. Fixed bug #70896 (gmp_fact() silently ignores non-integer input). (Sara)
- Mbstring:
- . Implemented reuqest #66024 (chr() and mb_ord()) (Masakielastic, Yasuo)
+ . Implemented request #66024 (chr() and mb_ord()) (Masakielastic, Yasuo)
+ . Implemented request #65081 (mb_scrub()) (Masakielastic, Yasuo)
+ . Implemented request #69086 (enhancement for mb_convert_encoding() that
+ handles multibyte replacement char nicely) (Masakielastic, Yasuo)
<<< NOTE: Insert NEWS from last stable release here prior to actual release! >>>
- Mbstring:
. Added mb_chr() and mb_ord().
+ . Added mb_scurb() that scrub broken mutilbyte strings.
- Standard:
. Added is_iterable() that determines if a value will be accepted by the new