default: assert(0 && "Unknown type of argument");
code[pos++] = curr->bound_by->imm.intval | ARG_NEWCLOSURE;
- if (i == 0) desired_params = bc->subfunctions[curr->bound_by->imm.intval]->nclosures;
+ if (i == 0) {
+ inst* i = curr->bound_by;
+ desired_params = i->compiled->subfunctions[i->imm.intval]->nclosures;
+ }
code[pos++] = curr->bound_by->imm.intval;
if (idx & ARG_NEWCLOSURE) {
int subfn_idx = idx & ~ARG_NEWCLOSURE;
assert(subfn_idx < frame_self(fr)->bc->nsubfunctions);
- return closure_new(stk, frame_self(fr)->bc->subfunctions[subfn_idx]);
+ struct closure cl = {frame_self(fr)->bc->subfunctions[subfn_idx],
+ forkable_stack_to_idx(stk, fr)};
+ return cl;
} else {
- // FIXME: set pc
return *frame_closure_arg(fr, idx);
uint16_t v = *pc++;
frame_ptr fp = frame_get_level(&frame_stk, frame_current(&frame_stk), level);
json_t** var = frame_local_var(fp, v);
+ printf("V%d = ", v);
+ json_dumpf(*var, stdout, JSON_ENCODE_ANY);
+ printf("\n");
stack_push(stackval_replace(stack_pop(), *var));
forkable_stack_init(&fork_stk, 10240); // FIXME: lower this number, see if it breaks
- frame_push(&frame_stk, closure_new_toplevel(bc), 0);
+ struct closure top = {bc, -1};
+ frame_push(&frame_stk, top, 0);
frame_push_backtrack(&frame_stk, bc->code);
return fr;
-static struct closure closure_new_toplevel(struct bytecode* bc) {
- struct closure cl = {bc, -1};
- return cl;
-static struct closure closure_new(struct forkable_stack* stk, struct bytecode* bc) {
- struct closure cl = {bc,
- forkable_stack_to_idx(stk, frame_current(stk))};
- return cl;
static frame_ptr frame_push(struct forkable_stack* stk, struct closure cl, uint16_t* retaddr) {
frame_ptr fp = forkable_stack_push(stk, frame_size(cl.bc));
struct continuation* cc = frame_self(fp);
+# test backtracking through function calls and returns
+# this test is *evil*
[[20,10][1,0] as $x | def f: (100,200) as $y | def g: [$x + $y, .]; . + $x | g; f[0] | [f][0][1] | f]
"woo, testing!"
[[110.0, 130.0], [210.0, 130.0], [110.0, 230.0], [210.0, 230.0], [120.0, 160.0], [220.0, 160.0], [120.0, 260.0], [220.0, 260.0]]
+# test closures and lexical scoping
+def id(x):x; 2000 as $x | def f(x):1 as $x | id([$x, x, x]); def g(x): 100 as $x | f($x,$x+x); g($x)
+"more testing"