-print "huhuhdsa";
-$rpc = new com("class", true, "huh");
-$rpc2 = new com("class", true, "hehe", 1);
-com_call($rpc, 1, "1");
-com_call($rpc, 1, "1");
-com_call($rpc, "call", 1);
-com_call($rpc, 1, "1");
-com_call($rpc, "call", 1);
-com_call($rpc2, "call", 1);
-com_call($rpc2, "call", 1);
+$rpc = new com("class");
-//$clone = $rpc->__clone();
+/* class hirarchy test */
+echo "is class .. " . (get_class($rpc) == "class" ? "passed" : "faiure");
+echo "\n";
+echo "is com .. " . (is_subclass_of($rpc, "com") ? "passed" : "failure");
+echo "\n";
+echo "is rpc .. " . (is_subclass_of($rpc, "rpc") ? "passed" : "failure");
-//$rpc->prop = 1;
-//$a = $rpc->prop;
-//$a = &$rpc->prop;
-//delete $rpc;
-//delete $clone;
-$heh = com_load("heh", 1);
-/*delete $heh;*/
+/* uncloneable */
+//$rpc->__clone(); // issues a fatal
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+echo "hash test\n";
+/* hash test */
+$rpc1 = new com("hash", true, 1);
+$rpc2 = new com("hash", false, 2);
+$rpc3 = new com("hash", true, 3);
+$rpc4 = com_load("hash", false, 4);
+$rpc5 = com_load("hash", true, 5);
+$rpc1->{3} = "hh";
+com_set($rpc2, "hehe", 3);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+echo "singleton test\n";
+/* singleton test */
+$rpc1 = new com("singleton", true, 1);
+$rpc2 = new com("singleton", false, 2);
+$rpc3 = new com("singleton", true, 3);
+$rpc4 = new com("singleton", false, 4);
+$rpc5 = new com("singleton", true, 5);
+delete $rpc1;
+delete $rpc2;
+delete $rpc3;
+delete $rpc4;
+delete $rpc5;
--- /dev/null
+echo "pooling test\n";
+/* pooling test */
+$rpc = new com("pooling", true, 1);
+delete $rpc;
+$rpc = new com("pooling", true, 1);
+delete $rpc;
+$rpc = new com("pooling", true, 1);
+delete $rpc;
+$rpc = new com("pooling", true, 1);
+delete $rpc;
--- /dev/null
+//include_once "test1.php";
+//include_once "test2.php";
+//include_once "test3.php";
+include_once "test4.php";