Problem: Test17 is old style.
Solution: Turn into new style test. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #4347)
# These do not depend on the executable, compile it when needed.
test1 \
test_eval \
- test3 test17 \
+ test3 \
test29 test30 test37 test39 \
test42 test44 test48 test49 \
test52 test59 \
# Tests that run on most systems, but not on VMS
- test17.out \
test30.out \
test59.out \
test72.out \
test_channel \
test_charsearch \
test_charsearch_utf8 \
+ test_checkpath \
test_cindent \
test_clientserver \
test_close_count \
test_changelist.res \
test_channel.res \
test_charsearch.res \
+ test_checkpath.res \
test_cindent.res \
test_clientserver.res \
test_close_count.res \
# Known problems:
-# test17: ?
# test30: bug, most probably - a problem around mac format
-SCRIPT_UNIX = test10.out test17.out test27.out test49.out
+SCRIPT_UNIX = test10.out test27.out test49.out
+++ /dev/null
-Tests for:
-- "gf" on ${VAR},
-- ":checkpath!" with various 'include' settings.
-:so small.vim
-:if has("ebcdic")
-: set isfname=@,240-249,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:,~,{,}
-: set isfname=@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:,~,{,}
-:if has("unix")
-:let $CDIR = "."
-:if has("amiga")
-:let $TDIR = "/testdir"
-:let $TDIR = "."
-:" Dummy writing for making that sure gf doesn't fail even if the current
-:" file is modified. It can be occurred when executing the following command
-:" directly on Windows without fixing the 'fileformat':
-:" > nmake -f Make_dos.mak test17.out
-:w! test.out
-:set ff=unix
-:w! test.out
- ${CDIR}/
- $TDIR/
-:" check for 'include' without \zs or \ze
-:lang C
-:call delete("./Xbase.a")
-:call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
-:!mkdir Xdir1
-:!mkdir "Xdir1/dir2"
-:e! Xdir1/dir2/foo.a
-i#include "bar.a"\e:
-:e Xdir1/dir2/bar.a
-i#include "baz.a"\e:
-:e Xdir1/dir2/baz.a
-i#include "foo.a"\e:
-:e Xbase.a
-:set path=Xdir1/dir2
-i#include <foo.a>\e:
-:redir! >>test.out
-:redir END
-:" check for 'include' with \zs and \ze
-:call delete("./Xbase.b")
-:call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
-:!mkdir Xdir1
-:!mkdir "Xdir1/dir2"
-:let &include='^\s*%inc\s*/\zs[^/]\+\ze'
-:function! DotsToSlashes()
-: return substitute(v:fname, '\.', '/', 'g') . '.b'
-:let &includeexpr='DotsToSlashes()'
-:e! Xdir1/dir2/foo.b
-i%inc /bar/\e:
-:e Xdir1/dir2/bar.b
-i%inc /baz/\e:
-:e Xdir1/dir2/baz.b
-i%inc /foo/\e:
-:e Xbase.b
-:set path=Xdir1/dir2
-i%inc /foo/\e:
-:redir! >>test.out
-:redir END
-:" check for 'include' with \zs and no \ze
-:call delete("./Xbase.c")
-:call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
-:!mkdir Xdir1
-:!mkdir "Xdir1/dir2"
-:let &include='^\s*%inc\s*\%([[:upper:]][^[:space:]]*\s\+\)\?\zs\S\+\ze'
-:function! StripNewlineChar()
-: if v:fname =~ '\n$'
-: return v:fname[:-2]
-: endif
-: return v:fname
-:let &includeexpr='StripNewlineChar()'
-:e! Xdir1/dir2/foo.c
-i%inc bar.c\e:
-:e Xdir1/dir2/bar.c
-i%inc baz.c\e:
-:e Xdir1/dir2/baz.c
-i%inc foo.c\e:
-:e Xdir1/dir2/FALSE.c
-i%inc foo.c\e:
-:e Xbase.c
-:set path=Xdir1/dir2
-i%inc FALSE.c foo.c\e:
-:redir! >>test.out
-:redir END
-:" change "\" to "/" for Windows and fix 'fileformat'
-:e test.out
-:set ff&
+++ /dev/null
-This file is just to test "gf" in test 17.
-The contents is not important.
-Just testing!
---- Included files in path ---
-Xdir1/dir2/foo.a -->
- Xdir1/dir2/bar.a
- Xdir1/dir2/bar.a -->
- Xdir1/dir2/baz.a
- Xdir1/dir2/baz.a -->
- "foo.a" (Already listed)
---- Included files in path ---
-Xdir1/dir2/foo.b -->
- Xdir1/dir2/bar.b
- Xdir1/dir2/bar.b -->
- Xdir1/dir2/baz.b
- Xdir1/dir2/baz.b -->
- foo (Already listed)
---- Included files in path ---
-Xdir1/dir2/foo.c -->
- Xdir1/dir2/bar.c
- Xdir1/dir2/bar.c -->
- Xdir1/dir2/baz.c
- Xdir1/dir2/baz.c -->
- foo.c (Already listed)
+++ /dev/null
-This file is just to test "gf" in test 17.
-The contents is not important.
-Just testing!
--- /dev/null
+" Tests for the :checkpath command
+" Test for 'include' without \zs or \ze
+func Test_checkpath1()
+ call mkdir("Xdir1/dir2", "p")
+ call writefile(['#include "bar.a"'], 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.a')
+ call writefile(['#include "baz.a"'], 'Xdir1/dir2/bar.a')
+ call writefile(['#include "foo.a"'], 'Xdir1/dir2/baz.a')
+ call writefile(['#include <foo.a>'], 'Xbase.a')
+ edit Xbase.a
+ set path=Xdir1/dir2
+ let res = split(execute("checkpath!"), "\n")
+ call assert_equal([
+ \ '--- Included files in path ---',
+ \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.a',
+ \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.a -->',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/bar.a',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/bar.a -->',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/baz.a',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/baz.a -->',
+ \ ' "foo.a" (Already listed)'], res)
+ enew
+ call delete("./Xbase.a")
+ call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
+ set path&
+func DotsToSlashes()
+ return substitute(v:fname, '\.', '/', 'g') . '.b'
+" Test for 'include' with \zs and \ze
+func Test_checkpath2()
+ call mkdir("Xdir1/dir2", "p")
+ call writefile(['%inc /bar/'], 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.b')
+ call writefile(['%inc /baz/'], 'Xdir1/dir2/bar.b')
+ call writefile(['%inc /foo/'], 'Xdir1/dir2/baz.b')
+ call writefile(['%inc /foo/'], 'Xbase.b')
+ let &include='^\s*%inc\s*/\zs[^/]\+\ze'
+ let &includeexpr='DotsToSlashes()'
+ edit Xbase.b
+ set path=Xdir1/dir2
+ let res = split(execute("checkpath!"), "\n")
+ call assert_equal([
+ \ '--- Included files in path ---',
+ \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.b',
+ \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.b -->',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/bar.b',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/bar.b -->',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/baz.b',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/baz.b -->',
+ \ ' foo (Already listed)'], res)
+ enew
+ call delete("./Xbase.b")
+ call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
+ set path&
+ set include&
+ set includeexpr&
+func StripNewlineChar()
+ if v:fname =~ '\n$'
+ return v:fname[:-2]
+ endif
+ return v:fname
+" Test for 'include' with \zs and no \ze
+func Test_checkpath3()
+ call mkdir("Xdir1/dir2", "p")
+ call writefile(['%inc bar.c'], 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.c')
+ call writefile(['%inc baz.c'], 'Xdir1/dir2/bar.c')
+ call writefile(['%inc foo.c'], 'Xdir1/dir2/baz.c')
+ call writefile(['%inc foo.c'], 'Xdir1/dir2/FALSE.c')
+ call writefile(['%inc FALSE.c foo.c'], 'Xbase.c')
+ let &include='^\s*%inc\s*\%([[:upper:]][^[:space:]]*\s\+\)\?\zs\S\+\ze'
+ let &includeexpr='StripNewlineChar()'
+ edit Xbase.c
+ set path=Xdir1/dir2
+ let res = split(execute("checkpath!"), "\n")
+ call assert_equal([
+ \ '--- Included files in path ---',
+ \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.c',
+ \ 'Xdir1/dir2/foo.c -->',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/bar.c',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/bar.c -->',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/baz.c',
+ \ ' Xdir1/dir2/baz.c -->',
+ \ ' foo.c (Already listed)'], res)
+ enew
+ call delete("./Xbase.c")
+ call delete("Xdir1", "rf")
+ set path&
+ set include&
+ set includeexpr&
bwipe Xfile
bwipe Xfile2
+" Test for invoking 'gf' on a ${VAR} variable
+func Test_gf()
+ if has("ebcdic")
+ set isfname=@,240-249,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:,~,{,}
+ else
+ set isfname=@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:,~,{,}
+ endif
+ call writefile(["Test for gf command"], "Xtest1")
+ if has("unix")
+ call writefile([" ${CDIR}/Xtest1"], "Xtestgf")
+ else
+ call writefile([" $TDIR/Xtest1"], "Xtestgf")
+ endif
+ new Xtestgf
+ if has("unix")
+ let $CDIR = "."
+ else
+ if has("amiga")
+ let $TDIR = "/testdir"
+ else
+ let $TDIR = "."
+ endif
+ endif
+ normal gf
+ call assert_equal('Xtest1', fnamemodify(bufname(''), ":t"))
+ close!
+ call delete('Xtest1')
+ call delete('Xtestgf')
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1285,