and manifest. */
var WINVER = "0x0601"; /* 7/2008r2 */
+// There's a minimum requirement for bison.
+var MINBISON = "3.0.0";
// There's a minimum requirement for re2c..
var MINRE2C = "0.13.4";
var command = 'cmd /c ""' + EXE;
if (what == "version") {
command = command + '" -v"';
+ } else if (what == "longversion") {
+ command = command + '" --version"';
var version = execute(command + '" 2>&1"');
// we don't want to define LIB, as that will override the default library path
// that is set in that env var
PATH_PROG('lib', null, 'MAKE_LIB');
- if (!PATH_PROG('bison')) {
+ var BISON = PATH_PROG('bison');
+ if (BISON) {
+ var BISONVERS = probe_binary(BISON, "longversion");
+ STDOUT.WriteLine(' Detected bison version ' + BISONVERS);
+ if (BISONVERS.match(/^\d+.\d+$/)) {
+ BISONVERS += ".0";
+ }
+ var hm = BISONVERS.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
+ var nm = MINBISON.match(/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
+ var intvers = (hm[1]-0)*10000 + (hm[2]-0)*100 + (hm[3]-0);
+ var intmin = (nm[1]-0)*10000 + (nm[2]-0)*100 + (nm[3]-0);
+ if (intvers < intmin) {
+ ERROR('The minimum bison version requirement is ' + MINBISON);
+ }
+ } else {
ERROR('bison is required')