consistent test ordering. (Contributed by Martin Melin and Jeff Ramnani in
+:class:`~unittest.TestSuite` now drops references to tests as soon as the test
+has been run, if the test is successful. On Python interpreters that do
+garbage collection, this allows the tests to be garbage collected if nothing
+else is holding a reference to the test. It is possible to override this
+behavior by creating a :class:`~unittest.TestSuite` subclass that defines a
+custom ``_removeTestAtIndex`` method. (Contributed by Tom Wardill, Matt
+McClure, and Andrew Svetlov in :issue:`11798`.)
Previously some builtin hashes had uppercase names, but now that it is a
formal public interface the naming has been made consistent (:issue:`18532`).
+* Because :mod:`unittest.TestSuite` now drops references to tests after they
+ are run, test harnesses that re-use a :class:`~unittest.TestSuite` to re-run
+ a set of tests may fail. Test suites should not be re-used in this fashion
+ since it means state is retained between test runs, breaking the test
+ isolation that :mod:`unittest` is designed to provide. However, if the lack
+ of isolation is considered acceptable, the old behavior can be restored by
+ creating a :mod:`~unittest.TestSuite` subclass that defines a
+ ``_removeTestAtIndex`` method that does nothing (see
+ :meth:`.TestSuite.__iter__`) (:issue:`11798`).
Changes in the C API