--- /dev/null
+Real-world examples
+In many real-world examples re2c reports unreachable ``[^]`` rule,
+which is quite understandable: ``[^]`` served as default rule long before
+the true default rule ``*`` was added to re2c.
+However, in some cases the warning is quite interesting.
+Here is an example of a real-world lexer (all the non-re2c code has beed removed):
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+ /*!re2c
+ re2c:yyfill:check = 0;
+ LNUM [0-9]+
+ DNUM ([0-9]*[\.][0-9]+)|([0-9]+[\.][0-9]*)
+ ANY_CHAR (.|[\n\t])
+ NEWLINE ("\r"|"\n"|"\r\n")
+ CONSTANT [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
+ LABEL [^=\n\r\t;&|^$~(){}!"\[]+
+ TOKENS [:,.\[\]"'()&|^+-/*=%$!~<>?@{}]
+ OPERATORS [&|^~()!]
+ RAW_VALUE_CHARS [^\n\r;\000]
+ LITERAL_DOLLAR ("$"([^{\000]|("\\"{ANY_CHAR})))
+ VALUE_CHARS ([^$= \t\n\r;&|^~()!"'\000]|{LITERAL_DOLLAR})
+ <INITIAL>"[" {}
+ <ST_VARNAME>"}" {}
+ <INITIAL,ST_VALUE>("true"|"on"|"yes"){TABS_AND_SPACES}* {}
+ <INITIAL,ST_VALUE>("false"|"off"|"no"|"none"){TABS_AND_SPACES}* {}
+ <ST_VALUE>[=] {}
+ <ST_VALUE,ST_RAW>[^] {}
+ <*>[^] {}
+ */
+```re2c -cF -Wunreachable-rules``` says:
+.. code-block::
+ re2c: warning: line 54: unreachable rule in condition 'ST_DOUBLE_QUOTES' (shadowed by rules at lines 47, 48) [-Wunreachable-rules]
+ re2c: warning: line 49: unreachable rule in condition 'ST_OFFSET' (shadowed by rule at line 45) [-Wunreachable-rules]
+ re2c: warning: line 54: unreachable rule in condition 'ST_RAW' (shadowed by rules at lines 36, 38, 53) [-Wunreachable-rules]
+ re2c: warning: line 49: unreachable rule in condition 'ST_SECTION_VALUE' (shadowed by rule at line 45) [-Wunreachable-rules]
+ re2c: warning: line 54: unreachable rule in condition 'ST_VALUE' (shadowed by rules at lines 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 49, 53) [-Wunreachable-rules]
+The interesting part is the unreachable rule on line 49 in conditions ``ST_OFFSET`` and ``ST_SECTION_VALUE``.
+The rule is ``{WHITESPACE}``:
+.. code-block::
+re2c claims that it is shadowed by the rule on line 45, which is ``{SECTION_VALUE_CHARS}+``:
+.. code-block::
+ ANY_CHAR (.|[\n\t])
+ LITERAL_DOLLAR ("$"([^{\000]|("\\"{ANY_CHAR})))
+Indeed, ``{SECTION_VALUE_CHARS}+`` allows all the patterns accepted by ``{WHITESPACE}``.
+In the original program these rules return different types of tokens:
+perhaps this is not critical, but clearly unintended.
--- /dev/null
+A simple example
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+ /*!re2c
+ "" { return ""; }
+ * { return "*"; }
+ "a" | "b" { return "a | b"; }
+ "a" { return "a"; }
+ [\x00-\xFF] { return "[0 - 0xFF]"; }
+ [^] { return "[^]"; }
+ */
+Given this strange code, ```re2c -i -Wunreachable-rules``` says:
+.. code-block::
+ re2c: warning: line 2: unreachable rule (shadowed by rules at lines 4, 6) [-Wunreachable-rules]
+ re2c: warning: line 5: unreachable rule (shadowed by rule at line 4) [-Wunreachable-rules]
+ re2c: warning: line 7: unreachable rule (shadowed by rule at line 6) [-Wunreachable-rules]
+A look at the generated code suggests that re2c was right:
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ :number-lines:
+ /* Generated by re2c 0.14.1.dev on Fri Nov 6 15:21:36 2015*/
+ {
+ YYCTYPE yych;
+ yych = *YYCURSOR;
+ switch (yych) {
+ case 'a': goto yy5;
+ case 'b': goto yy7;
+ default: goto yy3;
+ }
+ { return ""; }
+ yy3:
+ { return "[0 - 0xFF]"; }
+ yy5:
+ yy6:
+ { return "a | b"; }
+ yy7:
+ yych = *YYCURSOR;
+ goto yy6;
+ }
+Clearly, all the reported rules are unreachable (some of them are not even present in the generated code).
+Default rule ``*`` at line 3 is also unreachable, but re2c appreciates paranoid attempts
+to handle default case and never reports unreachable default rule.