx] = Int32GetDatum(arg->src_pixel[0][1] + 1);
+ v = arg->src_pixel[0][1] + 1;
+ v = values[idx];
+ break;
+ /* [rast.val] */
+ case 2:
+ /* [rast] */
+ case 3:
+ if (!arg->nodata[0][0][0]) {
+ values[idx] = Float8GetDatum(arg->values[0][0][0]);
+ v = arg->values[0][0][0];
+ }
+ else
+ nulls[idx] = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* [rast1.x] */
+ case 4:
+ values[idx] = Int32GetDatum(arg->src_pixel[0][0] + 1);
+ v = arg->src_pixel[0][0] + 1;
+ break;
+ /* [rast1.y] */
+ case 5:
+ values[idx] = Int32GetDatum(arg->src_pixel[0][1] + 1);
+ v = arg->src_pixel[0][1] + 1;
+ break;
+ /* [rast1.val] */
+ case 6:
+ /* [rast1] */
+ case 7:
+ if (!arg->nodata[0][0][0]) {
+ values[idx] = Float8GetDatum(arg->values[0][0][0]);
+ v = arg->values[0][0][0];
+ }
+ else
+ nulls[idx] = TRUE;
+ break;
+ /* [rast2.x] */
+ case 8:
+ values[idx] = Int32GetDatum(arg->src_pixel[1][0] + 1);
+ v = arg->src_pixel[1][0] + 1;
+ break;
+ /* [rast2.y] */
+ case 9:
+ values[idx] = Int32GetDatum(arg->src_pixel[1][1] + 1);
+ v = arg->src_pixel[1][1] + 1;
+ break;
+ /* [rast2.val] */
+ case 10:
+ /* [rast2] */
+ case 11:
+ if (!arg->nodata[1][0][0]){
+ values[idx] = Float8GetDatum(arg->values[1][0][0]);
+ v = arg->values[1][0][0];
+ }
+ else
+ nulls[idx] = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(4, "(i, idx, value, null) = (%d, %d, %f, %d)",
+ i,
+ idx,
+ v,
+ nulls[idx] != TRUE ? 0 : 1
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ /* run prepared plan */
+ err = SPI_execute_plan(plan, values, nulls, TRUE, 1);
+ if (err != SPI_OK_SELECT || SPI_tuptable == NULL || SPI_processed != 1) {
+ elog(ERROR, "rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_callback: Unexpected error when running prepared statement %d", id);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* get output of prepared plan */
+ tupdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc;
+ tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
+ tuple = tuptable->vals[0];
+ datum = SPI_getbinval(tuple, tupdesc, 1, &isnull);
+ if (SPI_result == SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE) {
+ elog(ERROR, "rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_callback: Unable to get result of prepared statement %d", id);
+ if (SPI_tuptable) SPI_freetuptable(tuptable);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!isnull) {
+ *value = DatumGetFloat8(datum);
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUG(4, "Getting value from Datum");
+ }
+ else {
+ /* 2 raster, check nodatanodataval */
+ if (arg->rasters > 1) {
+ if (callback->nodatanodata.hasval)
+ *value = callback->nodatanodata.val;
+ else
+ *nodata = 1;
+ }
+ /* 1 raster, check nodataval */
+ else {
+ if (callback->expr[1].hasval)
+ *value = callback->expr[1].val;
+ else
+ *nodata = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (SPI_tuptable) SPI_freetuptable(tuptable);
+ }
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(4, "(value, nodata) = (%f, %d)", *value, *nodata);
+ return 1;
+ MemoryContext mainMemCtx = CurrentMemoryContext;
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg arg = NULL;
+ rt_iterator itrset;
+ uint16_t exprpos[3] = {1, 4, 5};
+ int i = 0;
+ int j = 0;
+ int k = 0;
+ int numraster = 0;
+ int err = 0;
+ int allnull = 0;
+ int allempty = 0;
+ int noband = 0;
+ int len = 0;
+ TupleDesc tupdesc;
+ SPITupleTable *tuptable = NULL;
+ HeapTuple tuple;
+ Datum datum;
+ bool isnull = FALSE;
+ rt_raster raster = NULL;
+ rt_band band = NULL;
+ rt_pgraster *pgraster = NULL;
+ const int argkwcount = 12;
+ char *argkw[] = {
+ "[rast.x]",
+ "[rast.y]",
+ "[rast.val]",
+ "[rast]",
+ "[rast1.x]",
+ "[rast1.y]",
+ "[rast1.val]",
+ "[rast1]",
+ "[rast2.x]",
+ "[rast2.y]",
+ "[rast2.val]",
+ "[rast2]"
+ };
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
+ /* init argument struct */
+ arg = rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_init(argkwcount, argkw);
+ if (arg == NULL) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebraExpr: Unable to initialize argument structure");
+ }
+ /* let helper function process rastbandarg (0) */
+ if (!rtpg_nmapalgebra_rastbandarg_process(arg->bandarg, PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0), &allnull, &allempty, &noband)) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebra: Unable to process rastbandarg");
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ }
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(4, "allnull, allempty, noband = %d, %d, %d", allnull, allempty, noband);
+ /* all rasters are NULL, return NULL */
+ if (allnull == arg->bandarg->numraster) {
+ elog(NOTICE, "All input rasters are NULL. Returning NULL");
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ }
+ /* only work on one or two rasters */
+ if (arg->bandarg->numraster > 1)
+ numraster = 2;
+ else
+ numraster = 1;
+ /* pixel type (2) */
+ if (!PG_ARGISNULL(2)) {
+ char *pixtypename = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2));
+ /* Get the pixel type index */
+ arg->bandarg->pixtype = rt_pixtype_index_from_name(pixtypename);
+ if (arg->bandarg->pixtype == PT_END) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebraExpr: Invalid pixel type: %s", pixtypename);
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ }
+ }
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(4, "pixeltype: %d", arg->bandarg->pixtype);
+ /* extent type (3) */
+ if (!PG_ARGISNULL(3)) {
+ char *extenttypename = rtpg_strtoupper(rtpg_trim(text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(3))));
+ arg->bandarg->extenttype = rt_util_extent_type(extenttypename);
+ }
+ if (arg->bandarg->extenttype == ET_CUSTOM) {
+ if (numraster < 2) {
+ elog(NOTICE, "CUSTOM extent type not supported. Defaulting to FIRST");
+ arg->bandarg->extenttype = ET_FIRST;
+ }
+ else {
+ elog(NOTICE, "CUSTOM extent type not supported. Defaulting to INTERSECTION");
+ arg->bandarg->extenttype = ET_INTERSECTION;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (numraster < 2)
+ arg->bandarg->extenttype = ET_FIRST;
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(4, "extenttype: %d", arg->bandarg->extenttype);
+ /* nodatanodataval (6) */
+ if (!PG_ARGISNULL(6)) {
+ arg->callback.nodatanodata.hasval = 1;
+ arg->callback.nodatanodata.val = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(6);
+ }
+ err = 0;
+ /* all rasters are empty, return empty raster */
+ if (allempty == arg->bandarg->numraster) {
+ elog(NOTICE, "All input rasters are empty. Returning empty raster");
+ err = 1;
+ }
+ /* all rasters don't have indicated band, return empty raster */
+ else if (noband == arg->bandarg->numraster) {
+ elog(NOTICE, "All input rasters do not have bands at indicated indexes. Returning empty raster");
+ err = 1;
+ }
+ if (err) {
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ raster = rt_raster_new(0, 0);
+ if (raster == NULL) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebraExpr: Unable to create empty raster");
+ }
+ pgraster = rt_raster_serialize(raster);
+ rt_raster_destroy(raster);
+ if (!pgraster) PG_RETURN_NULL();
+ SET_VARSIZE(pgraster, pgraster->size);
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(pgraster);
+ }
+ /* connect SPI */
+ if (SPI_connect() != SPI_OK_CONNECT) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebraExpr: Unable to connect to the SPI manager");
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ }
+ /*
+ process expressions
+ exprpos elements are:
+ 1 - expression => spi_plan[0]
+ 4 - nodata1expr => spi_plan[1]
+ 5 - nodata2expr => spi_plan[2]
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < arg->callback.exprcount; i++) {
+ char *expr = NULL;
+ char *tmp = NULL;
+ char *sql = NULL;
+ char place[5] = "$1";
+ if (PG_ARGISNULL(exprpos[i]))
+ continue;
+ expr = text_to_cstring(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(exprpos[i]));
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "raw expr of argument #%d: %s", exprpos[i], expr);
+ for (j = 0, k = 1; j < argkwcount; j++) {
+ /* attempt to replace keyword with placeholder */
+ len = 0;
+ tmp = rtpg_strreplace(expr, argkw[j], place, &len);
+ pfree(expr);
+ expr = tmp;
+ if (len) {
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(4, "kw #%d (%s) at pos $%d", j, argkw[j], k);
+ arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argcount++;
+ arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argpos[j] = k++;
+ sprintf(place, "$%d", k);
+ }
+ else
+ arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argpos[j] = 0;
+ }
+ len = strlen("SELECT (") + strlen(expr) + strlen(")::double precision");
+ sql = (char *) palloc(len + 1);
+ if (sql == NULL) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebraExpr: Unable to allocate memory for expression parameter %d", exprpos[i]);
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ SPI_finish();
+ }
+ strncpy(sql, "SELECT (", strlen("SELECT ("));
+ strncpy(sql + strlen("SELECT ("), expr, strlen(expr));
+ strncpy(sql + strlen("SELECT (") + strlen(expr), ")::double precision", strlen(")::double precision"));
+ sql[len] = '\0';
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "sql #%d: %s", exprpos[i], sql);
+ /* prepared plan */
+ if (arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argcount) {
+ Oid *argtype = (Oid *) palloc(arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argcount * sizeof(Oid));
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "expression parameter %d is a prepared plan", exprpos[i]);
+ if (argtype == NULL) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebraExpr: Unable to allocate memory for prepared plan argtypes of expression parameter %d", exprpos[i]);
+ pfree(sql);
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ SPI_finish();
+ }
+ /* specify datatypes of parameters */
+ for (j = 0, k = 0; j < argkwcount; j++) {
+ if (arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argpos[j] < 1) continue;
+ /* positions are INT4 */
+ if (
+ (strstr(argkw[j], "[rast.x]") != NULL) ||
+ (strstr(argkw[j], "[rast.y]") != NULL) ||
+ (strstr(argkw[j], "[rast1.x]") != NULL) ||
+ (strstr(argkw[j], "[rast1.y]") != NULL) ||
+ (strstr(argkw[j], "[rast2.x]") != NULL) ||
+ (strstr(argkw[j], "[rast2.y]") != NULL)
+ )
+ argtype[k] = INT4OID;
+ /* everything else is FLOAT8 */
+ else
+ argtype[k] = FLOAT8OID;
+ k++;
+ }
+ arg->callback.expr[i].spi_plan = SPI_prepare(sql, arg->callback.expr[i].spi_argcount, argtype);
+ pfree(argtype);
+ pfree(sql);
+ if (arg->callback.expr[i].spi_plan == NULL) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebraExpr: Unable to create prepared plan of expression parameter %d", exprpos[i]);
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ SPI_finish();
+ }
+ }
+ /* no args, just execute query */
+ else {
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(3, "expression parameter %d has no args, simply executing", exprpos[i]);
+ err = SPI_execute(sql, TRUE, 0);
+ pfree(sql);
+ if (err != SPI_OK_SELECT || SPI_tuptable == NULL || SPI_processed != 1) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebraExpr: Unable to evaluate expression parameter %d", exprpos[i]);
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ SPI_finish();
+ }
+ /* get output of prepared plan */
+ tupdesc = SPI_tuptable->tupdesc;
+ tuptable = SPI_tuptable;
+ tuple = tuptable->vals[0];
+ datum = SPI_getbinval(tuple, tupdesc, 1, &isnull);
+ if (SPI_result == SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebraExpr: Unable to get result of expression parameter %d", exprpos[i]);
+ if (SPI_tuptable) SPI_freetuptable(tuptable);
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ SPI_finish();
+ }
+ if (!isnull) {
+ arg->callback.expr[i].hasval = 1;
+ arg->callback.expr[i].val = DatumGetFloat8(datum);
+ }
+ if (SPI_tuptable) SPI_freetuptable(tuptable);
+ }
+ }
+ /* determine nodataval and possibly pixtype */
+ /* band to check */
+ switch (arg->bandarg->extenttype) {
+ case ET_LAST:
+ case ET_SECOND:
+ if (numraster > 1)
+ i = 1;
+ else
+ i = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ i = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* find first viable band */
+ if (!arg->bandarg->hasband[i]) {
+ for (i = 0; i < numraster; i++) {
+ if (arg->bandarg->hasband[i])
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i >= numraster)
+ i = numraster - 1;
+ }
+ band = rt_raster_get_band(arg->bandarg->raster[i], arg->bandarg->nband[i]);
+ /* set pixel type if PT_END */
+ if (arg->bandarg->pixtype == PT_END)
+ arg->bandarg->pixtype = rt_band_get_pixtype(band);
+ /* set hasnodata and nodataval */
+ arg->bandarg->hasnodata = 1;
+ if (rt_band_get_hasnodata_flag(band))
+ rt_band_get_nodata(band, &(arg->bandarg->nodataval));
+ else
+ arg->bandarg->nodataval = rt_band_get_min_value(band);
+ POSTGIS_RT_DEBUGF(4, "pixtype, hasnodata, nodataval: %s, %d, %f", rt_pixtype_name(arg->bandarg->pixtype), arg->bandarg->hasnodata, arg->bandarg->nodataval);
+ /* init itrset */
+ itrset = palloc(sizeof(struct rt_iterator_t) * numraster);
+ if (itrset == NULL) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebra: Unable to allocate memory for iterator arguments");
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ SPI_finish();
+ }
+ /* set itrset */
+ for (i = 0; i < numraster; i++) {
+ itrset[i].raster = arg->bandarg->raster[i];
+ itrset[i].nband = arg->bandarg->nband[i];
+ itrset[i].nbnodata = 1;
+ }
+ /* pass everything to iterator */
+ err = rt_raster_iterator(
+ itrset, numraster,
+ arg->bandarg->extenttype, arg->bandarg->cextent,
+ arg->bandarg->pixtype,
+ arg->bandarg->hasnodata, arg->bandarg->nodataval,
+ 0, 0,
+ &(arg->callback),
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_callback,
+ &raster
+ );
+ pfree(itrset);
+ rtpg_nmapalgebraexpr_arg_destroy(arg);
+ if (err != ES_NONE) {
+ elog(ERROR, "RASTER_nMapAlgebraExpr: Unable to run raster iterator function");
+ SPI_finish();
+ }
+ else if (raster == NULL) {
+ SPI_finish();
+ }
+ /* switch to prior memory context to ensure memory allocated in correct context */
+ MemoryContextSwitchTo(mainMemCtx);
+ pgraster = rt_raster_serialize(raster);
+ rt_raster_destroy(raster);
+ /* finish SPI */
+ SPI_finish();
+ if (!pgraster)
+ SET_VARSIZE(pgraster, pgraster->size);
+ PG_RETURN_POINTER(pgraster);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ST_Union aggregate functions */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */