F Followed by direction, fight a monster (even if you don't sense it)
g Followed by direction, move until you are near something
G Followed by direction, same as control-direction
-h Go west 1 space
+h Go west 1 space (if number_pad is on, display help message)
H Go west until you are on top of something
^H Go west until you are near something
i Show your inventory
$ Count your gold
+ List known spells
# Perform an extended command
-M-2 Toggle two-weapon combat
+M-? Display extended command help (if the platform allows this)
+M-2 Toggle two-weapon combat (unless number_pad is enabled)
M-a Adjust inventory letters
M-c Talk to someone
M-d Dip an object into something
\ An opulent throne.
` A boulder or statue.
A to Z, a to z, and several others: Monsters.
- I Invisible monster's last known location
+ I Invisible or unseen monster's last known location
You can find out what a symbol represents by typing
'/' and following the directions to move the cursor
G<dir>, same, except a branching corridor isn't
< up ^<dir>: considered interesting
> down m<dir>: move without picking up objects
+ F<dir>: fight even if you don't sense a monster
If the number_pad option is set, the number keys move instead.
+ Depending on the platform, Shift number (on the numberpad),
+ Meta number, or Alt number will invoke the YUHJKLBN commands.
NetHack knows the following commands:
has a meta key (which, when pressed in combination with another
key, modifies it by setting the 'meta' (8th, or 'high') bit),
these extended commands can be invoked by meta-ing the first
- letter of the command.
+ letter of the command. An alt key may have a similar effect.
If the "number_pad" option is on, some additional letter commands
are available:
+ h displays the help menu, like '?'
j Jump to another location.
k Kick (for doors, usually).
l Loot a box on the floor.
- n Name an object or type of object.
+ n followed by number of times to repeat the next command
+ N Name an object or type of object.
u Untrap a trapped object or door.
You can put a number before a command to repeat it that many times,
must type 'n' to prefix the count, as in "n40." or "n20s".
- Some information is displayed on the bottom line. You see your
+ Some information is displayed on the bottom line or perhaps in a
+ box, depending on the platform you are using. You see your
attributes, your alignment, what dungeon level you are on, how many
hit points you have now (and will have when fully recovered), what
your armor class is (the lower the better), your experience level,
> down m<dir>: move without picking up objects/fighting
F<dir>: fight even if you don't sense a monster
If the number_pad option is set, the number keys move instead.
+ Depending on the platform, Shift number (on the numberpad),
+ Meta number, or Alt number will invoke the YUHJKLBN commands.
General commands:
? help display one of several informative texts
Keyboards that have a meta key can also use these extended commands
via the meta modifier instead of the # prefix:
-M-2 twoweapon toggle two-weapon combat
+M-? Display extended command help (if the platform allows this)
+M-2 twoweapon toggle two-weapon combat (unless number_pad is enabled)
M-a adjust adjust inventory letters
M-c chat talk to someone
M-d dip dip an object into something
If the "number_pad" option is on, these additional variants are available:
n followed by number of times to repeat the next command
+h help display one of several informative texts, like '?'
j jump jump to another location
k kick kick something (usually a door)
l loot loot a box on the floor
understand what NetHack is doing with the screen. The NetHack screen
replaces the ``You see ...'' descriptions of text adventure games.
Figure 1 is a sample of what a NetHack screen might look like.
+The way the screen looks for you depends on your platform.
center tab(~);
-Player the Rambler St:12 Dx:7 Co:18 In:11 Wi:9 Ch:15 Neutral
+Player the Rambler St:12 Dx:7 Co:18 In:11 Wi:9 Ch:15 Neutral
Dlvl:1 $:0 HP:9(12) Pw:3(3) AC:10 Exp:1/19 T:257 Weak
.\" on the Amiga set the {\it altmeta\/} option to get this behavior.
In NT, OS/2, and PC NetHack, the `Alt' key
can be used in this fashion.
+.lp M-?
+#? (not supported by all platforms)
.lp M-2
+#twoweapon (unless the number_pad option is enabled)
.lp M-a
.lp M-c
If the
.op number_pad
option is on, some additional letter commands are available:
+.lp h
+Help menu: display one of several help texts available, like ``?''.
.lp j
Jump to another location. Same as ``#jump'' or ``M-j''.
.lp k
Loot a box or bag on the floor beneath you, or the saddle
from a horse standing next to you. Same as ``#loot'' or ``M-l''.
.lp N
-Name an item or type of object. Same as ``#name'' or ``M-N''.
+Name an item or type of object. Same as ``#name'' or ``M-n''.
.lp u
Untrap a trap, door, or chest. Same as ``#untrap'' or ``M-u''.
understand what {\it NetHack\/} is doing with the screen. The {\it NetHack\/}
screen replaces the ``You see \ldots'' descriptions of text adventure games.
Figure 1 is a sample of what a {\it NetHack\/} screen might look like.
+The way the screen looks for you depends on your platform.
- Player the Rambler St:12 Dx:7 Co:18 In:11 Wi:9 Ch:15 Neutral
+ Player the Rambler St:12 Dx:7 Co:18 In:11 Wi:9 Ch:15 Neutral
Dlvl:1 $:0 HP:9(12) Pw:3(3) AC:10 Exp:1/19 T:257 Weak
In {\it NT, OS/2, {\rm and} PC NetHack},
the `Alt' key can be used in this fashion.
+{\tt\#?} (not supported by all platforms)
+{\tt\#twoweapon} (unless the {\it number\_pad\/} option is enabled)
\nd If the {\it number\_pad\/} option is on, some additional letter commands
are available:
+Help menu: display one of several help texts available, like ``{\tt ?}''.
Jump to another location. Same as ``{\tt \#jump}'' or ``{\tt M-j}''.
from a horse standing next to you. Same as ``{\tt \#loot}'' or ``{\tt M-l}''.
-Name an object or type of object. Same as ``{\tt \#name}'' or ``{\tt M-N}''.
+Name an object or type of object. Same as ``{\tt \#name}'' or ``{\tt M-n}''.
Untrap a trap, door, or chest. Same as ``{\tt \#untrap}'' or ``{\tt M-u}''.
-.TH NETHACK 6 "17 November 1999"
+.TH NETHACK 6 "12 March 2002"
.UC 4
nethack \- Exploring The Mazes of Menace
+.hy 0
.B nethack
.B \-d
.B \-ibm
.B nethack
.B \-d
.I playernames
+.hy 14
.I NetHack
The default is located in your home directory and
named .nethackrc on Unix systems. On other systems, the default may be
-different, usually NetHack.cnf. On DOS the name is defaults.nh, while
-on the Macintosh or BeOS, it is NetHack Defaults.
+different, usually NetHack.cnf. On DOS or Windows, the name is
+defaults.nh, while on the Macintosh or BeOS, it is NetHack Defaults.
The configuration file's location may be specified by setting NETHACKOPTIONS
to a string consisting of an @ character followed by the filename.
.I playername
-suffix or a separate option,
+suffix can be used to specify the profession, race, alignment and/or gender
+of the character. The full syntax of the playername that includes a
+suffix is "name-ppp-rrr-aaa-ggg". "ppp" are at least the first three letters
+of the profession (this can also be specified using a separate
+.B \-p
+.I profession
+option). "rrr" are at least the first three letters of the character's
+race (this can also be specified using a separate
+.B \-r
+.I race
+option). "aaa" are at last the first three letters of the character's
+alignment, and "ggg" are at least the first three letters of the
+character's gender. Any of the parts of the suffix may be left out.
.B \-p
.I profession
can be used to determine the character role. You can specify either the
.I race
can be used to explicitly request that a race be chosen.
+Leaving out any of these characteristics will result in you being prompted
+during the game startup for the information.
-Leaving out either of these will result in you being prompted during
-the game startup for the information.
.B \-s