SCANNED_INI=" . (function_exists(\'php_ini_scanned_files\') ?
str_replace("\n","", php_ini_scanned_files()) :
"** not determined **") . "
define('PHP_EXTENSIONS_SCRIPT','<?php print join(get_loaded_extensions(),":"); ?>');
return implode("\r\n", $diff);
-function mkpath($path,$mode = 0700) {
- $dirs = split('[\\|/]',realpath($path));
+function mkpath($path,$mode = 0777) {
+ $dirs = split('[\\/]',$path);
$path = $dirs[0];
for($i = 1;$i < count($dirs);$i++) {
$path .= '/'.$dirs[$i];
function copyfiles($src,$new) {
$d = dir($src);
while (($entry = $d->read())) {
- if (is_file("$src/$entry"))
- copy("$src/$entry","$new/$entry");
+ if (is_file("$src/$entry")) {
+ copy("$src/$entry", "$new/$entry");
+ }
class HTTPRequest
- var $headers = array();
- var $timeout = 4;
- var $urlparts = NULL;
- var $url = '';
- var $userAgent = 'PHP-Test-Harness';
- var $options = array();
- var $postdata = NULL;
- var $errmsg = '';
- var $errno = 0;
- var $response;
- var $response_headers;
- var $outgoing_payload;
- var $incoming_payload = '';
+ public $headers = array();
+ public $timeout = 4;
+ public $urlparts = NULL;
+ public $url = '';
+ public $userAgent = 'PHP-Test-Harness';
+ public $options = array();
+ public $postdata = NULL;
+ public $errmsg = '';
+ public $errno = 0;
+ public $response;
+ public $response_headers;
+ public $outgoing_payload;
+ public $incoming_payload = '';
URL is the full url
class testHarness {
- var $cwd;
- var $xargs = array(
+ public $cwd;
+ public $xargs = array(
#arg env var value default description
'c' => array('' ,'file' ,NULL ,'configuration file, see run-tests-config.php for example'),
'd' => array('TEST_PATHS' ,'paths' ,NULL ,'colon seperate path list'),
'x' => array('TEST_WEB_EXT' ,'file ext' ,'php' ,'http file extension to use')
- var $conf = array();
- var $test_to_run = array();
- var $test_files = array();
- var $test_results = array();
- var $failed_tests = array();
- var $exts_to_test;
- var $exts_tested = 0;
- var $exts_skipped = 0;
- var $ignored_by_ext = 0;
- var $test_dirs = array('tests', 'pear', 'ext', 'sapi');
- var $start_time;
- var $end_time;
- var $exec_info;
- var $test_executable_iscgi = false;
- var $inisettings; // the test executables settings, used for web tests
- var $iswin32 = false;
+ public $conf = array();
+ public $test_to_run = array();
+ public $test_files = array();
+ public $test_results = array();
+ public $failed_tests = array();
+ public $exts_to_test;
+ public $exts_tested = 0;
+ public $exts_skipped = 0;
+ public $ignored_by_ext = 0;
+ public $test_dirs = array('tests', 'pear', 'ext', 'sapi');
+ public $start_time;
+ public $end_time;
+ public $exec_info;
+ public $test_executable_iscgi = false;
+ public $inisettings; // the test executables settings, used for web tests
+ public $iswin32 = false;
- var $ddash = "=====================================================================";
- var $sdash = "---------------------------------------------------------------------";
+ public $ddash = "=====================================================================";
+ public $sdash = "---------------------------------------------------------------------";
// Default ini settings
- var $ini_overwrites = array(
+ public $ini_overwrites = array(
- var $env = array();
- var $info_params = array();
+ public $env = array();
+ public $info_params = array();
function testHarness() {
$this->iswin32 = substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN";
$this->cwd = getcwd();
if (!$this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'])
$this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'] = $this->cwd;
if (!$this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'] && $this->conf['TEST_PHP_SRCDIR'])
function runscript($script,$removeheaders=false,$cwd=NULL)
if ($this->conf['TEST_WEB']) {
- $pi = "/testscript.{$this->conf['TEST_WEB_EXT']}";
+ $pi = '/testscript.' . $this->conf['TEST_WEB_EXT'];
if (!$cwd) $cwd = $this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'];
$tmp_file = "$cwd$pi";
- $pi = substr($cwd,strlen($this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'])).$pi;
- $url = "{$this->conf['TEST_WEB_BASE_URL']}$pi";
+ $pi = substr($cwd,strlen($this->conf['TEST_BASE_PATH'])) . $pi;
+ $url = $this->conf['TEST_WEB_BASE_URL'] . $pi;
$fd = fopen($url, "rb");
$out = '';
- if ($removeheaders &&
- preg_match("/^(.*?)\r?\n\r?\n(.*)/s", $this->incoming_payload, $match)) {
+ if (0 && $removeheaders &&
+ preg_match("/^(.*?)\r?\n\r?\n(.*)/s", $out, $match)) {
return $match[2];
return $out;
- if (!file_exists("/tmp")) {
- $this->writemsg(TMP_MISSING);
- exit;
- }
+// We might want to check another server so we won't see that server's /tmp
+// if (!file_exists("/tmp")) {
+// $this->writemsg(TMP_MISSING);
+// exit;
+// }
if (!function_exists("proc_open")) {
but used by a couple tests to catch a security hole
in older php versions. At least IIS can be configured
to do this. */
+ $args = $env['QUERY_STRING'];
$args = "$ini_overwrites $tmp_file \"$args\" 2>&1";
} else {
$args = $section_text['ARGS'] ? $section_text['ARGS'] : '';