-?? ??? 2019, PHP 7.2.22
+ - Phpdbg:
+ . Fixed bug #78297 (Include unexistent file memory leak). (Nikita)
-01 Aug 2019, PHP 7.2.21
+?? ??? ????, PHP 7.3.8
-- Fileinfo:
- . Fixed bug #78183 (finfo_file shows wrong mime-type for .tga file).
- (Joshua Westerheide)
-- FTP:
- . Fixed bug #77124 (FTP with SSL memory leak). (Nikita)
-- PDO_Sqlite:
- . Fixed bug #78192 (SegFault when reuse statement after schema has changed).
- (Vincent Quatrevieux)
-- SQLite:
- . Upgraded to SQLite 3.28.0. (cmb)
- . Fixed bug #78173 (XML-RPC mutates immutable objects during encoding).
- (Asher Baker)
+- Core:
+ . Added syslog.filter=raw option. (Erik Lundin)
+ . Fixed bug #78212 (Segfault in built-in webserver). (cmb)
- Date:
. Fixed bug #69044 (discrepency between time and microtime). (krakjoe)