#define PHP_EXPUNGE 32768
-/* type casts left out, put here to remove warnings in
- msvc
+/* type casts left out, put here to remove warnings in msvc */
void rfc822_date(char *date);
extern char *cpystr(const char *str);
extern unsigned long find_rightmost_bit (unsigned long *valptr);
void *fs_get (size_t size);
static int add_assoc_object(pval *arg, char *key, pval *tmp);
int add_next_index_object(pval *arg, pval *tmp);
-void imap_add_body( pval *arg, BODY *body );
+void _php_imap_add_body(pval *arg, BODY *body);
+void _php_imap_parse_address(ADDRESS *addresslist, char *fulladdress, pval *paddress);
int imap_mail(char *to, char *subject, char *message, char *headers, char *cc, char *bcc, char *rpath);
typedef struct php_imap_le_struct {
PHP_FE(imap_mail_compose, NULL)
PHP_FE(imap_alerts, NULL)
PHP_FE(imap_errors, NULL)
- PHP_FE(imap_last_error, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(imap_last_error, NULL)
#if !(WIN32|WINNT)
- PHP_FE(imap_mail, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(imap_mail, NULL)
PHP_FE(imap_search, NULL)
- PHP_FE(imap_utf7_decode, NULL)
- PHP_FE(imap_utf7_encode, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(imap_utf7_decode, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(imap_utf7_encode, NULL)
/* {{{ proto int imap_open(string mailbox, string user, string password [, int options])
Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox */
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto int imap_reopen(int stream_id, string mailbox [, int options])
Reopen IMAP stream to new mailbox */
unsigned int msgno;
pils *imap_le_struct;
char tmp[MAILTMPLEN];
if (ARG_COUNT(ht) != 1 || getParameters(ht, 1, &streamind) == FAILURE) {
ind = streamind->value.lval;
for (msgno = 1; msgno <= imap_le_struct->imap_stream->nmsgs; msgno++) {
MESSAGECACHE * cache = mail_elt (imap_le_struct->imap_stream,msgno);
- mail_fetchstructure (imap_le_struct->imap_stream,msgno,NIL);
+ mail_fetchstructure(imap_le_struct->imap_stream,msgno,NIL);
tmp[0] = cache->recent ? (cache->seen ? 'R': 'N') : ' ';
tmp[1] = (cache->recent | cache->seen) ? ' ' : 'U';
tmp[2] = cache->flagged ? 'F' : ' ';
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array imap_getmailboxes(int stream_id, string ref, string pattern)
Reads the list of mailboxes and returns a full array of objects containing name, attributes, and delimiter */
/* Author: CJH */
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array imap_scan(int stream_id, string ref, string pattern, string content)
Read list of mailboxes containing a certain string */
Read the header of the message */
- pval *streamind, *msgno, *to, *tovals, *from, *fromvals, *reply_to, *reply_tovals, *sender;
- pval *fromlength;
- pval *subjectlength;
- pval *sendervals, *return_path, *return_pathvals;
- pval *cc, *ccvals, *bcc, *bccvals;
- pval *defaulthost;
+ pval *streamind, *msgno, *paddress, *fromlength, *subjectlength, *defaulthost;
int ind, ind_type;
unsigned long length;
pils *imap_le_struct;
char *mystring;
char dummy[2000];
- char fulladdress[MAILTMPLEN],tempaddress[MAILTMPLEN];
+ char fulladdress[MAILTMPLEN];
- ADDRESS *addresstmp,*addresstmp2;
- int myargc;
- myargc=ARG_COUNT(ht);
- if (myargc<2 || myargc>5 || getParameters(ht,myargc,&streamind,&msgno,&fromlength,&subjectlength,&defaulthost)==FAILURE) {
+ int myargc = ARG_COUNT(ht);
+ if (myargc < 2 || myargc > 5 || getParameters(ht,myargc,&streamind,&msgno,&fromlength,&subjectlength,&defaulthost)==FAILURE) {
- if(myargc >= 3) convert_to_long(fromlength); else fromlength=0x00;;
- if(myargc >= 4) convert_to_long(subjectlength); else subjectlength=0x00;
- if(myargc == 5) convert_to_string(defaulthost);
+ if (myargc >= 3) convert_to_long(fromlength); else fromlength = 0x00;
+ if (myargc >= 4) convert_to_long(subjectlength); else subjectlength = 0x00;
+ if (myargc == 5) convert_to_string(defaulthost);
ind = streamind->value.lval;
imap_le_struct = (pils *)zend_list_find(ind, &ind_type);
- if(!imap_le_struct || !IS_STREAM(ind_type)) {
+ if (!imap_le_struct || !IS_STREAM(ind_type)) {
php_error(E_WARNING, "Unable to find stream pointer");
- if(msgno->value.lval && msgno->value.lval <= imap_le_struct->imap_stream->nmsgs && mail_fetchstructure (imap_le_struct->imap_stream,msgno->value.lval,NIL))
- cache = mail_elt (imap_le_struct->imap_stream,msgno->value.lval);
- else
+ if (!msgno->value.lval || msgno->value.lval < 1 || msgno->value.lval > imap_le_struct->imap_stream->nmsgs) {
+ php_error(E_WARNING, "Bad message number");
+ }
+ if (mail_fetchstructure(imap_le_struct->imap_stream, msgno->value.lval, NIL)) {
+ cache = mail_elt(imap_le_struct->imap_stream, msgno->value.lval);
+ } else {
+ }
- mystring=mail_fetchheader_full(imap_le_struct->imap_stream,msgno->value.lval,NIL,&length,NIL);
- if(myargc ==5)
- rfc822_parse_msg (&en,NULL,mystring,length,NULL,defaulthost->value.str.val,NIL);
- else
- rfc822_parse_msg (&en,NULL,mystring,length,NULL,"UNKNOWN",NIL);
- if (en->remail) add_property_string(return_value,"remail",en->remail,1);
- if (en->date) add_property_string(return_value,"date",en->date,1);
- if (en->date) add_property_string(return_value,"Date",en->date,1);
- if (en->subject)add_property_string(return_value,"subject",en->subject,1);
- if (en->subject)add_property_string(return_value,"Subject",en->subject,1);
- if (en->in_reply_to)add_property_string(return_value,"in_reply_to",en->in_reply_to,1);
- if (en->message_id)add_property_string(return_value,"message_id",en->message_id,1);
- if (en->newsgroups)add_property_string(return_value,"newsgroups",en->newsgroups,1);
- if (en->followup_to)add_property_string(return_value,"followup_to",en->followup_to,1);
- if (en->references)add_property_string(return_value,"references",en->references,1);
- if(en->to) {
- int ok=1;
- addresstmp=en->to;
- fulladdress[0]=0x00;
- while(ok && addresstmp) { /* while length < 1000 and we are not at the end of the list */
- addresstmp2=addresstmp->next; /* save the pointer to the next address */
- addresstmp->next=NULL; /* make this address the only one now. */
- tempaddress[0]=0x00; /* reset tempaddress buffer */
- rfc822_write_address(tempaddress,addresstmp); /* ok, write the address into tempaddress string */
- if((strlen(tempaddress) + strlen(fulladdress)) < 1000) { /* is the new address + total address < 1000 */
- if(strlen(fulladdress)) strcat(fulladdress,","); /* put in a comma */
- strcat(fulladdress,tempaddress); /* put in the new address */
- } else { /* no */
- ok=0; /* stop looping */
- strcat(fulladdress,", ...");
- }
- addresstmp=addresstmp2; /* reset the pointer to the next address first! */
- }
- if (fulladdress) add_property_string( return_value, "toaddress", fulladdress, 1);
- addresstmp=en->to;
- array_init(to);
- do {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tovals);
- object_init(tovals);
- if(addresstmp->personal) add_property_string(tovals, "personal", addresstmp->personal, 1);
- if(addresstmp->adl) add_property_string(tovals, "adl", addresstmp->adl, 1);
- if(addresstmp->mailbox) add_property_string(tovals, "mailbox", addresstmp->mailbox, 1);
- if(addresstmp->host) add_property_string(tovals, "host", addresstmp->host, 1);
- add_next_index_object(to, tovals);
- } while ((addresstmp = addresstmp->next));
- add_assoc_object(return_value, "to", to);
- }
- if(en->from) {
- int ok=1;
- addresstmp=en->from;
- fulladdress[0]=0x00;
- while(ok && addresstmp) { /* while length < 1000 and we are not at the end of the list */
- addresstmp2=addresstmp->next; /* save the pointer to the next address */
- addresstmp->next=NULL; /* make this address the only one now. */
- tempaddress[0]=0x00; /* reset tempaddress buffer */
- rfc822_write_address(tempaddress,addresstmp); /* ok, write the address into tempaddress string */
- if ((strlen(tempaddress) + strlen(fulladdress)) < 1000) { /* is the new address + total address < 1000 */
- if(strlen(fulladdress)) strcat(fulladdress,","); /* put in a comma */
- strcat(fulladdress,tempaddress); /* put in the new address */
- } else { /* no */
- ok=0; /* stop looping */
- strcat(fulladdress,", ...");
- }
- addresstmp=addresstmp2; /* reset the pointer to the next address first! */
- }
- if (fulladdress) add_property_string( return_value, "fromaddress", fulladdress, 1);
- addresstmp=en->from;
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(from);
- array_init(from);
- do {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(fromvals);
- object_init(fromvals);
- if(addresstmp->personal) add_property_string(fromvals, "personal", addresstmp->personal, 1);
- if(addresstmp->adl) add_property_string(fromvals, "adl", addresstmp->adl, 1);
- if(addresstmp->mailbox) add_property_string(fromvals, "mailbox", addresstmp->mailbox, 1);
- if(addresstmp->host) add_property_string(fromvals, "host", addresstmp->host, 1);
- add_next_index_object(from, fromvals);
- } while ((addresstmp = addresstmp->next));
- add_assoc_object(return_value, "from", from);
+ mystring = mail_fetchheader_full(imap_le_struct->imap_stream, msgno->value.lval, NIL, &length, NIL);
+ if (myargc == 5) {
+ rfc822_parse_msg(&en, NULL, mystring, length, NULL, defaulthost->value.str.val, NIL);
+ } else {
+ rfc822_parse_msg(&en, NULL, mystring, length, NULL, "UNKNOWN", NIL);
+ }
+ if (en->remail) add_property_string(return_value, "remail", en->remail,1);
+ if (en->date) add_property_string(return_value, "date", en->date,1);
+ if (en->date) add_property_string(return_value, "Date", en->date,1);
+ if (en->subject) add_property_string(return_value, "subject", en->subject,1);
+ if (en->subject) add_property_string(return_value, "Subject", en->subject,1);
+ if (en->in_reply_to) add_property_string(return_value, "in_reply_to", en->in_reply_to,1);
+ if (en->message_id) add_property_string(return_value, "message_id", en->message_id,1);
+ if (en->newsgroups) add_property_string(return_value, "newsgroups", en->newsgroups,1);
+ if (en->followup_to) add_property_string(return_value, "followup_to", en->followup_to,1);
+ if (en->references) add_property_string(return_value, "references", en->references,1);
+ if (en->to) {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(paddress);
+ array_init(paddress);
+ _php_imap_parse_address(en->to, fulladdress, paddress);
+ if (fulladdress) add_property_string(return_value, "toaddress", fulladdress, 1);
+ add_assoc_object(return_value, "to", paddress);
+ }
+ if (en->from) {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(paddress);
+ array_init(paddress);
+ _php_imap_parse_address(en->from, fulladdress, paddress);
+ if (fulladdress) add_property_string(return_value, "fromaddress", fulladdress, 1);
+ add_assoc_object(return_value, "from", paddress);
if (en->cc) {
- int ok=1;
- addresstmp=en->cc;
- fulladdress[0]=0x00;
- while(ok && addresstmp) { /* while length < 1000 and we are not at the end of the list */
- addresstmp2=addresstmp->next; /* save the pointer to the next address */
- addresstmp->next=NULL; /* make this address the only one now. */
- tempaddress[0]=0x00; /* reset tempaddress buffer */
- rfc822_write_address(tempaddress,addresstmp); /* ok, write the address into tempaddress string */
- if((strlen(tempaddress) + strlen(fulladdress)) < 1000) { /* is the new address + total address < 1000 */
- if(strlen(fulladdress)) strcat(fulladdress,","); /* put in a comma */
- strcat(fulladdress,tempaddress); /* put in the new address */
- } else { /* no */
- ok=0; /* stop looping */
- strcat(fulladdress,", ...");
- }
- addresstmp=addresstmp2; /* reset the pointer to the next address first! */
- }
- if(fulladdress) add_property_string( return_value, "ccaddress", fulladdress, 1);
- addresstmp=en->cc;
- array_init(cc);
- do {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(ccvals);
- object_init(ccvals);
- if(addresstmp->personal) add_property_string(ccvals, "personal", addresstmp->personal, 1);
- if(addresstmp->adl) add_property_string(ccvals, "adl", addresstmp->adl, 1);
- if(addresstmp->mailbox) add_property_string(ccvals, "mailbox", addresstmp->mailbox, 1);
- if(addresstmp->host) add_property_string(ccvals, "host", addresstmp->host, 1);
- add_next_index_object(cc, ccvals);
- } while ( (addresstmp = addresstmp->next) );
- add_assoc_object(return_value, "cc", cc);
- }
- if(en->bcc) {
- int ok=1;
- addresstmp=en->bcc;
- fulladdress[0]=0x00;
- while(ok && addresstmp) { /* while length < 1000 and we are not at the end of the list */
- addresstmp2=addresstmp->next; /* save the pointer to the next address */
- addresstmp->next=NULL; /* make this address the only one now. */
- tempaddress[0]=0x00; /* reset tempaddress buffer */
- rfc822_write_address(tempaddress,addresstmp); /* ok, write the address into tempaddress string */
- if((strlen(tempaddress) + strlen(fulladdress)) < 1000) { /* is the new address + total address < 1000 */
- if(strlen(fulladdress)) strcat(fulladdress,","); /* put in a comma */
- strcat(fulladdress,tempaddress); /* put in the new address */
- } else { /* no */
- ok=0; /* stop looping */
- strcat(fulladdress,", ...");
- }
- addresstmp=addresstmp2; /* reset the pointer to the next address first! */
- }
- if(fulladdress) add_property_string( return_value, "bccaddress", fulladdress, 1);
- addresstmp=en->bcc;
- array_init(bcc);
- do {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(bccvals);
- object_init(bccvals);
- if(addresstmp->personal) add_property_string(bccvals, "personal", addresstmp->personal, 1);
- if(addresstmp->adl) add_property_string(bccvals, "adl", addresstmp->adl, 1);
- if(addresstmp->mailbox) add_property_string(bccvals, "mailbox", addresstmp->mailbox, 1);
- if(addresstmp->host) add_property_string(bccvals, "host", addresstmp->host, 1);
- add_next_index_object(bcc, bccvals);
- } while ( (addresstmp = addresstmp->next) );
- add_assoc_object( return_value, "bcc", bcc );
- }
- if(en->reply_to) {
- int ok=1;
- addresstmp=en->reply_to;
- fulladdress[0]=0x00;
- while(ok && addresstmp) { /* while length < 1000 and we are not at the end of the list */
- addresstmp2=addresstmp->next; /* save the pointer to the next address */
- addresstmp->next=NULL; /* make this address the only one now. */
- tempaddress[0]=0x00; /* reset tempaddress buffer */
- rfc822_write_address(tempaddress,addresstmp); /* ok, write the address into tempaddress string */
- if((strlen(tempaddress) + strlen(fulladdress)) < 1000) { /* is the new address + total address < 1000 */
- if(strlen(fulladdress)) strcat(fulladdress,","); /* put in a comma */
- strcat(fulladdress,tempaddress); /* put in the new address */
- } else { /* no */
- ok=0; /* stop looping */
- strcat(fulladdress,", ...");
- }
- addresstmp=addresstmp2; /* reset the pointer to the next address first! */
- }
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(paddress);
+ array_init(paddress);
+ _php_imap_parse_address(en->cc, fulladdress, paddress);
+ if (fulladdress) add_property_string(return_value, "ccaddress", fulladdress, 1);
+ add_assoc_object(return_value, "cc", paddress);
+ }
+ if (en->bcc) {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(paddress);
+ array_init(paddress);
+ _php_imap_parse_address(en->bcc, fulladdress, paddress);
+ if (fulladdress) add_property_string(return_value, "bccaddress", fulladdress, 1);
+ add_assoc_object(return_value, "bcc", paddress);
+ }
+ if (en->reply_to) {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(paddress);
+ array_init(paddress);
+ _php_imap_parse_address(en->reply_to, fulladdress, paddress);
+ if (fulladdress) add_property_string(return_value, "reply_toaddress", fulladdress, 1);
+ add_assoc_object(return_value, "reply_to", paddress);
+ }
- if(fulladdress) add_property_string( return_value, "reply_toaddress", fulladdress, 1);
- addresstmp=en->reply_to;
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(reply_to);
- array_init(reply_to);
- do {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(reply_tovals);
- object_init(reply_tovals);
- if(addresstmp->personal) add_property_string(reply_tovals, "personal", addresstmp->personal, 1);
- if(addresstmp->adl) add_property_string(reply_tovals, "adl", addresstmp->adl, 1);
- if(addresstmp->mailbox) add_property_string(reply_tovals, "mailbox", addresstmp->mailbox, 1);
- if(addresstmp->host) add_property_string(reply_tovals, "host", addresstmp->host, 1);
- add_next_index_object(reply_to, reply_tovals );
- } while ( (addresstmp = addresstmp->next) );
- add_assoc_object( return_value, "reply_to", reply_to );
- }
- if(en->sender) {
- int ok=1;
- addresstmp=en->sender;
- fulladdress[0]=0x00;
- while(ok && addresstmp) { /* while length < 1000 and we are not at the end of the list */
- addresstmp2=addresstmp->next; /* save the pointer to the next address */
- addresstmp->next=NULL; /* make this address the only one now. */
- tempaddress[0]=0x00; /* reset tempaddress buffer */
- rfc822_write_address(tempaddress,addresstmp); /* ok, write the address into tempaddress string */
- if((strlen(tempaddress) + strlen(fulladdress)) < 1000) { /* is the new address + total address < 1000 */
- if(strlen(fulladdress)) strcat(fulladdress,","); /* put in a comma */
- strcat(fulladdress,tempaddress); /* put in the new address */
- } else { /* no */
- ok=0; /* stop looping */
- strcat(fulladdress,", ...");
- }
- addresstmp=addresstmp2; /* reset the pointer to the next address first! */
- }
+ if (en->sender) {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(paddress);
+ array_init(paddress);
+ _php_imap_parse_address(en->sender, fulladdress, paddress);
+ if (fulladdress) add_property_string(return_value, "senderaddress", fulladdress, 1);
+ add_assoc_object(return_value, "sender", paddress);
+ }
- if(fulladdress) add_property_string( return_value, "senderaddress", fulladdress, 1);
- addresstmp=en->sender;
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(sender);
- array_init(sender);
- do {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(sendervals);
- object_init(sendervals);
- if(addresstmp->personal) add_property_string(sendervals, "personal", addresstmp->personal, 1);
- if(addresstmp->adl) add_property_string(sendervals, "adl", addresstmp->adl, 1);
- if(addresstmp->mailbox) add_property_string(sendervals, "mailbox", addresstmp->mailbox, 1);
- if(addresstmp->host) add_property_string(sendervals, "host", addresstmp->host, 1);
- add_next_index_object(sender, sendervals );
- } while ( (addresstmp = addresstmp->next) );
- add_assoc_object( return_value, "sender", sender );
- }
- if(en->return_path) {
- int ok=1;
- addresstmp=en->return_path;
- fulladdress[0]=0x00;
- while (ok && addresstmp) { /* while length < 1000 and we are not at the end of the list */
- addresstmp2=addresstmp->next; /* save the pointer to the next address */
- addresstmp->next=NULL; /* make this address the only one now. */
- tempaddress[0]=0x00; /* reset tempaddress buffer */
- rfc822_write_address(tempaddress,addresstmp); /* ok, write the address into tempaddress string */
- if ((strlen(tempaddress) + strlen(fulladdress)) < 1000) { /* is the new address + total address < 1000 */
- if(strlen(fulladdress)) strcat(fulladdress,","); /* put in a comma */
- strcat(fulladdress,tempaddress); /* put in the new address */
- } else { /* no */
- ok=0; /* stop looping */
- strcat(fulladdress,", ...");
- }
- addresstmp=addresstmp2; /* reset the pointer to the next address first! */
- }
- if(fulladdress) add_property_string( return_value, "return_pathaddress", fulladdress, 1);
- addresstmp=en->return_path;
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(return_path);
- array_init(return_path);
- do {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(return_pathvals);
- object_init(return_pathvals);
- if(addresstmp->personal) add_property_string(return_pathvals, "personal", addresstmp->personal, 1);
- if(addresstmp->adl) add_property_string(return_pathvals, "adl", addresstmp->adl, 1);
- if(addresstmp->mailbox) add_property_string(return_pathvals, "mailbox", addresstmp->mailbox, 1);
- if(addresstmp->host) add_property_string(return_pathvals, "host", addresstmp->host, 1);
- add_next_index_object(return_path, return_pathvals );
- } while ((addresstmp = addresstmp->next));
- add_assoc_object( return_value, "return_path", return_path );
- }
- add_property_string(return_value,"Recent",cache->recent ? (cache->seen ? "R": "N") : " ",1);
- add_property_string(return_value,"Unseen",(cache->recent | cache->seen) ? " " : "U",1);
- add_property_string(return_value,"Flagged",cache->flagged ? "F" : " ",1);
- add_property_string(return_value,"Answered",cache->answered ? "A" : " ",1);
- add_property_string(return_value,"Deleted",cache->deleted ? "D" : " ",1);
- add_property_string(return_value,"Draft",cache->draft ? "X" : " ",1);
- sprintf (dummy,"%4ld",cache->msgno);
- add_property_string(return_value,"Msgno",dummy,1);
- mail_date (dummy,cache);
- add_property_string(return_value,"MailDate",dummy,1);
- sprintf (dummy,"%ld",cache->rfc822_size);
- add_property_string(return_value,"Size",dummy,1);
- add_property_long(return_value,"udate",mail_longdate(cache));
- if(en->from && fromlength) {
- fulladdress[0]=0x00;
- mail_fetchfrom(fulladdress,imap_le_struct->imap_stream,msgno->value.lval,fromlength->value.lval);
- add_property_string(return_value,"fetchfrom",fulladdress,1);
+ if (en->return_path) {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(paddress);
+ array_init(paddress);
+ _php_imap_parse_address(en->return_path, fulladdress, paddress);
+ if (fulladdress) add_property_string(return_value, "return_pathaddress", fulladdress, 1);
+ add_assoc_object(return_value, "return_path", paddress);
- if(en->subject && subjectlength) {
- fulladdress[0]=0x00;
- mail_fetchsubject(fulladdress,imap_le_struct->imap_stream,msgno->value.lval,subjectlength->value.lval);
- add_property_string(return_value,"fetchsubject",fulladdress,1);
+ add_property_string(return_value, "Recent", cache->recent ? (cache->seen ? "R": "N") : " ", 1);
+ add_property_string(return_value, "Unseen", (cache->recent | cache->seen) ? " " : "U", 1);
+ add_property_string(return_value, "Flagged", cache->flagged ? "F" : " ", 1);
+ add_property_string(return_value, "Answered", cache->answered ? "A" : " ", 1);
+ add_property_string(return_value, "Deleted", cache->deleted ? "D" : " ", 1);
+ add_property_string(return_value, "Draft", cache->draft ? "X" : " ", 1);
+ sprintf(dummy, "%4ld", cache->msgno);
+ add_property_string(return_value, "Msgno",dummy,1);
+ mail_date(dummy, cache);
+ add_property_string(return_value, "MailDate", dummy,1);
+ sprintf(dummy, "%ld", cache->rfc822_size);
+ add_property_string(return_value, "Size", dummy, 1);
+ add_property_long(return_value, "udate", mail_longdate(cache));
+ if (en->from && fromlength) {
+ fulladdress[0] = 0x00;
+ mail_fetchfrom(fulladdress, imap_le_struct->imap_stream, msgno->value.lval, fromlength->value.lval);
+ add_property_string(return_value, "fetchfrom", fulladdress, 1);
+ }
+ if (en->subject && subjectlength) {
+ fulladdress[0] = 0x00;
+ mail_fetchsubject(fulladdress, imap_le_struct->imap_stream, msgno->value.lval, subjectlength->value.lval);
+ add_property_string(return_value, "fetchsubject", fulladdress, 1);
/* }}} */
/* KMLANG */
/* {{{ proto array imap_lsub(int stream_id, string ref, string pattern)
Return a list of subscribed mailboxes */
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array imap_getsubscribed(int stream_id, string ref, string pattern)
Return a list of subscribed mailboxes */
/* Author: CJH */
/* }}} */
-void imap_add_body( pval *arg, BODY *body )
- pval *parametres, *param, *dparametres, *dparam;
- PARAMETER *par, *dpar;
- PART *part;
- if(body->type) add_property_long( arg, "type", body->type );
- if(body->encoding) add_property_long( arg, "encoding", body->encoding );
- if ( body->subtype ){
- add_property_long( arg, "ifsubtype", 1 );
- add_property_string( arg, "subtype", body->subtype, 1 );
- } else {
- add_property_long( arg, "ifsubtype", 0 );
- }
- if ( body->description ){
- add_property_long( arg, "ifdescription", 1 );
- add_property_string( arg, "description", body->description, 1 );
- } else {
- add_property_long( arg, "ifdescription", 0 );
- }
- if ( body->id ){
- add_property_long( arg, "ifid", 1 );
- add_property_string( arg, "id", body->id, 1 );
- } else {
- add_property_long( arg, "ifid", 0 );
- }
- if(body->size.lines) add_property_long( arg, "lines", body->size.lines );
- if(body->size.bytes) add_property_long( arg, "bytes", body->size.bytes );
-#ifdef IMAP41
- if ( body->disposition.type ){
- add_property_long( arg, "ifdisposition", 1);
- add_property_string( arg, "disposition", body->disposition.type, 1);
- } else {
- add_property_long( arg, "ifdisposition", 0);
- }
- if ( body->disposition.parameter ) {
- dpar = body->disposition.parameter;
- add_property_long( arg, "ifdparameters", 1);
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(dparametres);
- array_init(dparametres);
- do {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(dparam);
- object_init(dparam);
- add_property_string(dparam, "attribute", dpar->attribute, 1);
- add_property_string(dparam, "value", dpar->value, 1);
- add_next_index_object(dparametres, dparam );
- } while ( (dpar = dpar->next) );
- add_assoc_object( arg, "dparameters", dparametres );
- } else {
- add_property_long( arg, "ifdparameters", 0);
- }
- if ( (par = body->parameter) ) {
- add_property_long( arg, "ifparameters", 1 );
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(parametres);
- array_init(parametres);
- do {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(param);
- object_init(param);
- if(par->attribute) add_property_string(param, "attribute", par->attribute, 1 );
- if(par->value) add_property_string(param, "value", par->value, 1 );
- add_next_index_object(parametres, param);
- } while ( (par = par->next) );
- } else {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(parametres);
- object_init(parametres);
- add_property_long( arg, "ifparameters", 0 );
- }
- add_assoc_object( arg, "parameters", parametres );
- /* multipart message ? */
- if ( body->type == TYPEMULTIPART ) {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(parametres);
- array_init(parametres);
- for ( part = body->CONTENT_PART; part; part = part->next ) {
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(param);
- object_init(param);
- imap_add_body(param, &part->body );
- add_next_index_object(parametres, param );
- }
- add_assoc_object( arg, "parts", parametres );
- }
- /* encapsulated message ? */
- if ((body->type == TYPEMESSAGE) && (!strcasecmp(body->subtype, "rfc822"))) {
- body = body->CONTENT_MSG_BODY;
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(parametres);
- array_init(parametres);
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(param);
- object_init(param);
- imap_add_body(param, body);
- add_next_index_object(parametres, param );
- add_assoc_object( arg, "parts", parametres );
- }
/* {{{ proto object imap_fetchstructure(int stream_id, int msg_no [, int options])
Read the full structure of a message */
if ( myargc < 2 || myargc > 3 || getParameters( ht, myargc, &streamind, &msgno ,&flags) == FAILURE ) {
convert_to_long( streamind );
convert_to_long( msgno );
if (msgno->value.lval < 1) {
imap_le_struct = (pils *)zend_list_find( ind, &ind_type );
- if(!imap_le_struct || !IS_STREAM(ind_type)) {
+ if (!imap_le_struct || !IS_STREAM(ind_type)) {
php_error( E_WARNING, "Unable to find stream pointer" );
mail_fetchstructure_full( imap_le_struct->imap_stream, msgno->value.lval, &body ,myargc == 3 ? flags->value.lval : NIL);
- if ( !body ) {
+ if (!body) {
php_error( E_WARNING, "No body information available" );
- imap_add_body( return_value, body );
+ _php_imap_add_body(return_value, body);
/* }}} */
pval *streamind, *msgno, *flags;
- int ind, ind_type;
+ int ind, ind_type, msgindex;
pils *imap_le_struct;
int myargc = ARG_COUNT(ht);
if (myargc < 2 || myargc > 3 || getParameters(ht,myargc,&streamind,&msgno,&flags) == FAILURE) {
- if ((msgno->value.lval < 1) || (msgno->value.lval > imap_le_struct->imap_stream->nmsgs)) {
+ if ((myargc == 3) && (flags->value.lval & FT_UID)) {
+ /* This should be cached; if it causes an extra RTT to the
+ IMAP server, then that's the price we pay for making sure
+ we don't crash. */
+ msgindex = mail_msgno(imap_le_struct->imap_stream, msgno->value.lval);
+ } else {
+ msgindex = msgno->value.lval;
+ }
+ if ((msgindex < 1) || (msgindex > imap_le_struct->imap_stream->nmsgs)) {
php_error(E_WARNING, "Bad message number");
- if(object_init(return_value) == FAILURE){
+ if (object_init(return_value) == FAILURE) {
body=mail_body(imap_le_struct->imap_stream, msg->value.lval, section->value.str.val);
if(body->type) add_property_long( return_value, "type", body->type );
if(body->encoding) add_property_long( return_value, "encoding", body->encoding );
- if ( body->subtype ){
+ if (body->subtype){
add_property_long( return_value, "ifsubtype", 1 );
add_property_string( return_value, "subtype", body->subtype, 1 );
} else {
add_property_long( return_value, "ifsubtype", 0 );
- if ( body->description ){
+ if (body->description){
add_property_long( return_value, "ifdescription", 1 );
add_property_string( return_value, "description", body->description, 1 );
} else {
add_property_long( return_value, "ifdescription", 0 );
- if ( body->id ){
+ if (body->id){
add_property_long( return_value, "ifid", 1 );
add_property_string( return_value, "id", body->id, 1 );
} else {
add_property_long( return_value, "ifdisposition", 0);
- if ( body->disposition.parameter ) {
+ if (body->disposition.parameter) {
dpar = body->disposition.parameter;
add_property_long( return_value, "ifdparameters", 1);
add_property_string(dparam, "attribute", dpar->attribute, 1);
add_property_string(dparam, "value", dpar->value, 1);
add_next_index_object(dparametres, dparam );
- } while ( (dpar = dpar->next) );
- add_assoc_object( return_value, "dparameters", dparametres );
+ } while ((dpar = dpar->next));
+ add_assoc_object(return_value, "dparameters", dparametres);
} else {
- add_property_long( return_value, "ifdparameters", 0);
+ add_property_long(return_value, "ifdparameters", 0);
- if ( (par = body->parameter) ) {
- add_property_long( return_value, "ifparameters", 1 );
+ if ((par = body->parameter)) {
+ add_property_long(return_value, "ifparameters", 1);
do {
if(par->attribute) add_property_string(param, "attribute", par->attribute, 1 );
if(par->value) add_property_string(param, "value", par->value, 1 );
- add_next_index_object(parametres, param );
- } while ( (par = par->next) );
+ add_next_index_object(parametres, param);
+ } while ((par = par->next));
} else {
- add_property_long( return_value, "ifparameters", 0 );
+ add_property_long(return_value, "ifparameters", 0);
- add_assoc_object( return_value, "parameters", parametres );
+ add_assoc_object(return_value, "parameters", parametres);
/* }}} */
pval *envelope, *body;
char *key;
- pval *data,**pvalue;
+ pval *data, **pvalue;
ulong ind;
char *cookie = NIL;
- BODY *bod=NULL,*topbod=NULL;
- PART *mypart=NULL,*toppart=NULL,*part;
+ BODY *bod=NULL, *topbod=NULL;
+ PART *mypart=NULL, *toppart=NULL, *part;
- char tmp[8*MAILTMPLEN],*mystring=NULL,*t,*tempstring;
- int myargc=ARG_COUNT(ht);
+ char tmp[8*MAILTMPLEN], *mystring=NULL, *t, *tempstring;
+ int myargc = ARG_COUNT(ht);
if (myargc != 2 || getParameters(ht,myargc,&envelope,&body) == FAILURE) {
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array imap_search(int stream_id, string criteria [, long flags])
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array imap_alerts(void)
Returns an array of all IMAP alerts that have been generated */
/* Returns an array of all IMAP alerts that have been generated either
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto array imap_errors(void)
Returns an array of all IMAP errors generated */
/* Returns an array of all IMAP errors generated either since the last
/* }}} */
/* {{{ proto string imap_last_error(void)
Returns the last error that was generated by an IMAP function. The error stack is NOT cleared after this call. */
/* Author: CJH */
/* }}} */
+/* Support Functions */
+void _php_imap_parse_address (ADDRESS *addresslist, char *fulladdress, pval *paddress)
+ ADDRESS *addresstmp, *addresstmp2;
+ char tempaddress[MAILTMPLEN];
+ pval *tmpvals;
+ int ok = 1;
+ addresstmp = addresslist;
+ fulladdress[0] = 0x00;
+ while (ok && addresstmp) { /* while length < 1000 and we are not at the end of the list */
+ addresstmp2 = addresstmp->next; /* save the pointer to the next address */
+ addresstmp->next = NULL; /* make this address the only one now. */
+ tempaddress[0] = 0x00; /* reset tempaddress buffer */
+ rfc822_write_address(tempaddress, addresstmp); /* ok, write the address into tempaddress string */
+ if ((strlen(tempaddress) + strlen(fulladdress)) < 1000) { /* is the new address + total address < 1000 */
+ if (strlen(fulladdress)) strcat(fulladdress, ","); /* put in a comma */
+ strcat(fulladdress, tempaddress); /* put in the new address */
+ } else { /* no */
+ ok = 0; /* stop looping */
+ strcat(fulladdress, ", ...");
+ }
+ /* DO NOT optimize this out - changing it breaks things */
+ addresstmp->next = addresstmp2; /* reset the pointer to the next address first! */
+ addresstmp = addresstmp->next;
+ }
+ addresstmp = addresslist;
+ do {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tmpvals);
+ object_init(tmpvals);
+ if (addresstmp->personal) add_property_string(tmpvals, "personal", addresstmp->personal, 1);
+ if (addresstmp->adl) add_property_string(tmpvals, "adl", addresstmp->adl, 1);
+ if (addresstmp->mailbox) add_property_string(tmpvals, "mailbox", addresstmp->mailbox, 1);
+ if (addresstmp->host) add_property_string(tmpvals, "host", addresstmp->host, 1);
+ add_next_index_object(paddress, tmpvals);
+ } while ((addresstmp = addresstmp->next));
+void _php_imap_add_body(pval *arg, BODY *body)
+ pval *parametres, *param, *dparametres, *dparam;
+ PARAMETER *par, *dpar;
+ PART *part;
+ if(body->type) add_property_long( arg, "type", body->type );
+ if(body->encoding) add_property_long( arg, "encoding", body->encoding );
+ if ( body->subtype ){
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifsubtype", 1 );
+ add_property_string( arg, "subtype", body->subtype, 1 );
+ } else {
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifsubtype", 0 );
+ }
+ if ( body->description ){
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifdescription", 1 );
+ add_property_string( arg, "description", body->description, 1 );
+ } else {
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifdescription", 0 );
+ }
+ if ( body->id ){
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifid", 1 );
+ add_property_string( arg, "id", body->id, 1 );
+ } else {
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifid", 0 );
+ }
+ if(body->size.lines) add_property_long( arg, "lines", body->size.lines );
+ if(body->size.bytes) add_property_long( arg, "bytes", body->size.bytes );
+#ifdef IMAP41
+ if ( body->disposition.type ){
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifdisposition", 1);
+ add_property_string( arg, "disposition", body->disposition.type, 1);
+ } else {
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifdisposition", 0);
+ }
+ if (body->disposition.parameter) {
+ dpar = body->disposition.parameter;
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifdparameters", 1);
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(dparametres);
+ array_init(dparametres);
+ do {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(dparam);
+ object_init(dparam);
+ add_property_string(dparam, "attribute", dpar->attribute, 1);
+ add_property_string(dparam, "value", dpar->value, 1);
+ add_next_index_object(dparametres, dparam );
+ } while ( (dpar = dpar->next) );
+ add_assoc_object( arg, "dparameters", dparametres );
+ } else {
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifdparameters", 0);
+ }
+ if ((par = body->parameter)) {
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifparameters", 1);
-/* Interfaces to C-client */
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(parametres);
+ array_init(parametres);
+ do {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(param);
+ object_init(param);
+ if(par->attribute) add_property_string(param, "attribute", par->attribute, 1 );
+ if(par->value) add_property_string(param, "value", par->value, 1 );
+ add_next_index_object(parametres, param);
+ } while ( (par = par->next) );
+ } else {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(parametres);
+ object_init(parametres);
+ add_property_long( arg, "ifparameters", 0);
+ }
+ add_assoc_object( arg, "parameters", parametres );
+ /* multipart message ? */
+ if (body->type == TYPEMULTIPART) {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(parametres);
+ array_init(parametres);
+ for (part = body->CONTENT_PART; part; part = part->next) {
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(param);
+ object_init(param);
+ _php_imap_add_body(param, &part->body);
+ add_next_index_object(parametres, param);
+ }
+ add_assoc_object(arg, "parts", parametres);
+ }
+ /* encapsulated message ? */
+ if ((body->type == TYPEMESSAGE) && (!strcasecmp(body->subtype, "rfc822"))) {
+ body = body->CONTENT_MSG_BODY;
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(parametres);
+ array_init(parametres);
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(param);
+ object_init(param);
+ _php_imap_add_body(param, body);
+ add_next_index_object(parametres, param);
+ add_assoc_object(arg, "parts", parametres);
+ }
+/* Interfaces to C-client */
void mm_searched (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number)
- if (imap_messages == NIL) {
- imap_messages = mail_newmessagelist();
- imap_messages->msgid = number;
- imap_messages->next = NIL;
- } else {
- cur = imap_messages;
- while (cur->next != NIL) {
- cur = cur->next;
- }
- cur->next = mail_newmessagelist();
- cur = cur->next;
- cur->msgid = number;
- cur->next = NIL;
- }
+ if (imap_messages == NIL) {
+ imap_messages = mail_newmessagelist();
+ imap_messages->msgid = number;
+ imap_messages->next = NIL;
+ } else {
+ cur = imap_messages;
+ while (cur->next != NIL) {
+ cur = cur->next;
+ }
+ cur->next = mail_newmessagelist();
+ cur = cur->next;
+ cur->msgid = number;
+ cur->next = NIL;
+ }
void mm_exists (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number)
void mm_expunged (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number)
void mm_flags (MAILSTREAM *stream,unsigned long number)
/* Author: CJH */
void mm_notify (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *str, long errflg)
- {
- if (strncmp(str, "[ALERT] ", 8) == 0) {
- if (imap_alertstack == NIL) {
- imap_alertstack = mail_newstringlist();
- imap_alertstack->LSIZE = strlen(imap_alertstack->LTEXT = cpystr(str));
- imap_alertstack->next = NIL;
- } else {
- cur = imap_alertstack;
- while (cur->next != NIL ) {
- cur = cur->next;
- }
- cur->next = mail_newstringlist ();
- cur = cur->next;
- cur->LSIZE = strlen(cur->LTEXT = cpystr(str));
- cur->next = NIL;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (strncmp(str, "[ALERT] ", 8) == 0) {
+ if (imap_alertstack == NIL) {
+ imap_alertstack = mail_newstringlist();
+ imap_alertstack->LSIZE = strlen(imap_alertstack->LTEXT = cpystr(str));
+ imap_alertstack->next = NIL;
+ } else {
+ cur = imap_alertstack;
+ while (cur->next != NIL ) {
+ cur = cur->next;
+ }
+ cur->next = mail_newstringlist ();
+ cur = cur->next;
+ cur->LSIZE = strlen(cur->LTEXT = cpystr(str));
+ cur->next = NIL;
+ }
+ }
void mm_list (MAILSTREAM *stream,DTYPE delimiter,char *mailbox,long attributes)
void mm_status (MAILSTREAM *stream,char *mailbox,MAILSTATUS *status)
- status_flags=status->flags;
- if(status_flags & SA_MESSAGES) status_messages=status->messages;
- if(status_flags & SA_RECENT) status_recent=status->recent;
- if(status_flags & SA_UNSEEN) status_unseen=status->unseen;
- if(status_flags & SA_UIDNEXT) status_uidnext=status->uidnext;
- if(status_flags & SA_UIDVALIDITY) status_uidvalidity=status->uidvalidity;
+ status_flags=status->flags;
+ if(status_flags & SA_MESSAGES) status_messages=status->messages;
+ if(status_flags & SA_RECENT) status_recent=status->recent;
+ if(status_flags & SA_UNSEEN) status_unseen=status->unseen;
+ if(status_flags & SA_UIDNEXT) status_uidnext=status->uidnext;
+ if(status_flags & SA_UIDVALIDITY) status_uidvalidity=status->uidvalidity;
#ifdef SA_QUOTA
- if(status_flags & SA_QUOTA) status_quota=status->quota;
+ if(status_flags & SA_QUOTA) status_quota=status->quota;
- if(status_flags & SA_QUOTA_ALL) status_quota_all=status->quota_all;
+ if(status_flags & SA_QUOTA_ALL) status_quota_all=status->quota_all;
void mm_log (char *str,long errflg)
- /* Author: CJH */
- if (errflg != NIL) { /* CJH: maybe put these into a more comprehensive log for debugging purposes? */
- if (imap_errorstack == NIL) {
- imap_errorstack = mail_newerrorlist();
- imap_errorstack->LSIZE = strlen(imap_errorstack->LTEXT = cpystr(str));
- imap_errorstack->errflg = errflg;
- imap_errorstack->next = NIL;
- } else {
- cur = imap_errorstack;
- while (cur->next != NIL ) {
- cur = cur->next;
- }
- cur->next = mail_newerrorlist ();
- cur = cur->next;
- cur->LSIZE = strlen(cur->LTEXT = cpystr(str));
- cur->errflg = errflg;
- cur->next = NIL;
- }
- }
+ /* Author: CJH */
+ if (errflg != NIL) { /* CJH: maybe put these into a more comprehensive log for debugging purposes? */
+ if (imap_errorstack == NIL) {
+ imap_errorstack = mail_newerrorlist();
+ imap_errorstack->LSIZE = strlen(imap_errorstack->LTEXT = cpystr(str));
+ imap_errorstack->errflg = errflg;
+ imap_errorstack->next = NIL;
+ } else {
+ cur = imap_errorstack;
+ while (cur->next != NIL ) {
+ cur = cur->next;
+ }
+ cur->next = mail_newerrorlist ();
+ cur = cur->next;
+ cur->LSIZE = strlen(cur->LTEXT = cpystr(str));
+ cur->errflg = errflg;
+ cur->next = NIL;
+ }
+ }
void mm_dlog (char *str)
- /* CJH: this is for debugging; it might be useful to allow setting
- the stream to debug mode and capturing this somewhere - syslog?
- php debugger? */
+ /* CJH: this is for debugging; it might be useful to allow setting
+ the stream to debug mode and capturing this somewhere - syslog?
+ php debugger? */
void mm_login (NETMBX *mb,char *user,char *pwd,long trial)
strcpy (pwd,imsp_password);
} else {
- if (*mb->user) {
- strcpy (user,mb->user);
- } else {
- strcpy (user,imap_user);
- }
- strcpy (pwd,imap_password);
+ if (*mb->user) {
+ strcpy (user,mb->user);
+ } else {
+ strcpy (user,imap_user);
+ }
+ strcpy (pwd,imap_password);
void mm_critical (MAILSTREAM *stream)
void mm_nocritical (MAILSTREAM *stream)
long mm_diskerror (MAILSTREAM *stream,long errcode,long serious)
return 1;
void mm_fatal (char *str)