int T::c;
+// Export template class with static member variable
+// MSC-DAG: @"\01?StaticClassVarExpTmplClass@?$TmplClass@H@@2HA" = weak_odr dllexport global i32 0, comdat, align 4
+// GNU-DAG: @_ZN9TmplClassIiE26StaticClassVarExpTmplClassE = weak_odr dllexport global i32 0, comdat, align 4
+template<typename T>
+struct __declspec(dllexport) TmplClass
+ static T StaticClassVarExpTmplClass;
+template<typename T>
+T TmplClass<T>::StaticClassVarExpTmplClass;
+// Export a definition of a template function.
+// MSC-DAG: define weak_odr dllexport i32 @"\01??$TypeFunTmpl@H@@YAHH@Z"
+// GNU-DAG: define weak_odr dllexport i32 @_Z11TypeFunTmplIiET_S0_
+template<typename T>
+T __declspec(dllexport) TypeFunTmpl(T t) { return t + t; }
+// Instantiate the exported template class and the exported template function.
+int useExportedTmplStaticAndFun()
+ return TmplClass<int>::StaticClassVarExpTmplClass + TypeFunTmpl<int>(10);
template <typename T> struct __declspec(dllexport) U { void foo() {} };
struct __declspec(dllexport) V : public U<int> { };
// U<int>'s assignment operator is emitted.
#define USEVAR(var) USEVARTYPE(int, var)
#define USE(func) void UNIQ(use)() { func(); }
#define USEMEMFUNC(class, func) void (class::*UNIQ(use)())() { return &class::func; }
+#define USESTATICMEMFUNC(class, func) void (*UNIQ(use)())() { return &class::func; }
#define USECLASS(class) void UNIQ(USE)() { class x; }
#define USECOPYASSIGN(class) class& (class::*UNIQ(use)())(class&) { return &class::operator=; }
#define USEMOVEASSIGN(class) class& (class::*UNIQ(use)())(class&&) { return &class::operator=; }
void a() {}
// MO1-DAG: define available_externally dllimport x86_thiscallcc void @"\01?a@T@@QAEXXZ"
+ static void StaticMethod();
+ // MSC-DAG: declare dllimport void @"\01?StaticMethod@T@@SAXXZ"()
+ // GNU-DAG: declare dllimport void @_ZN1T12StaticMethodEv()
static int b;
// MO1-DAG: @"\01?b@T@@2HA" = external dllimport global i32
// M19-DAG: define available_externally dllimport x86_thiscallcc dereferenceable({{[0-9]+}}) %struct.T* @"\01??4T@@QAEAAU0@$$QAU0@@Z"