Problem: When a screendump test fails, moving the file is a hassle.
Solution: Instead of appending ".failed" to the file name, keep the same
file name but put the screendump in the "failed" directory.
Then the file name only needs to be typed once when moving a
" Returns non-zero when verification fails.
func VerifyScreenDump(buf, filename, options, ...)
let reference = 'dumps/' . a:filename . '.dump'
- let testfile = a:filename . '.dump.failed'
+ let testfile = 'failed/' . a:filename . '.dump'
+ let did_mkdir = 0
+ if !isdirectory('failed')
+ let did_mkdir = 1
+ call mkdir('failed')
+ endif
let i = 0
while 1
let refdump = readfile(reference)
if refdump == testdump
call delete(testfile)
+ if did_mkdir
+ call delete('failed', 'd')
+ endif
if i == 100
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1080,