--- /dev/null
+Test fflush() function: basic functionality
+/* Prototype: bool fflush ( resource $handle );
+ Description: Flushes the output to a file
+echo "*** Testing fflush(): writing to a file and reading the contents ***\n";
+$data = <<<EOD
+first line of string
+second line of string
+third line of string
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$filename = "$file_path/fflush_basic.tmp";
+// opening a file
+$file_handle = fopen($filename, "w");
+if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open file $filename");
+// writing data to the file
+var_dump( fwrite($file_handle, $data) );
+var_dump( fflush($file_handle) );
+var_dump( readfile($filename) );
+echo "\n*** Testing fflush(): for return type ***\n";
+$return_value = fflush($file_handle);
+var_dump( is_bool($return_value) );
+echo "\n*** Done ***";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$filename = "$file_path/fflush_basic.tmp";
+*** Testing fflush(): writing to a file and reading the contents ***
+first line of string
+second line of string
+third line of stringint(63)
+*** Testing fflush(): for return type ***
+*** Done ***
+*** Testing fflush(): writing to a file and reading the contents ***
+Notice: fwrite(): 63 character unicode buffer downcoded for binary stream runtime_encoding in %s on line %d
+first line of string
+second line of string
+third line of stringint(63)
+*** Testing fflush(): for return type ***
+*** Done ***
--- /dev/null
+Test fflush() function: error conditions
+ Prototype: bool fflush ( resource $handle );
+ Description: Flushes the output to a file
+echo "*** Testing error conditions ***\n";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+// zero argument
+echo "-- Testing fflush(): with zero argument --\n";
+var_dump( fflush() );
+// more than expected no. of args
+echo "-- Testing fflush(): with more than expected number of arguments --\n";
+$filename = "$file_path/fflush_error.tmp";
+$file_handle = fopen($filename, "w");
+if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open file $filename");
+var_dump( fflush($file_handle, $file_handle) );
+// test invalid arguments : non-resources
+echo "-- Testing fflush(): with invalid arguments --\n";
+$invalid_args = array (
+ "string",
+ 10,
+ 10.5,
+ true,
+ array(1,2,3),
+ new stdclass
+/* loop to test fflush() with different invalid type of args */
+for($loop_counter = 1; $loop_counter <= count($invalid_args); $loop_counter++) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $loop_counter --\n";
+ var_dump( fflush($invalid_args[$loop_counter - 1]) );
+echo "\n*** Done ***";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+*** Testing error conditions ***
+-- Testing fflush(): with zero argument --
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fflush() in %s on line %d
+-- Testing fflush(): with more than expected number of arguments --
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fflush() in %s on line %d
+-- Testing fflush(): with invalid arguments --
+-- Iteration 1 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 2 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 3 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 4 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 5 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 6 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+*** Done ***
+*** Testing error conditions ***
+-- Testing fflush(): with zero argument --
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fflush() in %s on line %d
+-- Testing fflush(): with more than expected number of arguments --
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for fflush() in %s on line %d
+-- Testing fflush(): with invalid arguments --
+-- Iteration 1 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 2 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 3 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 4 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 5 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+-- Iteration 6 --
+Warning: fflush(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in %s on line %d
+*** Done ***
--- /dev/null
+Test fflush() function: usage variations - files in different modes
+if( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != "WIN" )
+ die("skip.. only for Windows");
+/* Prototype: bool fflush ( resource $handle );
+ Description: Flushes the output to a file
+/* test fflush() with handle to the files opened in different modes */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+require $file_path.'/file.inc';
+echo "*** Testing fflush(): with various types of files ***\n";
+$file_types = array("empty", "numeric", "text", "text_with_new_line", "alphanumeric");
+$file_modes = array("w", "wb", "wt", "w+", "w+b", "w+t",
+ "a", "ab", "at", "a+","a+b", "a+t",
+ "x", "xb", "xt", "x+", "x+b", "x+t");
+$file_name = "$file_path/fflush_variation1.tmp";
+$count = 1;
+foreach( $file_types as $type ) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $count with file containing $type Data--\n";
+ foreach( $file_modes as $mode ) {
+ echo "-- File opened in $mode mode --\n";
+ // creating the file except for x mode
+ if( substr($mode, 0, 1) != "x" ) {
+ $file_handle = fopen($file_name, "w");
+ if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open file $file_name");
+ // filling the file some data if mode is append mode
+ if( substr($mode, 0, 1) == "a")
+ fill_file($file_handle, $type, 10);
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ }
+ // opening the file in different modes
+ $file_handle = fopen($file_name, $mode);
+ if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open file $file_name");
+ // writing data to the file
+ var_dump( fill_file($file_handle, $type, 50) );
+ var_dump( fflush($file_handle) );
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // reading the contents of the file after flushing
+ var_dump( readfile($file_name) );
+ unlink($file_name);
+ }
+ $count++;
+echo "\n*** Done ***";
+*** Testing fflush(): with various types of files ***
+-- Iteration 1 with file containing empty Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+-- File opened in a mode --
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+-- File opened in at mode --
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+-- File opened in x mode --
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+-- Iteration 2 with file containing numeric Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+-- File opened in a mode --
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+-- File opened in at mode --
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+-- File opened in x mode --
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+-- Iteration 3 with file containing text Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- Iteration 4 with file containing text_with_new_line Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(55)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(55)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(65)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(65)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(55)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(55)
+-- Iteration 5 with file containing alphanumeric Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+*** Done ***
+*** Testing fflush(): with various types of files ***
+-- Iteration 1 with file containing empty Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+-- File opened in a mode --
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+-- File opened in at mode --
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+-- File opened in x mode --
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+-- Iteration 2 with file containing numeric Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+-- File opened in a mode --
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+-- File opened in at mode --
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+-- File opened in x mode --
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+-- Iteration 3 with file containing text Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- Iteration 4 with file containing text_with_new_line Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(55)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(55)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(65)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(65)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(55)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(55)
+-- Iteration 5 with file containing alphanumeric Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+*** Done ***
--- /dev/null
+Test fflush() function: usage variations - files in different modes
+if( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN" )
+ die("skip.. only for linux");
+/* Prototype: bool fflush ( resource $handle );
+ Description: Flushes the output to a file
+/* test fflush() with handle of files opened in different modes */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+require $file_path.'/file.inc';
+echo "*** Testing fflush(): with various types of files ***\n";
+$file_types = array("empty", "numeric", "text", "text_with_new_line", "alphanumeric");
+$file_modes = array("w", "wb", "wt", "w+", "w+b", "w+t",
+ "a", "ab", "at", "a+","a+b", "a+t",
+ "x", "xb", "xt", "x+", "x+b", "x+t");
+$file_name = "$file_path/fflush_variation1.tmp";
+$count = 1;
+foreach( $file_types as $type ) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $count with file containing $type Data--\n";
+ foreach( $file_modes as $mode ) {
+ echo "-- File opened in $mode mode --\n";
+ // creating the file except for x mode
+ if( substr($mode, 0, 1) != "x" ) {
+ $file_handle = fopen($file_name, "w");
+ if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open file $file_name");
+ // filling the file with some data if mode is append mode
+ if( substr($mode, 0, 1) == "a")
+ fill_file($file_handle, $type, 10);
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ }
+ // opening the file in different modes
+ $file_handle = fopen($file_name, $mode);
+ if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open file $file_name");
+ // writing data to the file
+ var_dump( fill_file($file_handle, $type, 50) );
+ var_dump( fflush($file_handle) );
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // reading the contents of the file after flushing
+ var_dump( readfile($file_name) );
+ unlink($file_name);
+ }
+ $count++;
+echo "\n*** Done ***";
+*** Testing fflush(): with various types of files ***
+-- Iteration 1 with file containing empty Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+-- File opened in a mode --
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+-- File opened in at mode --
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+-- File opened in x mode --
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+-- Iteration 2 with file containing numeric Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+-- File opened in a mode --
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+-- File opened in at mode --
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+-- File opened in x mode --
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+-- Iteration 3 with file containing text Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- Iteration 4 with file containing text_with_new_line Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- Iteration 5 with file containing alphanumeric Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+*** Done ***
+*** Testing fflush(): with various types of files ***
+-- Iteration 1 with file containing empty Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+-- File opened in a mode --
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+-- File opened in at mode --
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+-- File opened in x mode --
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+-- Iteration 2 with file containing numeric Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+-- File opened in a mode --
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+-- File opened in at mode --
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+-- File opened in x mode --
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+-- Iteration 3 with file containing text Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- Iteration 4 with file containing text_with_new_line Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- Iteration 5 with file containing alphanumeric Data--
+-- File opened in w mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in wb mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in wt mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in w+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in a mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in ab mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in at mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in a+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- File opened in x mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in xb mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in xt mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- File opened in x+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+*** Done ***
--- /dev/null
+Test fflush() function: usage variations - links as resource
+if( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN')
+ die("skip Links not valid on Windows");
+/* Prototype: bool fflush ( resource $handle );
+ Description: Flushes the output to a file
+/* test fflush() with handle to symbollic link */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+require $file_path.'/file.inc';
+echo "*** Testing fflush(): with soft links to files opened in diff modes ***\n";
+$file_types = array("empty", "numeric", "text", "text_with_new_line", "alphanumeric");
+$file_modes = array("w", "wb", "wt", "w+", "w+b", "w+t",
+ "a", "ab", "at", "a+","a+b", "a+t");
+$file_name = "$file_path/fflush_variation2.tmp";
+$symlink_name = "$file_path/symlnk_fflush_variation2.tmp";
+$count = 1;
+foreach( $file_types as $type ) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $count with file containing $type data --\n";
+ foreach( $file_modes as $mode ) {
+ echo "-- link opened in $mode mode --\n";
+ //creating the file
+ $file_handle = fopen($file_name, "w");
+ if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open file $file_name");
+ //fill the file with some data if mode is append mode
+ if( substr($mode, 0, 1) == "a" )
+ fill_file($file_handle, $type, 10);
+ //close the file
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // creating the sym link
+ var_dump( symlink($file_name, $symlink_name) );
+ $file_handle = fopen($symlink_name, $mode);
+ if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open link $symlink_name");
+ // filling data into the file
+ var_dump( fill_file($file_handle, $type, 50) );
+ var_dump( fflush($file_handle) );
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // reading the data from the file
+ var_dump( readfile($symlink_name) );
+ unlink($symlink_name);
+ unlink($file_name);
+ }
+ $count++;
+echo "\n*** Done ***";
+*** Testing fflush(): with soft links to files opened in diff modes ***
+-- Iteration 1 with file containing empty data --
+-- link opened in w mode --
+-- link opened in wb mode --
+-- link opened in wt mode --
+-- link opened in w+ mode --
+-- link opened in w+b mode --
+-- link opened in w+t mode --
+-- link opened in a mode --
+-- link opened in ab mode --
+-- link opened in at mode --
+-- link opened in a+ mode --
+-- link opened in a+b mode --
+-- link opened in a+t mode --
+-- Iteration 2 with file containing numeric data --
+-- link opened in w mode --
+-- link opened in wb mode --
+-- link opened in wt mode --
+-- link opened in w+ mode --
+-- link opened in w+b mode --
+-- link opened in w+t mode --
+-- link opened in a mode --
+-- link opened in ab mode --
+-- link opened in at mode --
+-- link opened in a+ mode --
+-- link opened in a+b mode --
+-- link opened in a+t mode --
+-- Iteration 3 with file containing text data --
+-- link opened in w mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in wb mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in wt mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in w+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in w+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in w+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in a mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- link opened in ab mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- link opened in at mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- link opened in a+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- link opened in a+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- link opened in a+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- Iteration 4 with file containing text_with_new_line data --
+-- link opened in w mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in wb mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in wt mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in w+ mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in w+b mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in w+t mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in a mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- link opened in ab mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- link opened in at mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- link opened in a+ mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- link opened in a+b mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- link opened in a+t mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- Iteration 5 with file containing alphanumeric data --
+-- link opened in w mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in wb mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in wt mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in w+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in w+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in w+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in a mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- link opened in ab mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- link opened in at mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- link opened in a+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- link opened in a+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- link opened in a+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+*** Done ***
+*** Testing fflush(): with soft links to files opened in diff modes ***
+-- Iteration 1 with file containing empty data --
+-- link opened in w mode --
+-- link opened in wb mode --
+-- link opened in wt mode --
+-- link opened in w+ mode --
+-- link opened in w+b mode --
+-- link opened in w+t mode --
+-- link opened in a mode --
+-- link opened in ab mode --
+-- link opened in at mode --
+-- link opened in a+ mode --
+-- link opened in a+b mode --
+-- link opened in a+t mode --
+-- Iteration 2 with file containing numeric data --
+-- link opened in w mode --
+-- link opened in wb mode --
+-- link opened in wt mode --
+-- link opened in w+ mode --
+-- link opened in w+b mode --
+-- link opened in w+t mode --
+-- link opened in a mode --
+-- link opened in ab mode --
+-- link opened in at mode --
+-- link opened in a+ mode --
+-- link opened in a+b mode --
+-- link opened in a+t mode --
+-- Iteration 3 with file containing text data --
+-- link opened in w mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in wb mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in wt mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in w+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in w+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in w+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+-- link opened in a mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- link opened in ab mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- link opened in at mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- link opened in a+ mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- link opened in a+b mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- link opened in a+t mode --
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- Iteration 4 with file containing text_with_new_line data --
+-- link opened in w mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in wb mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in wt mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in w+ mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in w+b mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in w+t mode --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+-- link opened in a mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- link opened in ab mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- link opened in at mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- link opened in a+ mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- link opened in a+b mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- link opened in a+t mode --
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- Iteration 5 with file containing alphanumeric data --
+-- link opened in w mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in wb mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in wt mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in w+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in w+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in w+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+-- link opened in a mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- link opened in ab mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- link opened in at mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- link opened in a+ mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- link opened in a+b mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+-- link opened in a+t mode --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+*** Done ***
--- /dev/null
+Test fflush() function: usage variations - hard links as resource
+if( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN')
+ die("skip Links not valid on Windows");
+/* Prototype: bool fflush ( resource $handle );
+ Description: Flushes the output to a file
+/* test fflush() with handle to hard links as resource */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+require $file_path.'/file.inc';
+echo "*** Testing fflush(): with hard links to files opened in diff modes ***\n";
+$file_types = array("empty", "numeric", "text", "text_with_new_line", "alphanumeric");
+$file_modes = array("w", "wb", "wt", "w+", "w+b","w+t",
+ "a", "ab", "at", "a+","a+b", "a+t");
+$file_name = "$file_path/fflush_variation3.tmp";
+$link_name = "$file_path/lnk_fflush_variation3.tmp";
+$count = 1;
+foreach( $file_types as $type ) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $count with file containing $type data --\n";
+ foreach( $file_modes as $mode ) {
+ // creating the file
+ $file_handle = fopen($file_name, "w");
+ if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open file $file_name");
+ // fill the fill with some data if mode is append mode
+ if( substr($mode, 0, 1) == "a" )
+ fill_file($file_handle, $type, 10);
+ // fclose($file_handle);
+ // creating hard link to the file
+ var_dump( link($file_name, $link_name) );
+ // opening the file in different modes
+ $file_handle = fopen($link_name, $mode);
+ if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open link $link_name");
+ // writing data to the file
+ var_dump( fill_file($file_handle, $type, 50) );
+ var_dump( fflush($file_handle) );
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // reading data from the file after flushing
+ var_dump( readfile($link_name) );
+ unlink($link_name);
+ unlink($file_name);
+ }
+ $count++;
+echo "\n*** Done ***";
+*** Testing fflush(): with hard links to files opened in diff modes ***
+-- Iteration 1 with file containing empty data --
+-- Iteration 2 with file containing numeric data --
+-- Iteration 3 with file containing text data --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- Iteration 4 with file containing text_with_new_line data --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- Iteration 5 with file containing alphanumeric data --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+*** Done ***
+*** Testing fflush(): with hard links to files opened in diff modes ***
+-- Iteration 1 with file containing empty data --
+-- Iteration 2 with file containing numeric data --
+-- Iteration 3 with file containing text data --
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text int(50)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+text text text text text text text text text text text text int(60)
+-- Iteration 4 with file containing text_with_new_line data --
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(50)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+line line
+line of text
+line of text
+line of tint(60)
+-- Iteration 5 with file containing alphanumeric data --
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(50)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 ab12 int(60)
+*** Done ***
--- /dev/null
+Test fflush() function: usage variations - file opened in read-only mode
+/* Prototype: bool fflush ( resource $handle );
+ Description: Flushes the output to a file
+/* test fflush() with handle to a file opened in read-only mode as resource */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+require $file_path.'/file.inc';
+echo "*** Testing fflush(): with file handles of files opened in various read modes ***\n";
+$file_modes = array("r", "rb", "rt");
+$file_name = "$file_path/fflush_variation4.tmp";
+$count = 1;
+foreach( $file_modes as $mode ) {
+ echo "-- Iteration $count with file opened in $mode mode --\n";
+ // creating a file
+ $file_handle = fopen($file_name, "w");
+ if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open file $file_name");
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ // opening the file in different read modes
+ $file_handle = fopen($file_name, $mode);
+ if($file_handle == false)
+ exit("Error:failed to open file $file_name");
+ var_dump( fflush($file_handle) );
+ fclose($file_handle);
+ unlink($file_name);
+ $count++;
+echo "\n*** Done ***";
+*** Testing fflush(): with file handles of files opened in various read modes ***
+-- Iteration 1 with file opened in r mode --
+-- Iteration 2 with file opened in rb mode --
+-- Iteration 3 with file opened in rt mode --
+*** Done ***
+*** Testing fflush(): with file handles of files opened in various read modes ***
+-- Iteration 1 with file opened in r mode --
+-- Iteration 2 with file opened in rb mode --
+-- Iteration 3 with file opened in rt mode --
+*** Done ***