Changes with Apache 2.1.7
[Remove entries to the current 2.0 section below, when backported]
+ *) mod_cache: Restore the HTTP status of cached responses.
+ [Hansjoerg Pehofer <hansjoerg.pehofer>]
*) mod_cache: Store varied contents all in the same prefix for a varied URI.
[Paul Querna]
ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_DEBUG, APR_SUCCESS, r->server,
"cache: running CACHE_OUT filter");
+ /* restore status of cached response */
+ /* XXX: This exposes a bug in mem_cache, since it does not
+ * restore the status into it's handle. */
+ r->status = cache->handle->status;
/* recall_headers() was called in cache_select_url() */
cache->provider->recall_body(cache->handle, r->pool, bb);