Fix crash when failed to parse timecode file before malloc pts.
Fix detection of user timebase considered to be exceeding H.264 maximum.
FAIL_IF_ERROR( !h, "malloc failed\n" )
h->input = cli_input;
h->p_handle = *p_handle;
+ h->pts = NULL;
if( opt->timebase )
ret = sscanf( opt->timebase, "%"SCNu64"/%"SCNu64, &h->timebase_num, &h->timebase_den );
if( ret == 1 )
+ {
h->timebase_num = strtoul( opt->timebase, NULL, 10 );
+ h->timebase_den = 0; /* set later by auto timebase generation */
+ }
FAIL_IF_ERROR( h->timebase_num > UINT32_MAX || h->timebase_den > UINT32_MAX,
"timebase you specified exceeds H.264 maximum\n" )