" Tests for various functions.
+source shared.vim
" Must be done first, since the alternate buffer must be unset.
func Test_00_bufexists()
let libc = 'msvcrt.dll'
elseif has('mac')
let libc = 'libSystem.B.dylib'
+ elseif system('uname -s') =~ 'SunOS'
+ " Set the path to libc.so according to the architecture.
+ let test_bits = system('file ' . GetVimProg())
+ let test_arch = system('uname -p')
+ if test_bits =~ '64-bit' && test_arch =~ 'sparc'
+ let libc = '/usr/lib/sparcv9/libc.so'
+ elseif test_bits =~ '64-bit' && test_arch =~ 'i386'
+ let libc = '/usr/lib/amd64/libc.so'
+ else
+ let libc = '/usr/lib/libc.so'
+ endif
" On Unix, libc.so can be in various places.
" Interestingly, using an empty string for the 1st argument of libcall
norm! V~
call assert_equal('THIS IS A simple test: äüöss', getline('.'))
- " Turkish ASCII turns to multi-byte. On Mac the Turkish locale is available
- " but toupper()/tolower() don't do the right thing.
- if !has('mac') && !has('osx')
- try
- lang tr_TR.UTF-8
- set casemap=
+ " Turkish ASCII turns to multi-byte. On some systems Turkish locale
+ " is available but toupper()/tolower() don't do the right thing.
+ try
+ lang tr_TR.UTF-8
+ set casemap=
+ let iupper = toupper('i')
+ if iupper == "\u0130"
call setline(1, 'iI')
1normal gUU
call assert_equal("\u0130I", getline(1))
1normal guu
call assert_equal("i\u0131", getline(1))
call assert_equal("i\u0131", tolower("iI"))
- set casemap&
+ elseif iupper == "I"
call setline(1, 'iI')
1normal gUU
call assert_equal("II", getline(1))
1normal guu
call assert_equal("ii", getline(1))
call assert_equal("ii", tolower("iI"))
- lang en_US.UTF-8
- catch /E197:/
- " can't use Turkish locale
- throw 'Skipped: Turkish locale not available'
- endtry
- endif
+ else
+ call assert_true(false, "expected toupper('i') to be either 'I' or '\u0130'")
+ endif
+ set casemap&
+ call setline(1, 'iI')
+ 1normal gUU
+ call assert_equal("II", getline(1))
+ call assert_equal("II", toupper("iI"))
+ call setline(1, 'iI')
+ 1normal guu
+ call assert_equal("ii", getline(1))
+ call assert_equal("ii", tolower("iI"))
+ lang en_US.UTF-8
+ catch /E197:/
+ " can't use Turkish locale
+ throw 'Skipped: Turkish locale not available'
+ endtry
" clean up