#include "MagickCore/segment.h"
#include "MagickCore/splay-tree.h"
#include "MagickCore/string_.h"
+#include "MagickCore/string-private.h"
#include "MagickCore/thread-private.h"
#include "MagickCore/threshold.h"
#include "MagickCore/transform.h"
% o exception: return any errors or warnings in this structure.
+typedef struct _EdgeInfo
+ double
+ left,
+ right,
+ top,
+ bottom;
+} EdgeInfo;
+static double GetEdgeBlendFactor(const Image *image,const CacheView *image_view,
+ const GravityType gravity,const size_t width,const size_t height,
+ const ssize_t x_offset,const ssize_t y_offset,ExceptionInfo *exception)
+#define GetBackgroundPixel(x,y,background) \
+{ \
+ p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,(ssize_t) (x),(ssize_t) (y),1,1, \
+ exception); \
+ GetPixelInfoPixel(image,p,(background)); \
+ CacheView
+ *crop_view;
+ char
+ crop_geometry[MagickPathExtent];
+ double
+ factor;
+ Image
+ *clone_image,
+ *crop_image;
+ PixelInfo
+ background,
+ pixel;
+ register const Quantum
+ *p;
+ ssize_t
+ y;
+ /*
+ Determine the percent of image background for this edge.
+ */
+ switch (gravity)
+ {
+ case NorthWestGravity:
+ case NorthGravity:
+ default:
+ {
+ GetBackgroundPixel(0,0,&background);
+ break;
+ }
+ case NorthEastGravity:
+ case EastGravity:
+ {
+ GetBackgroundPixel(image->columns-1,0,&background);
+ break;
+ }
+ case SouthEastGravity:
+ case SouthGravity:
+ {
+ GetBackgroundPixel(image->columns-1,image->rows-1,&background);
+ break;
+ }
+ case SouthWestGravity:
+ case WestGravity:
+ {
+ GetBackgroundPixel(0,image->rows-1,&background);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ clone_image=CloneImage(image,0,0,MagickTrue,exception);
+ if (clone_image == (Image *) NULL)
+ return(0.0);
+ clone_image->gravity=gravity;
+ (void) FormatLocaleString(crop_geometry,MagickPathExtent,"%gx%g%+g%+g",
+ (double) width,(double) height,(double) x_offset,(double) y_offset);
+ crop_image=CropImageToTiles(clone_image,crop_geometry,exception);
+ clone_image=DestroyImage(clone_image);
+ if (crop_image == (Image *) NULL)
+ return(0.0);
+ factor=0.0;
+ crop_view=AcquireVirtualCacheView(crop_image,exception);
+ for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) crop_image->rows; y++)
+ {
+ register ssize_t
+ x;
+ p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(crop_view,0,y,crop_image->columns,1,exception);
+ if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL)
+ break;
+ for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) crop_image->columns; x++)
+ {
+ GetPixelInfoPixel(crop_image,p,&pixel);
+ if (IsFuzzyEquivalencePixelInfo(&pixel,&background) == MagickFalse)
+ factor++;
+ p+=GetPixelChannels(crop_image);
+ }
+ }
+ crop_view=DestroyCacheView(crop_view);
+ factor/=((double) crop_image->columns*crop_image->rows);
+ crop_image=DestroyImage(crop_image);
+ return(factor);
+static inline double GetMinBlendFactor(const EdgeInfo *edge)
+ double
+ factor;
+ factor=MagickMin(MagickMin(MagickMin(edge->left,edge->right),edge->top),
+ edge->bottom);
+ return(factor);
MagickExport RectangleInfo GetImageBoundingBox(const Image *image,
ExceptionInfo *exception)
- MagickBooleanType
- status;
+ const char
+ *artifact;
- PixelInfo
- target[3],
- zero;
+ double
+ blend_factor,
+ threshold;
+ EdgeInfo
+ count,
+ edge;
- register const Quantum
- *r;
- ssize_t
- y;
+ size_t
+ height,
+ width;
+ /*
+ Get the image bounding box.
+ */
assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
assert(image->signature == MagickCoreSignature);
if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
(void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
- bounds.width=0;
- bounds.height=0;
- bounds.x=(ssize_t) image->columns;
- bounds.y=(ssize_t) image->rows;
- GetPixelInfo(image,&target[0]);
+ SetGeometry(image,&bounds);
+ memset(&count,0,sizeof(count));
- r=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,0,0,1,1,exception);
- if (r == (const Quantum *) NULL)
- {
- image_view=DestroyCacheView(image_view);
- return(bounds);
- }
- GetPixelInfoPixel(image,r,&target[0]);
- GetPixelInfo(image,&target[1]);
- r=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,(ssize_t) image->columns-1,0,1,1,
+ edge.left=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,WestGravity,1,0,0,0,exception);
+ edge.right=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,EastGravity,1,0,0,0,exception);
+ edge.top=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,NorthGravity,0,1,0,0,exception);
+ edge.bottom=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,SouthGravity,0,1,0,0,
- if (r != (const Quantum *) NULL)
- GetPixelInfoPixel(image,r,&target[1]);
- GetPixelInfo(image,&target[2]);
- r=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,0,(ssize_t) image->rows-1,1,1,
- exception);
- if (r != (const Quantum *) NULL)
- GetPixelInfoPixel(image,r,&target[2]);
- status=MagickTrue;
- GetPixelInfo(image,&zero);
- #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) shared(status) \
- magick_number_threads(image,image,image->rows,1)
- for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
+ threshold=1.0;
+ artifact=GetImageArtifact(image,"trim:blend");
+ if (artifact != (const char *) NULL)
+ threshold=StringToDouble(artifact,(char **) NULL)/100.0;
+ threshold=MagickMin(MagickMax(1.0-threshold,MagickEpsilon),1.0);
+ blend_factor=GetMinBlendFactor(&edge);
+ for ( ; blend_factor < threshold; blend_factor=GetMinBlendFactor(&edge))
- PixelInfo
- pixel;
- RectangleInfo
- bounding_box;
- register const Quantum
- *magick_restrict p;
- register ssize_t
- x;
- if (status == MagickFalse)
- continue;
-# pragma omp critical (MagickCore_GetImageBoundingBox)
- bounding_box=bounds;
- p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(image_view,0,y,image->columns,1,exception);
- if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL)
+ if (((count.left-count.right) >= (double) image->columns) ||
+ ((count.top-count.bottom) >= (double) image->rows))
+ break;
+ width=image->columns-count.left-count.right;
+ height=image->rows-count.top-count.bottom;
+ if (fabs(edge.left-blend_factor) < MagickEpsilon)
- status=MagickFalse;
+ /*
+ Trim left edge.
+ */
+ count.left++;
+ width=image->columns-count.left-count.right;
+ edge.left=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,NorthWestGravity,1,height,
+ (ssize_t) count.left,(ssize_t) count.top,exception);
+ edge.top=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,NorthWestGravity,width,1,
+ (ssize_t) count.left,(ssize_t) count.top,exception);
+ edge.bottom=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,SouthWestGravity,width,
+ 1,(ssize_t) count.left,(ssize_t) count.bottom,exception);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fabs(edge.right-blend_factor) < MagickEpsilon)
+ {
+ /*
+ Trim right edge.
+ */
+ count.right++;
+ width=image->columns-count.left-count.right;
+ edge.right=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,NorthEastGravity,1,
+ height,(ssize_t) count.right,(ssize_t) count.top,exception);
+ edge.top=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,NorthWestGravity,width,1,
+ (ssize_t) count.left,(ssize_t) count.top,exception);
+ edge.bottom=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,SouthWestGravity,width,
+ 1,(ssize_t) count.left,(ssize_t) count.bottom,exception);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fabs(edge.top-blend_factor) < MagickEpsilon)
+ {
+ /*
+ Trim top edge.
+ */
+ count.top++;
+ height=image->rows-count.top-count.bottom;
+ edge.left=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,NorthWestGravity,1,height,
+ (ssize_t) count.left,(ssize_t) count.top,exception);
+ edge.right=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,NorthEastGravity,1,
+ height,(ssize_t) count.right,(ssize_t) count.top,exception);
+ edge.top=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,NorthWestGravity,width,1,
+ (ssize_t) count.left,(ssize_t) count.top,exception);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fabs(edge.bottom-blend_factor) < MagickEpsilon)
+ {
+ /*
+ Trim bottom edge.
+ */
+ count.bottom++;
+ height=image->rows-count.top-count.bottom;
+ edge.left=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,NorthWestGravity,1,height,
+ (ssize_t) count.left,(ssize_t) count.top,exception);
+ edge.right=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,NorthEastGravity,1,
+ height,(ssize_t) count.right,(ssize_t) count.top,exception);
+ edge.bottom=GetEdgeBlendFactor(image,image_view,SouthWestGravity,width,
+ 1,(ssize_t) count.left,(ssize_t) count.bottom,exception);
- pixel=zero;
- for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
- {
- GetPixelInfoPixel(image,p,&pixel);
- if ((x < bounding_box.x) &&
- (IsFuzzyEquivalencePixelInfo(&pixel,&target[0]) == MagickFalse))
- bounding_box.x=x;
- if ((x > (ssize_t) bounding_box.width) &&
- (IsFuzzyEquivalencePixelInfo(&pixel,&target[1]) == MagickFalse))
- bounding_box.width=(size_t) x;
- if ((y < bounding_box.y) &&
- (IsFuzzyEquivalencePixelInfo(&pixel,&target[0]) == MagickFalse))
- bounding_box.y=y;
- if ((y > (ssize_t) bounding_box.height) &&
- (IsFuzzyEquivalencePixelInfo(&pixel,&target[2]) == MagickFalse))
- bounding_box.height=(size_t) y;
- p+=GetPixelChannels(image);
- }
-# pragma omp critical (MagickCore_GetImageBoundingBox)
- {
- if (bounding_box.x < bounds.x)
- bounds.x=bounding_box.x;
- if (bounding_box.y < bounds.y)
- bounds.y=bounding_box.y;
- if (bounding_box.width > bounds.width)
- bounds.width=bounding_box.width;
- if (bounding_box.height > bounds.height)
- bounds.height=bounding_box.height;
- }
- if ((bounds.width == 0) || (bounds.height == 0))
- (void) ThrowMagickException(exception,GetMagickModule(),OptionWarning,
- "GeometryDoesNotContainImage","`%s'",image->filename);
- else
+ if (blend_factor >= threshold)
- bounds.width-=(bounds.x-1);
- bounds.height-=(bounds.y-1);
+ bounds.width=image->columns-(count.left+count.right);
+ bounds.height=image->rows-(count.top+count.bottom);
+ bounds.x=(ssize_t) count.left;
+ bounds.y=(ssize_t) count.top;