-/// \brief Add definitions required for a smooth interaction between
-/// Objective-C++ automatic reference counting and libc++.
-static void AddObjCXXARCLibcxxDefines(const LangOptions &LangOpts,
- MacroBuilder &Builder) {
- std::string Result;
- {
- // Provide overloads of the function std::__1::addressof() that accept
- // references to lifetime-qualified objects. libc++'s (more general)
- // std::__1::addressof() template fails to instantiate with such types,
- // because it attempts to convert the object to a char& before
- // dereferencing.
- llvm::raw_string_ostream Out(Result);
- Out << "#pragma clang diagnostic push\n"
- << "#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wc++0x-extensions\"\n"
- << "namespace std { inline namespace __1 {\n"
- << "\n";
- Out << "template <class _Tp>\n"
- << "inline __attribute__ ((__visibility__(\"hidden\"), "
- << "__always_inline__))\n"
- << "__attribute__((objc_ownership(strong))) _Tp*\n"
- << "addressof(__attribute__((objc_ownership(strong))) _Tp& __x) {\n"
- << " return &__x;\n"
- << "}\n"
- << "\n";
- if (LangOpts.ObjCRuntimeHasWeak) {
- Out << "template <class _Tp>\n"
- << "inline __attribute__ ((__visibility__(\"hidden\"),"
- << "__always_inline__))\n"
- << "__attribute__((objc_ownership(weak))) _Tp*\n"
- << "addressof(__attribute__((objc_ownership(weak))) _Tp& __x) {\n"
- << " return &__x;\n"
- << "};\n"
- << "\n";
- }
- Out << "template <class _Tp>\n"
- << "inline __attribute__ ((__visibility__(\"hidden\"),"
- << "__always_inline__))\n"
- << "__attribute__((objc_ownership(autoreleasing))) _Tp*\n"
- << "addressof(__attribute__((objc_ownership(autoreleasing))) _Tp& __x) "
- << "{\n"
- << " return &__x;\n"
- << "}\n"
- << "\n";
- Out << "template <class _Tp>\n"
- << "inline __attribute__ ((__visibility__(\"hidden\"), "
- << "__always_inline__))\n"
- << "__unsafe_unretained _Tp* addressof(__unsafe_unretained _Tp& __x)"
- << " {\n"
- << " return &__x;\n"
- << "}\n";
- Out << "\n"
- << "} }\n"
- << "#pragma clang diagnostic pop\n"
- << "\n";
- }
- Builder.append(Result);
/// \brief Add definitions required for a smooth interaction between
/// Objective-C++ automated reference counting and libstdc++ (4.2).
static void AddObjCXXARCLibstdcxxDefines(const LangOptions &LangOpts,
if (LangOpts.ObjC1 && LangOpts.CPlusPlus && LangOpts.ObjCAutoRefCount) {
switch (InitOpts.ObjCXXARCStandardLibrary) {
case ARCXX_nolib:
- break;
- case ARCXX_libcxx:
- AddObjCXXARCLibcxxDefines(LangOpts, Builder);
+ case ARCXX_libcxx:
case ARCXX_libstdcxx:
+++ /dev/null
-// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -fobjc-arc -fobjc-arc-cxxlib=libc++ -fobjc-nonfragile-abi -fobjc-runtime-has-weak -verify %s
-@interface A @end
-void f(__strong id &sir, __weak id &wir, __autoreleasing id &air,
- __unsafe_unretained id &uir) {
- __strong id *sip = std::addressof(sir);
- __weak id *wip = std::addressof(wir);
- __autoreleasing id *aip = std::addressof(air);
- __unsafe_unretained id *uip = std::addressof(uir);