<email deleted> wrote:
> comments: When I try to write in the dust, with my finger, on a
> tombstone, it works the first time, but after that I'm getting a
> message that I can not erase what's written here. Is that an
> intentional way of preventing us gaining a bunch of levels fighting
5 days, no objections to proposed code change.
if (IS_GRAVE(levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ)) {
- if (!levl[u.ux][u.uy].disturbed) {
+ if (otmp == &zeroobj) { /* using only finger */
+ You("would only make a small smudge on the %s.",
+ surface(u.ux, u.uy));
+ return(0);
+ } else if (!levl[u.ux][u.uy].disturbed) {
You("disturb the undead!");
levl[u.ux][u.uy].disturbed = 1;
(void) makemon(&mons[PM_GHOUL], u.ux, u.uy, NO_MM_FLAGS);