--- /dev/null
+This is an implementation of RD-tree data structure using GiST interface
+of PostgreSQL. It has built-in lossy compression - must be declared
+in index creation - with (islossy). Current implementation has index support
+for one-dimensional array of int4's.
+All works was done by Teodor Sigaev (teodor@stack.net) and Oleg Bartunov
+ gmake
+ gmake install
+ -- load functions
+ psql <database> < _int.sql
+ create table message (mid int not null,sections int[]);
+ create table message_section_map (mid int not null,sid int not null);
+ -- create indices
+CREATE unique index message_key on message ( mid );
+CREATE unique index message_section_map_key2 on message_section_map (sid, mid );
+CREATE INDEX message_rdtree_idx on message using gist ( sections ) with ( islossy );
+ -- select some messages with section in 1 OR 2 - OVERLAP operator
+ select message.mid from message where message.sections && '{1,2}';
+ -- select messages contains in sections 1 AND 2 - CONTAINS operator
+ select message.mid from message where message.sections @ '{1,2}';
+ -- the same, CONTAINED operator
+ select message.mid from message where '{1,2}' ~ message.sections;
+ subdirectory test contains test suite.
+ cd ./test
+ 1. createdb TEST
+ 2. psql TEST < ../_int.sql
+ 3. ./create_test.pl | psql TEST
+ 4. ./bench.pl - perl script to benchmark queries, supports OR, AND queries
+ with/without RD-Tree. Run script without arguments to
+ see availbale options.
+ a)test without RD-Tree (OR)
+ ./bench.pl -d TEST -s 1,2 -v
+ b)test with RD-Tree
+ ./bench.pl -d TEST -s 1,2 -v -r
+Size of table <message>: 200000
+Size of table <message_section_map>: 268538
+Distribution of messages by sections:
+section 0: 73899 messages
+section 1: 16298 messages
+section 50: 1241 messages
+section 99: 705 messages
+old - without RD-Tree support,
+new - with RD-Tree
+|Search set|OR, time in sec|AND, time in sec|
+| +-------+-------+--------+-------+
+| | old | new | old | new |
+| 1| 1.427| 0.215| -| -|
+| 99| 1.029| 0.018| -| -|
+| 1,2| 1.829| 0.334| 5.654| 0.042|
+| 1,2,50,60| 2.057| 0.359| 5.044| 0.007|
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Hiroshi Inoue
+From pgsql-hackers-owner+M3050@postgresql.org Thu Jan 11 21:49:43 2001
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+Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 18:48:36 PST
+From: Jeff Davis <jdavis@dynworks.com>
+To: pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org
+Subject: [HACKERS] alter table drop column
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+I read the transcript of the alter table drop column discussion (old
+discussion) at http://www.postgresql.org/docs/pgsql/doc/TODO.detail/drop,
+and I have something to add:
+People mentioned such ideas as a hidden column and a really deleted column,
+and it occurred to me that perhaps "vacuum" would be a good option to use.
+When a delete was issued, the column would be hidden (by a negative/invalid
+logical column number, it appears was the consensus). Upon issuing a
+vacuum, it could perform a complete deletion. This method would allow users
+to know that the process may take a while (I think the agreed method for a
+complete delete was to "select into..." the right columns and leave out the
+deleted ones, then delete the old table).
+Furthermore, I liked the idea of some kind of "undelete", as long as it was
+just hidden. This could apply to anything that is cleaned out with a vacuum
+(before it is cleaned out), although I am not sure how feasible this is,
+and it isn't particularly important to me.
+ Jeff
+Jeff Davis
+Dynamic Works