xml:lang="en" xml:id="releasenotes"
<title>Release Notes for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets</title>
<pubdate><?dbtimestamp format="Y-m-d"?></pubdate>
<releaseinfo role="cvs">$Revision$ $Date$</releaseinfo>
<!-- * <author><orgname>DocBook Project Development Team</orgname></author> -->
- <!-- * FIXME: It's really a PITA to do this thing of toggling of -->
- <!-- * commenting of various para instances in this intro depending of -->
- <!-- * what type of release it is (snapshot, dot-zero, dot-one-plus). -->
- <!-- * So I've now added profiling attributes where we need them. But -->
- <!-- * I've not yet tweaked the release-notes build to actually do -->
- <!-- * anything with them. It can wait until after the 1.73.2 release). -->
-<!-- * <para condition="dot-zero;dot-one-plus">This release-notes -->
- <!-- * document is available in the following formats: -->
- <!-- * <link -->
- <!-- * xlink:href="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/RELEASE-NOTES.html" -->
- <!-- * >HTML</link>, -->
- <!-- * <link -->
- <!-- * xlink:href="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/RELEASE-NOTES.pdf" -->
- <!-- * >PDF</link>, -->
- <!-- * <link -->
- <!-- * xlink:href="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/RELEASE-NOTES.txt" -->
- <!-- * >plain text</link>; it provides a per-release list -->
-<!-- * of enhancements and changes to the stylesheets’ public APIs -->
-<!-- * (user-configurable parameters) and excludes descriptions of most -->
-<!-- * bug fixes. For a complete list of all changes (including all bug -->
-<!-- * fixes) that have been made since the previous release, see the -->
-<!-- * separate <link xlink:href="NEWS">NEWS</link> (plain text) or <link -->
- <!-- * xlink:href="NEWS.html">NEWS.html</link> files. Also available: -->
-<!-- * An online <link -->
- <!-- * xlink:href="http://docbook.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/docbook/trunk/xsl/?view=log" -->
- <!-- * >hyperlinked change history</link> (warning: big file) of all -->
-<!-- * changes made over the entire history of the codebase.</para> -->
-<!-- * <para condition="dot-zero">As with all DocBook Project <link -->
- <!-- * linkend="dot0">dot-zero</link> releases, this is an -->
- <!-- * experimental release. It will be followed shortly by a stable -->
- <!-- * release.</para> -->
-<!-- * <para condition="dot-one-plus">As with all DocBook Project “dot -->
- <!-- * one plus” releases, this release aspires to be stable (in -->
- <!-- * contrast to <link linkend="dot0">dot-zero</link> releases, which -->
- <!-- * are experimental).</para> -->
+<para condition="dot-zero;dot-one-plus">This release-notes
+ document is available in the following formats:
+ <link
+ xlink:href="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/RELEASE-NOTES.html"
+ >HTML</link>,
+ <link
+ xlink:href="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/RELEASE-NOTES.pdf"
+ >PDF</link>,
+ <link
+ xlink:href="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/RELEASE-NOTES.txt"
+ >plain text</link>; it provides a per-release list
+of enhancements and changes to the stylesheets’ public APIs
+(user-configurable parameters) and excludes descriptions of most
+bug fixes. For a complete list of all changes (including all bug
+fixes) that have been made since the previous release, see the
+separate <link xlink:href="NEWS">NEWS</link> (plain text) or <link
+ xlink:href="NEWS.html">NEWS.html</link> files. Also available:
+An online <link
+ xlink:href="http://docbook.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/docbook/trunk/xsl/?view=log"
+ >hyperlinked change history</link> (warning: big file) of all
+changes made over the entire history of the codebase.</para>
+<para condition="dot-zero">As with all DocBook Project <link
+ linkend="dot0">dot-zero</link> releases, this is an
+ experimental release. It will be followed shortly by a stable
+ release.</para>
+<para condition="dot-one-plus">As with all DocBook Project “dot
+ one plus” releases, this release aspires to be stable (in
+ contrast to <link linkend="dot0">dot-zero</link> releases, which
+ are experimental).</para>
<para condition="snapshot">This is a pre-release “snapshot” of the
DocBook XSL Stylesheets. The change information in the first
section of this file (for “<xi:include href="NEWS.xml"
xpointer="xpointer(/article/sect1/title/text())"/>”) is
auto-generated from change descriptions stored in the project
source-code repository.</para>
<para condition="snapshot">That means the first section contains
descriptions both of bug fixes and of feature changes. The
remaining sections are manually edited changelog subsets that