<DT><A NAME=d:mode HREF=#a:mode><STRONG>mode</STRONG></A>
<DD> Technique for optimizing the layout. For neato, if <B>mode</B> is <TT>"major"</TT>,
neato uses stress majorization. If <B>mode</B> is <TT>"KK"</TT>,
- neato uses a version of the gradient descent method. The only advantage
+ neato uses a version of the gradient descent method. The only advantages
to the latter technique is that it is sometimes appreciably faster for
- small (number of nodes < 100) graphs. A significant disadvantage is that
- it may cycle.
+ small (number of nodes < 100) graphs, and it works much better with pinned nodes.
+ A disadvantage is that it may cycle.
There are two experimental modes in neato, "hier", which adds a top-down
directionality similar to the layout used in dot, and "ipsep", which
<TR><TD align=center>360<TD><IMG SRC="g_lin360.png"><TD><IMG SRC="g_rad360.png"></TR>
+<DT><A NAME=k:colorValList><STRONG>colorValList</STRONG></A>
+<DD>A colon-separated list of color-value pairs: <I>CV</I>(:<I>CV</I>)*
+ where each <I>CV</I> has the form <A HREF=#k:color>color</A>(;v)* and v is an optional non-negative double.
+ The sum of all the v's must be less than or equal to 1. Semantically, such as list is used to specify the
+ proportion of each color used.
+ <P>
+ If the sum of the doubles is strictly less than 1, then the remainder is distributed equally among each
+ color without an explicit value or, if there are none, added to the last color.
+ As an example, the list<BR>
+ <TT>blue:#ff0000;.3:0.482 0.714 0.878:brown;.2</TT>
+ is equivalent to<BR>
+ <TT>blue;2.5:#ff0000;.3:0.482 0.714 0.878;2.5:brown;.2</TT>
<DT><A NAME=k:dirType><STRONG>dirType</STRONG></A>
<DD>For an edge <CODE>T -> H;</CODE>
The styles "filled" and "rounded" are recognized for clusters.
The style "radial" is recognized for nodes, clusters and graphs, and indicates a
radial-style gradient fill if applicable.
+ <P>
+ For non-rounded clusters and rectangular nodes, the style "striped" is also supported,
+ as is the the style "wedged" for elliptical and circular nodes. In these cases, the relevant
+ fill color attribute (<A HREF=#d:fillcolor>fillcolor</A>, <A HREF=#d:bgcolor>bgcolor</A> or <A HREF=#d:color>color</A>)
+ may have the type <A HREF=#k:colorValList>colorValList</A>.
+ For the "striped" style, the object's rectangle is filled with
+ multiple vertical stripes, the colors and proportions being determined the colorValList.
+ For the "wedged" style, the node's elliptical shape is filled with
+ multiple wedges, producing a "pie chart" effect.
+ <P>
+ Examples:<BR>
+ <TABLE border=1>
+ <TR><TH>Style<TH>Node<TH>Edge<TH>Cluster</TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >dashed<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_dashed.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_e_dashed.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_dashed.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >dotted<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_dotted.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_e_dotted.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_dotted.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >solid<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_solid.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_e_solid.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_solid.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >bold<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_bold.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_e_bold.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_bold.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >tapered<TD> <TD><IMG SRC="s_e_tapered.png"><TD> </TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >diagonals<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_diagonals.png"><TD> <TD> </TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >rounded<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_rounded.png"><TD><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_rounded.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >filled<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_filled.png"><TD><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_filled.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >striped<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_striped.png"><TD><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_striped.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >wedged<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_wedged.png"><TD><TD></TR>
+ </TABLE>
+ The style "invis" indicates that the object is not drawn.
+ Examples of the gradient and radial styles are shown in the <A HREF=#k:colorList>colorList</A> entry above.
+ <P>
Additional styles are available in
device-dependent form. Style lists are passed to device drivers, which
can use this to generate appropriate output.
GRADPNG = g_lin0.png g_rad0.png g_lin45.png g_rad45.png g_lin90.png g_rad90.png \
g_lin180.png g_rad180.png g_lin270.png g_rad270.png g_lin360.png g_rad360.png
-MPNG = plugins.png sdlshapes.png $(GRADPNG)
+STYLEPNG = s_n_dashed.png s_e_dashed.png s_c_dashed.png s_n_dotted.png s_e_dotted.png s_c_dotted.png \
+ s_n_solid.png s_e_solid.png s_c_solid.png s_n_bold.png s_e_bold.png s_c_bold.png \
+ s_e_tapered.png s_n_diagonals.png s_n_rounded.png s_c_rounded.png s_n_filled.png \
+ s_c_filled.png s_n_striped.png s_c_striped.png s_n_wedged.png
+MPNG = plugins.png sdlshapes.png $(GRADPNG) $(STYLEPNG)
SGIF = Mcircle.gif Mdiamond.gif Msquare.gif box.gif \
circle.gif diamond.gif doublecircle.gif \
./mkgrads.sh $@
+ ./mkstyles.sh $@
clean :
rm -f mklang sdlshapes.ps sdlshapes.ppm html.html
:mode:G:string:major; neato
Technique for optimizing the layout. For neato, if <B>mode</B> is <TT>"major"</TT>,
neato uses stress majorization. If <B>mode</B> is <TT>"KK"</TT>,
-neato uses a version of the gradient descent method. The only advantage
+neato uses a version of the gradient descent method. The only advantages
to the latter technique is that it is sometimes appreciably faster for
-small (number of nodes < 100) graphs. A significant disadvantage is that
-it may cycle.
+small (number of nodes < 100) graphs, and it works much better with pinned nodes.
+A disadvantage is that it may cycle.
There are two experimental modes in neato, "hier", which adds a top-down
directionality similar to the layout used in dot, and "ipsep", which
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/ksh
+# usage: mkstyles.sh <styles>
+# where gradient has the form s_<o>_<style>.fmt
+# where .fmt gives the desired output format.
+if (( $# == 0 ))
+ echo "mkstyles: missing style name argument"
+ exit 1
+TGT=$1 # s_o_style.fmt
+BASE=${1%.*} # s_o_style
+FMT=${1#$BASE.} # fmt
+F=$BASE.gv # s_o_style.gv
+OBJ=${BASE%_*} # s_e,s_n or s_c
+STYLE=${BASE#${OBJ}_} # style
+case "$STYLE" in
+ filled* )
+ COLOR="fillcolor=lightblue"
+ ;;
+ striped* )
+ COLOR="fillcolor=\"blue:red;.3:yellow:green;.2\""
+ SHAPE="shape=box"
+ ;;
+ rounded* | diagon* )
+ SHAPE="shape=box"
+ ;;
+ wedged* )
+ COLOR="fillcolor=\"blue:red;.3:yellow:green;.2\""
+ ;;
+exec 3> $F
+echo "graph G {" >&3
+case "$OBJ" in
+ s_n* )
+ echo " A[$SHAPE style=$STYLE $COLOR label=\"\"]" >&3
+ ;;
+ s_e* )
+ echo " rankdir=LR" >&3
+ echo " node[shape=point]" >&3
+ echo " edge[dir=forward arrowhead=none style=$STYLE]" >&3
+ echo " a -- b " >&3
+ ;;
+ s_c* )
+ echo " node[style=filled label=\"\"]" >&3
+ echo " subgraph cluster0 {" >&3
+ echo " $COLOR" >&3
+ echo " style=$STYLE" >&3
+ echo " H " >&3
+ echo " }" >&3
+ ;;
+echo "}" >&3
+exec 3>&-
+ dot -T$FMT $F > $TGT
+ rm -f $F
<TR><TD align=center>270<TD><IMG SRC="g_lin270.png"><TD><IMG SRC="g_rad270.png"></TR>
<TR><TD align=center>360<TD><IMG SRC="g_lin360.png"><TD><IMG SRC="g_rad360.png"></TR>
+A colon-separated list of color-value pairs: <I>CV</I>(:<I>CV</I>)*
+ where each <I>CV</I> has the form <A HREF=#k:color>color</A>(;v)* and v is an optional non-negative double.
+The sum of all the v's must be less than or equal to 1. Semantically, such as list is used to specify the
+proportion of each color used.
+If the sum of the doubles is strictly less than 1, then the remainder is distributed equally among each
+color without an explicit value or, if there are none, added to the last color.
+As an example, the list<BR>
+<TT>blue:#ff0000;.3:0.482 0.714 0.878:brown;.2</TT>
+is equivalent to<BR>
+<TT>blue;2.5:#ff0000;.3:0.482 0.714 0.878;2.5:brown;.2</TT>
For an edge <CODE>T -> H;</CODE>
The styles "filled" and "rounded" are recognized for clusters.
The style "radial" is recognized for nodes, clusters and graphs, and indicates a
radial-style gradient fill if applicable.
+For non-rounded clusters and rectangular nodes, the style "striped" is also supported,
+as is the the style "wedged" for elliptical and circular nodes. In these cases, the relevant
+fill color attribute (<A HREF=#d:fillcolor>fillcolor</A>, <A HREF=#d:bgcolor>bgcolor</A> or <A HREF=#d:color>color</A>)
+may have the type <A HREF=#k:colorValList>colorValList</A>.
+For the "striped" style, the object's rectangle is filled with
+multiple vertical stripes, the colors and proportions being determined the colorValList.
+For the "wedged" style, the node's elliptical shape is filled with
+multiple wedges, producing a "pie chart" effect.
+ <TABLE border=1>
+ <TR><TH>Style<TH>Node<TH>Edge<TH>Cluster</TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >dashed<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_dashed.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_e_dashed.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_dashed.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >dotted<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_dotted.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_e_dotted.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_dotted.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >solid<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_solid.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_e_solid.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_solid.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >bold<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_bold.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_e_bold.png"><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_bold.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >tapered<TD> <TD><IMG SRC="s_e_tapered.png"><TD> </TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >diagonals<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_diagonals.png"><TD> <TD> </TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >rounded<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_rounded.png"><TD><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_rounded.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >filled<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_filled.png"><TD><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_filled.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >striped<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_striped.png"><TD><TD><IMG SRC="s_c_striped.png"></TR>
+ <TR><TD align=center >wedged<TD><IMG SRC="s_n_wedged.png"><TD><TD></TR>
+ </TABLE>
+The style "invis" indicates that the object is not drawn.
+Examples of the gradient and radial styles are shown in the <A HREF=#k:colorList>colorList</A> entry above.
Additional styles are available in
device-dependent form. Style lists are passed to device drivers, which
can use this to generate appropriate output.