open (TBL, ">$tbldir/$base.gen");
print TBL "<informaltable pgwide='1'>\n";
- print TBL "<tgroup cols='4'>\n";
+ print TBL "<tgroup cols='5'>\n";
print TBL "<?dbhtml table-summary=\"Unicode character entity table\"?>\n";
print TBL "<colspec colwidth=\"15*\"/>\n";
print TBL "<colspec colwidth=\"15*\" align='center'/>\n";
print TBL "<colspec colwidth=\"10*\" align='center'/>\n";
- print TBL "<colspec colwidth=\"60*\"/>\n";
+ print TBL "<colspec colwidth=\"40*\" colname='desc'/>\n";
+ print TBL "<colspec colwidth=\"20*\" colname='math'/>\n";
print TBL "<thead>\n";
print TBL "<row>\n";
print TBL " <entry align='center'>Entity <?lb?>Name</entry>\n";
print TBL " <entry align='center'>Unicode <?lb?>Code point</entry>\n";
print TBL " <entry align='center'>Sample <?lb?>Glyph</entry>\n";
- print TBL " <entry align='left'>Description</entry>\n";
+ print TBL " <entry align='left' namest='desc' nameend='math'>Description</entry>\n";
print TBL "</row>\n";
print TBL "</thead>\n";
print TBL "<tbody>\n";
$desc = $desc{$name} if exists($desc{$name});
+ # let's patch the description
+ # see SGML Handbook, p502,503
+ my %relation = ("A" => "[Relation (arrow)]",
+ "B" => "[Binary operator]",
+ "C" => "[Closing delimiter]",
+ "L" => "[Large operator]",
+ "N" => "[Relation (negated)]",
+ "O" => "[Opening delimiter]",
+ "P" => "[Punctuation]",
+ "R" => "[Relation]");
+ my $math = undef;
+ $desc =~ s/\/\S+\s*//sg; # remove references to MathSci chars
+ if ($desc =~ /([ABCLNOPR]):\s*/) {
+ $desc = $` . $'; # '
+ $math = $relation{$1};
+ }
+ if ($desc =~ /^\s*=/) {
+ $desc = $'; # '
+ }
$glyph = "Blank";
$code = "FFFD";
print TBL "</textobject>\n";
print TBL "</mediaobject>";
- print TBL "</entry>\n <entry>$desc</entry>\n";
+ print TBL "</entry>\n ";
+ if ($math) {
+ print TBL "<entry>$desc</entry>\n ";
+ print TBL "<entry align='right'>$math</entry>\n";
+ } else {
+ print TBL "<entry namest='desc' nameend='math'>$desc</entry>\n";
+ }
print TBL "</row>\n";