(if present) or to the author's address when there's no Reply-To
/* %a = address of author
+ * %A = reply-to address (if present; otherwise: address of author
* %b = filename of the originating folder
* %B = the list to which the letter was sent
* %c = size of message in bytes
dest[0] = 0;
switch (op)
+ case 'A':
+ if(hdr->env->reply_to && hdr->env->reply_to->mailbox)
+ {
+ mutt_format_s (dest, destlen, prefix, hdr->env->reply_to->mailbox);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* fall through if 'A' returns nothing */
case 'a':
if(hdr->env->from && hdr->env->from->mailbox)
** .pp
** .dl
** .dt %a .dd address of the author
+ ** .dt %A .dd reply-to address (if present; otherwise: address of author)
** .dt %b .dd filename of the original message folder (think mailBox)
** .dt %B .dd the list to which the letter was sent, or else the folder name (%b).
** .dt %c .dd number of characters (bytes) in the message