. Fixed bug #61019 (Out of memory on command stream_get_contents). (Mike)
. Fixed bug #64330 (stream_socket_server() creates wrong Abstract Namespace
UNIX sockets). (Mike)
- . Fixed bug #66182 (exit in stream filter produces segfault). (Mike)
+ . Fixed bug #66182 (exit in stream filter produces segfault). (Mike)
. Fixed bug #66736 (fpassthru broken). (Mike)
- . Fixed bug #67024 (getimagesize should recognize BMP files with negative
+ . Fixed bug #67024 (getimagesize should recognize BMP files with negative
height). (Gabor Buella)
+ . Fixed bug #67043 (substr_compare broke by previous change) (Tjerk)
+ - cURL:
+ . Fixed bug #66562 (curl_exec returns differently than curl_multi_getcontent).
+ (Freek Lijten)
- Date:
. Fixed bug #66721 (__wakeup of DateTime segfaults when invalid object data is
supplied). (Boro Sitnikovski)