. Implemented FR #72510 (systemd service should be hardened). (Craig Andrews)
- GD:
+ . Implemented the scatter filter (IMG_FILTER_SCATTER). (Kalle)
. Fixed bug #73291 (imagecropauto() $threshold differs from external libgd).
. Fixed bug #76324 (cannot detect recent versions of freetype with
native variables and create/access data structures defined in C libraries.
RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/ffi
+- GD:
+ . Added the "scatter" image filter (IMG_FILTER_SCATTER) to apply a scatter
+ filter to images. This filter has the following prototype:
+ imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_SCATTER, int $sub, int $plus, array $colors = []);
+ The $colors array can be populated with a set of indexed colors where to
+ apply the scatter pixel shifting on.
+ Note, the result of this filter is always random.
- Hash:
. Added "crc32c" hash using Castagnoli's polynomial. This crc32 variant is
used by storage systems, such as iSCSI, SCTP, Btrfs and ext4.